a lot of chenges
diff --git a/wally/sensors_utils.py b/wally/sensors_utils.py
index 65de0ef..61a5c08 100644
--- a/wally/sensors_utils.py
+++ b/wally/sensors_utils.py
@@ -1,71 +1,19 @@
-import csv
-import time
-import Queue
+import os.path
 import logging
-import threading
+import contextlib
-from wally import utils
-from wally.config import cfg_dict
-from wally.sensors.api import (start_listener_thread,
-                               deploy_and_start_sensors,
-                               SensorConfig,
-                               stop_and_remove_sensors)
+from wally.sensors.api import (with_sensors, sensors_info, SensorConfig)
 logger = logging.getLogger("wally.sensors")
-DEFAULT_RECEIVER_URL = "udp://{ip}:5699"
-def save_sensors_data(data_q, mon_q, fd, data_store, source2roles_map):
-    fd.write("\n")
-    observed_nodes = set()
-    fields_list_for_nodes = {}
-    required_keys = set(['time', 'source_id', 'hostname'])
-    try:
-        csv_fd = csv.writer(fd)
-        while True:
-            val = data_q.get()
-            if val is None:
-                break
-            addr, data = val
-            if addr not in observed_nodes:
-                mon_q.put(addr + (data['source_id'],))
-                observed_nodes.add(addr)
-                keys = set(data)
-                assert required_keys.issubset(keys)
-                keys -= required_keys
-                fields_list_for_nodes[addr] = sorted(keys)
-                csv_fd.writerow([addr[0], addr[1],
-                                 data['source_id'], data['hostname']] +
-                                fields_list_for_nodes[addr])
-            csv_fd.writerow([addr[0], addr[1]] +
-                            map(data.__getitem__,
-                                ['time'] + fields_list_for_nodes[addr]))
-            # fd.write(repr((addr, data)) + "\n")
-            # source_id = data.pop('source_id')
-            # rep_time = data.pop('time')
-            # if 'testnode' in source2roles_map.get(source_id, []):
-            #     sum_io_q = 0
-            #     data_store.update_values(rep_time,
-            #                              {"testnodes:io": sum_io_q},
-            #                              add=True)
-    except Exception:
-        logger.exception("Error in sensors thread")
-    logger.info("Sensors thread exits")
-def get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg, nodes):
+def get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg, nodes, remote_path):
     monitored_nodes = []
     sensors_configs = []
     source2roles_map = {}
-    receiver_url = cfg.get("receiver_url", DEFAULT_RECEIVER_URL)
-    assert '{ip}' in receiver_url
+    receiver_url = "csvfile://" + os.path.join(remote_path, "results.csv")
     for role, sensors_str in cfg["roles_mapping"].items():
         sensors = [sens.strip() for sens in sensors_str.split(",")]
@@ -74,137 +22,41 @@
         for node in nodes:
             if role in node.roles:
-                if node.monitor_ip is not None:
-                    monitor_url = receiver_url.format(ip=node.monitor_ip)
-                else:
-                    ip = node.get_ip()
-                    ext_ip = utils.get_ip_for_target(ip)
-                    monitor_url = receiver_url.format(ip=ext_ip)
                 source2roles_map[node.get_conn_id()] = node.roles
                 sens_cfg = SensorConfig(node.connection,
-                                        monitor_url=monitor_url)
+                                        monitor_url=receiver_url)
     return monitored_nodes, sensors_configs, source2roles_map
-def start_sensor_process_thread(ctx, cfg, sensors_configs, source2roles_map):
-    receiver_url = cfg.get('receiver_url', DEFAULT_RECEIVER_URL)
-    sensors_data_q, stop_sensors_loop = \
-        start_listener_thread(receiver_url.format(ip=''))
-    mon_q = Queue.Queue()
-    fd = open(cfg_dict['sensor_storage'], "w")
-    params = sensors_data_q, mon_q, fd, ctx.sensors_data, source2roles_map
