add resutls
diff --git a/results/results_perf_group_2.txt b/results/results_perf_group_2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbafe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/results/results_perf_group_2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+The program 'ash' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
+sudo apt-get install ash
++ set -e
++ type=iozone
++ bsizes='1k 4k 64k 256k 1m'
++ ops='write randwrite'
++ osync='s a'
++ three_times='1 2 3'
++ for bsize in '$bsizes'
++ for op in '$ops'
++ for sync in '$osync'
++ for xxx in '$three_times'
++ [[ s == \s ]]
++ ssync=-s
++ factor=x500
++ io_opts='--type iozone -a write --iodepth 16 --blocksize 1k --iosize x500 -s'
++ python -l -o '--type iozone -a write --iodepth 16 --blocksize 1k --iosize x500 -s' -t io-scenario iozone '--rally-extra-opts=--deployment perf-2'
+10:31:20 31634 >>>> Start rally with opts 'task start /tmp/fileaYHsj9 --deployment perf-2'
+ Preparing input task
+Input task is:
+- args:
+ flavor: {name: ceph.512}
+ floating_network: net04_ext
+ force_delete: false
+ image: {name: ubuntu}
+ interpreter: /usr/bin/env python2
+ script: /tmp/fileAWKFRy
+ username: ubuntu
+ context:
+ network: {}
+ users: {tenants: 1, users_per_tenant: 1}
+ runner: {concurrency: 3, times: 3, type: constant}
+ Task 1dfa33c1-9fbe-4488-b719-dee12cdbe8ca: started
+Benchmarking... This can take a while...
+To track task status use:
+ rally task status
+ or
+ rally task detailed
+10:33:00 31873 >>>> Start io test
+10:33:00 31873 >>>> Ready and waiting on barrier. Will wait at most 200 seconds
+10:33:01 31875 >>>> Start io test
+10:33:01 31875 >>>> Ready and waiting on barrier. Will wait at most 199 seconds
+10:36:20 31875 >>>> Barrier timeouted
+10:36:20 31873 >>>> Barrier timeouted
+10:36:46 31873 >>>> Test finished
+10:36:58 31875 >>>> Test finished
+2015-02-08 10:37:39.404 31634 WARNING rally.benchmark.context.secgroup [-] Unable to delete secgroup: 59b1db8d-45e3-44fb-ad60-bd46ad48bf6a.
+Task 1dfa33c1-9fbe-4488-b719-dee12cdbe8ca: finished
+test scenario VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete
+args position 0
+args values:
+{u'args': {u'flavor': {u'name': u'ceph.512'},
+ u'floating_network': u'net04_ext',
+ u'force_delete': False,
+ u'image': {u'name': u'ubuntu'},
+ u'interpreter': u'/usr/bin/env python2',
+ u'script': u'/tmp/fileAWKFRy',
+ u'username': u'ubuntu'},
+ u'context': {u'network': {u'networks_per_tenant': 1,
+ u'start_cidr': u''},
+ u'users': {u'project_domain': u'default',
+ u'resource_management_workers': 30,
+ u'tenants': 1,
+ u'user_domain': u'default',
+ u'users_per_tenant': 1}},
+ u'runner': {u'concurrency': 3, u'times': 3, u'type': u'constant'}}
+| action | min (sec) | avg (sec) | max (sec) | 90 percentile | 95 percentile | success | count |
+| nova.associate_floating_ip | 1.425 | 1.513 | 1.601 | 1.584 | 1.593 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| nova.boot_server | 19.171 | 19.469 | 19.767 | 19.707 | 19.737 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| nova.delete_server | 7.349 | 7.453 | 7.556 | 7.536 | 7.546 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| nova.dissociate_floating_ip | 6.385 | 6.482 | 6.579 | 6.559 | 6.569 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| total | 295.29 | 301.688 | 308.086 | 306.807 | 307.447 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| vm.run_command | 25.915 | 32.063 | 38.212 | 36.982 | 37.597 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| vm.wait_for_ping | 0.366 | 1.226 | 2.086 | 1.914 | 2.0 | 66.7% | 3 |
+| vm.wait_for_ssh | 18.783 | 20.305 | 21.827 | 21.522 | 21.674 | 66.7% | 3 |
+Load duration: 308.205312967
+Full duration: 375.246491194
+Scenario Specific Results
+| key | max | avg | min | 90 pecentile | 95 pecentile |
+| rally | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
+* To plot HTML graphics with this data, run:
+ rally task report 1dfa33c1-9fbe-4488-b719-dee12cdbe8ca --out output.html
+* To get raw JSON output of task results, run:
+ rally task results 1dfa33c1-9fbe-4488-b719-dee12cdbe8ca
+Using task: 1dfa33c1-9fbe-4488-b719-dee12cdbe8ca
+[{u'__meta__': {u'action': u'write',
+ u'blocksize': 1,
+ u'cmdline': u'/tmp/io_tool -V 109 -o -f /tmp/fileSGUQjO -i 0 -s 500 -r 1 -+n',
+ u'concurence': 1,
+ u'direct_io': False,
+ u'iodepth': 16,
+ u'size': 500,
+ u'sync': True,
+ u'use_hight_io_priority': True},
+ u'bw_mean': 25},
+ {u'__meta__': {u'action': u'write',
+ u'blocksize': 1,
+ u'cmdline': u'/tmp/io_tool -V 109 -o -f /tmp/fileakS5oi -i 0 -s 500 -r 1 -+n',
+ u'concurence': 1,
+ u'direct_io': False,
+ u'iodepth': 16,
+ u'size': 500,
+ u'sync': True,
+ u'use_hight_io_priority': True},
+ u'bw_mean': 15}]
+====> {"write s 1k": [20, 7]}
++ for xxx in '$three_times'
++ [[ s == \s ]]
++ ssync=-s
++ factor=x500
++ io_opts='--type iozone -a write --iodepth 16 --blocksize 1k --iosize x500 -s'
++ python -l -o '--type iozone -a write --iodepth 16 --blocksize 1k --iosize x500 -s' -t io-scenario iozone '--rally-extra-opts=--deployment perf-2'
+10:37:42 32523 >>>> Start rally with opts 'task start /tmp/fileOZXjOx --deployment perf-2'
+ Preparing input task
+Input task is:
+- args:
+ flavor: {name: ceph.512}
+ floating_network: net04_ext
+ force_delete: false
+ image: {name: ubuntu}
+ interpreter: /usr/bin/env python2
+ script: /tmp/fileh1ZCRx
+ username: ubuntu
+ context:
+ network: {}
+ users: {tenants: 1, users_per_tenant: 1}
+ runner: {concurrency: 3, times: 3, type: constant}
+ Task 3540ab21-a9a0-44d6-8e06-3284a1aa4824: started
+Benchmarking... This can take a while...
+To track task status use:
+ rally task status
+ or
+ rally task detailed
+10:38:42 313 >>>> Start io test
+10:38:42 313 >>>> Ready and waiting on barrier. Will wait at most 240 seconds
+10:38:48 311 >>>> Start io test
+10:38:48 311 >>>> Ready and waiting on barrier. Will wait at most 234 seconds