fixes in ceph tests, add linearity plot
diff --git a/configs/ceph_perf.yaml b/configs/ceph_perf.yaml
index c8466c1..17b95d3 100644
--- a/configs/ceph_perf.yaml
+++ b/configs/ceph_perf.yaml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     - start_test_nodes:
             creds: /tmp/perf_tests/personalistic_sharron/test_openrc
-            count: x4
+            count: x1
             cfg_name: wally_1024
             network_zone_name: net04
             flt_ip_pool: net04_ext
diff --git a/configs/config_ada.yaml b/configs/config_ada.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dbfada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/config_ada.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+    roles_mapping:
+        testnode: system-cpu, block-io
+        compute: system-cpu
+        ceph-osd: system-cpu, block-io
+    var_dir_root: /tmp/perf_tests
+    # "ssh://ubuntu@": testnode
+    # "ssh://ubuntu@": testnode
+    # "ssh://ubuntu@": testnode
+    # "ssh://ubuntu@": testnode
+    # "ssh://ubuntu@": testnode
+    # "ssh://ubuntu@": testnode
+    "ssh://node-8": compute
+    "ssh://node-9": compute
+    "ssh://node-10": compute
+    "ssh://node-5": ceph-osd
+    "ssh://node-7": ceph-osd
+    "ssh://node-13": ceph-osd
+    wally_1024:
+        image:
+            name: wally_ubuntu
+            url:
+            creds: "ssh://ubuntu@{ip}::{private_key_path}"
+        flavor:
+            name: wally_1024
+            hdd_size: 50
+            ram_size: 1024
+            cpu_count: 1
+        vol_sz: 30
+        keypair_name: wally_vm_key
+        name_templ: wally-{group}-{id}
+        aa_group_name: wally-aa-{0}
+        security_group: wally_ssh_to_everyone
+    - start_test_nodes:
+        openstack:
+            creds: ENV
+            count: x1
+            cfg_name: wally_1024
+            network_zone_name: net04
+            flt_ip_pool: net04_ext
+        tests:
+            - io:
+                cfg: ceph
+                params:
+                    FILENAME: /dev/vdb
+                    NUM_ROUNDS: 7
+    extra_logs: 1
diff --git a/wally/ b/scripts/
similarity index 100%
rename from wally/
rename to scripts/
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index 2ab4664..ea8e943 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import os
+import math
 import bisect
 import logging
@@ -39,58 +40,67 @@
     return closure
-# def linearity_report(processed_results, path, lab_info):
-#     names = {}
-#     for tp1 in ('rand', 'seq'):
-#         for oper in ('read', 'write'):
-#             for sync in ('sync', 'direct', 'async'):
-#                 sq = (tp1, oper, sync)
-#                 name = "{0} {1} {2}".format(*sq)
-#                 names["".join(word[0] for word in sq)] = name
+def linearity_report(processed_results, path, lab_info):
+    names = {}
+    for tp1 in ('rand', 'seq'):
+        for oper in ('read', 'write'):
+            for sync in ('sync', 'direct', 'async'):
+                sq = (tp1, oper, sync)
+                name = "{0} {1} {2}".format(*sq)
+                names["".join(word[0] for word in sq)] = name
-#     colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan',
-#               'magenta', 'black', 'yellow', 'burlywood']
-#     markers = ['*', '^', 'x', 'o', '+', '.']
-#     color = 0
-#     marker = 0
+    colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan',
+              'magenta', 'black', 'yellow', 'burlywood']
+    markers = ['*', '^', 'x', 'o', '+', '.']