-    sensor_listen_th = threading.Thread(None, save_sensors_data, None,
-                                        params)
-    sensor_listen_th.daemon = True
-    sensor_listen_th.start()
-    def stop_sensors_receiver(cfg, ctx):
-        stop_sensors_loop()
-        sensors_data_q.put(None)
-        sensor_listen_th.join()
-    ctx.clear_calls_stack.append(stop_sensors_receiver)
-    return mon_q
-def deploy_sensors_stage(cfg, ctx, nodes=None, undeploy=True,
-                         recv_timeout=10, ignore_nodata=False):
-    cfg = cfg.get('sensors')
-    if cfg is None:
+def with_sensors_util(cfg, nodes):
+    if 'sensors' not in cfg:
+        yield
-    if nodes is None:
-        nodes = ctx.nodes
     monitored_nodes, sensors_configs, source2roles_map = \
-        get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg, nodes)
+        get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg['sensors'], nodes,
+                                     cfg['sensors_remote_path'])
-    if len(monitored_nodes) == 0:
-        logger.info("Nothing to monitor, no sensors would be installed")
+    with with_sensors(sensors_configs, cfg['sensors_remote_path']):
+        yield source2roles_map
+def sensors_info_util(cfg, nodes):
+    if 'sensors' not in cfg:
+        yield None
-    is_online = cfg.get('online', False)
+    _, sensors_configs, _ = \
+        get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg['sensors'], nodes,
+                                     cfg['sensors_remote_path'])
-    if is_online:
-        if ctx.sensors_mon_q is None:
-            logger.info("Start sensors data receiving thread")
-            ctx.sensors_mon_q = start_sensor_process_thread(ctx, cfg,
-                                                            sensors_configs,
-                                                            source2roles_map)
-    if undeploy:
-        def remove_sensors_stage(cfg, ctx):
-            _, sensors_configs, _ = \
-                get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg['sensors'], nodes)
-            stop_and_remove_sensors(sensors_configs)
-        ctx.clear_calls_stack.append(remove_sensors_stage)
-    num_monitoref_nodes = len(sensors_configs)
-    logger.info("Deploing new sensors on {0} node(s)".format(
-                                num_monitoref_nodes))
-    deploy_and_start_sensors(sensors_configs)
-    if is_online:
-        wait_for_new_sensors_data(ctx, monitored_nodes, recv_timeout,
-                                  ignore_nodata)
-def gather_sensors_stage(cfg, ctx, nodes=None):
-    cfg = cfg.get('sensors')
-    if cfg is None:
-        return
-    is_online = cfg.get('online', False)
-    if is_online:
-        return
-    if nodes is None:
-        nodes = ctx.nodes
-    _, sensors_configs, _ = get_sensors_config_for_nodes(cfg, nodes)
-    gather_sensors_info(sensors_configs)
-def gather_sensors_info(sensors_configs):
-    pass
-def wait_for_new_sensors_data(ctx, monitored_nodes, recv_timeout,
-                              ignore_nodata):
-    etime = time.time() + recv_timeout
-    msg = "Waiting at most {0}s till all {1} nodes starts report sensors data"
-    nodes_ids = set(node.get_conn_id() for node in monitored_nodes)
-    logger.debug(msg.format(recv_timeout, len(nodes_ids)))
-    # wait till all nodes start sending data
-    while len(nodes_ids) != 0:
-        tleft = etime - time.time()
-        try:
-            source_id = ctx.sensors_mon_q.get(True, tleft)[2]
-        except Queue.Empty:
-            if not ignore_nodata:
-                msg = "Node(s) {0} not sending any sensor data in {1}s"
-                msg = msg.format(", ".join(nodes_ids), recv_timeout)
-                raise RuntimeError(msg)
-            else:
-                return
-        if source_id not in nodes_ids:
-            msg = "Receive sensors from extra node: {0}".format(source_id)
-            logger.warning(msg)
-        nodes_ids.remove(source_id)
+    with sensors_info(sensors_configs, cfg['sensors_remote_path']) as res:
+        yield res