a lot of fixes, improve visualization speed, add c++ code
diff --git a/wally/ceph.py b/wally/ceph.py
index 36d6b15..3527db3 100644
--- a/wally/ceph.py
+++ b/wally/ceph.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 """ Collect data about ceph nodes"""
-import json
+import os
 import logging
-from typing import Dict, cast, List, Set, Optional
+from typing import Dict, cast, List, Set
 from .node_interfaces import NodeInfo, IRPCNode
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
-def get_osds_info(node: IRPCNode, ceph_extra_args: str = "") -> Dict[IP, List[OSDInfo]]:
+def get_osds_info(node: IRPCNode, ceph_extra_args: str = "", thcount: int = 8) -> Dict[IP, List[OSDInfo]]:
     """Get set of osd's ip"""
     res = {}  # type: Dict[IP, List[OSDInfo]]
     return {IP(ip): osd_info_list
-            for ip, osd_info_list in discover.get_osds_nodes(node.run, ceph_extra_args)}
+            for ip, osd_info_list in discover.get_osds_nodes(node.run, ceph_extra_args, thcount=thcount).items()}
 def get_mons_ips(node: IRPCNode, ceph_extra_args: str = "") -> Set[IP]:
     """Return mon ip set"""
-    return {IP(ip) for ip in discover.get_mons_nodes(node.run, ceph_extra_args).values()}
+    return {IP(ip) for ip, _ in discover.get_mons_nodes(node.run, ceph_extra_args).values()}
 class DiscoverCephStage(Stage):
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
     def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
         """Return list of ceph's nodes NodeInfo"""
-        if 'ceph' not in ctx.config.discovery:
+        if 'ceph' not in ctx.config.discover:
+            print(ctx.config.discover)
             logger.debug("Skip ceph discovery due to config setting")
@@ -48,11 +49,11 @@
             logger.debug("Skip ceph discovery, use previously discovered nodes")
-        if 'metadata' in ctx.config.discovery:
+        if 'metadata' in ctx.config.discover:
             logger.exception("Ceph metadata discovery is not implemented")
             raise StopTestError()
-        ignore_errors = 'ignore_errors' in ctx.config.discovery
+        ignore_errors = 'ignore_errors' in ctx.config.discover
         ceph = ctx.config.ceph
         root_node_uri = cast(str, ceph.root_node)
         cluster = ceph.get("cluster", "ceph")
@@ -81,18 +82,31 @@
         ceph_params = {"cluster": cluster, "conf": conf, "key": key}
+        ip_remap = {
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+            '': '',
+        }
         with setup_rpc(connect(info), ctx.rpc_code, ctx.default_rpc_plugins,
                        log_level=ctx.config.rpc_log_level) as node:
-            ssh_key = node.get_file_content("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
+            # ssh_key = node.get_file_content("~/.ssh/id_rsa", expanduser=True)
                 ips = set()
-                for ip, osds_info in get_osds_info(node, ceph_extra_args).items():
+                for ip, osds_info in get_osds_info(node, ceph_extra_args, thcount=16).items():
+                    ip = ip_remap[ip]
-                    creds = ConnCreds(to_ip(cast(str, ip)), user="root", key=ssh_key)
+                    # creds = ConnCreds(to_ip(cast(str, ip)), user="root", key=ssh_key)
+                    creds = ConnCreds(to_ip(cast(str, ip)), user="root")
                     info = ctx.merge_node(creds, {'ceph-osd'})
-                    info.params.setdefault('ceph-osds', []).extend(osds_info)
+                    info.params.setdefault('ceph-osds', []).extend(info.__dict__.copy() for info in osds_info)
                     assert 'ceph' not in info.params or info.params['ceph'] == ceph_params
                     info.params['ceph'] = ceph_params
@@ -107,7 +121,9 @@
                 counter = 0
                 for counter, ip in enumerate(get_mons_ips(node, ceph_extra_args)):
-                    creds = ConnCreds(to_ip(cast(str, ip)), user="root", key=ssh_key)
+                    ip = ip_remap[ip]
+                    # creds = ConnCreds(to_ip(cast(str, ip)), user="root", key=ssh_key)
+                    creds = ConnCreds(to_ip(cast(str, ip)), user="root")
                     info = ctx.merge_node(creds, {'ceph-mon'})
                     assert 'ceph' not in info.params or info.params['ceph'] == ceph_params
                     info.params['ceph'] = ceph_params
@@ -118,3 +134,33 @@
                     raise StopTestError()
                     logger.warning("MON discovery failed %s", exc)
+def raw_dev_name(path):
+    if path.startswith("/dev/"):
+        path = path[5:]
+    while path and path[-1].isdigit():
+        path = path[:-1]
+    return path
+class FillCephInfoStage(Stage):
+    config_block = 'ceph'
+    priority = StepOrder.UPDATE_NODES_INFO
+    def run(self, ctx: TestRun) -> None:
+        for node in ctx.nodes:
+            if 'ceph_storage_devs' not in node.info.params:
+                if 'ceph-osd' in node.info.roles:
+                    jdevs = set()
+                    sdevs = set()
+                    for osd_info in node.info.params['ceph-osds']:
+                        for key, sset in [('journal', jdevs), ('storage', sdevs)]:
+                            path = osd_info.get(key)
+                            if path:
+                                dpath = node.conn.fs.get_dev_for_file(path)
+                                if isinstance(dpath, bytes):
+                                    dpath = dpath.decode('utf8')
+                                sset.add(raw_dev_name(dpath))
+                    node.info.params['ceph_storage_devs'] = list(sdevs)
+                    node.info.params['ceph_journal_devs'] = list(jdevs)