+    color = 0
+    marker = 0
-#     name_pref = 'linearity_test_'
-#     plot_data = []
+    plot_data = {}
-#     x = []
-#     y = []
-#     e = []
-#     # values to make line
-#     ax = []
-#     ay = []
+    name_pref = 'linearity_test_rrd'
-#     for res in processed_results.values():
-#         if
-#             res
+    for res in processed_results.values():
+        if
+            iotime = 1000000. / res.iops
+            iotime_max = iotime * (1 + * 3)
+            bsize = ssize_to_b(res.raw['blocksize'])
+            plot_data[bsize] = (iotime, iotime_max)
-#     for sz, med, dev in sorted(filtered_data(data)):
-#         iotime_ms = 1000. // med
-#         iotime_max = 1000. // (med - dev * 3)
+    min_sz = min(plot_data)
+    min_iotime, _ = plot_data.pop(min_sz)
-#         x.append(sz / 1024.0)
-#         y.append(iotime_ms)
-#         e.append(iotime_max - iotime_ms)
-#         if vals is None or sz in vals:
-#             ax.append(sz / 1024.0)
-#             ay.append(iotime_ms)
+    x = []
+    y = []
+    e = []
-#     plt.errorbar(x, y, e, linestyle='None', label=names[tp],
-#                  color=colors[color], ecolor="black",
-#                  marker=markers[marker])
-#     ynew = approximate_line(ax, ay, ax, True)
-#     plt.plot(ax, ynew, color=colors[color])
-#     color += 1
-#     marker += 1
-#     plt.legend(loc=2)
-#     plt.title("Linearity test by %i dots" % (len(vals)))
-# if plt:
-#     linearity_report = report('linearity',
-#    'linearity_test')(linearity_report)
+    for k, (v, vmax) in sorted(plot_data.items()):
+        # y.append(math.log10(v - min_iotime))
+        # x.append(math.log10(k))
+        # e.append(y[-1] - math.log10(vmax - min_iotime))
+        y.append(v - min_iotime)
+        x.append(k)
+        e.append(y[-1] - (vmax - min_iotime))
+    print e
+    tp = 'rrd'
+    plt.errorbar(x, y, e, linestyle='None', label=names[tp],
+                 color=colors[color], ecolor="black",
+                 marker=markers[marker])
+    plt.yscale('log')
+    plt.xscale('log')
+    # ynew = approximate_line(ax, ay, ax, True)
+    # plt.plot(ax, ynew, color=colors[color])
+    # color += 1
+    # marker += 1
+    # plt.legend(loc=2)
+    # plt.title("Linearity test by %i dots" % (len(vals)))
+if plt:
+    linearity_report = report('linearity', 'linearity_test')(linearity_report)
 def render_hdd_html(dest, info, lab_description):
@@ -288,14 +298,19 @@
 def make_io_report(results, path, lab_url=None, creds=None):
-    if lab_url is not None:
-        username, password, tenant_name = parse_creds(creds)
-        creds = {'username': username,
-                 'password': password,
-                 "tenant_name": tenant_name}
-        data = collect_lab_data(lab_url, creds)
-        lab_info = total_lab_info(data)
-    else:
+    lab_info = None
+    # if lab_url is not None:
+    #     username, password, tenant_name = parse_creds(creds)
+    #     creds = {'username': username,
+    #              'password': password,
+    #              "tenant_name": tenant_name}
+    #     try:
+    #         data = collect_lab_data(lab_url, creds)
+    #         lab_info = total_lab_info(data)
+    #     except Exception as exc:
+    #         logger.warning("Can't collect lab data: {0!s}".format(exc))
+    if lab_info is None:
         lab_info = {
             "total_disk": "None",
             "total_memory": "None",
diff --git a/wally/sensors.html b/wally/sensors/webui/sensors.html
similarity index 100%
rename from wally/sensors.html
rename to wally/sensors/webui/sensors.html
diff --git a/wally/suits/io/ceph.cfg b/wally/suits/io/ceph.cfg
index 9e98dd6..c9b2f53 100644
--- a/wally/suits/io/ceph.cfg
+++ b/wally/suits/io/ceph.cfg
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 NUMJOBS_SHORT={% 1, 5, 10 %}
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 # check different thread count, sync mode. (latency, iops) = func(th_count)
diff --git a/wally/suits/io/ b/wally/suits/io/
index 102fe4c..4dff186 100644
--- a/wally/suits/io/
+++ b/wally/suits/io/
@@ -34,14 +34,9 @@
             assert len(results['bw']) % vm_count == 0
             block_count = len(results['bw']) // vm_count
-            # print
-            # print name, block_count
-            # print results['bw']
-            # print split_and_add(results['bw'], block_count)
             bw, bw_dev = med_dev(split_and_add(results['bw'], block_count))
-            iops, iops_dev = med_dev(split_and_add(results['iops'],
-                                                   block_count))
+            iops, _ = med_dev(split_and_add(results['iops'],
+                                            block_count))
             lat, lat_dev = med_dev(results['lat'])
             dev = bw_dev / float(bw)
             data[name] = PerfInfo(name, bw, iops, dev, lat, lat_dev, results,
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index 36601cd..8603f58 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@
 def ssize_to_b(ssize):
-        ssize = ssize.lower()
+        if isinstance(ssize, (int, long)):
+            return ssize
-        if ssize.endswith("b"):
-            ssize = ssize[:-1]
+        ssize = ssize.lower()
         if ssize[-1] in SMAP:
             return int(ssize[:-1]) * SMAP[ssize[-1]]
         return int(ssize)
diff --git a/wally/ b/web_app/
similarity index 100%
rename from wally/
rename to web_app/