updates to tests
diff --git a/data.py b/data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5569616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import re
+import sys
+splitter_rr = "(?ms)=====+\n"
+def get_data_from_output(fname):
+ results = {}
+ fc = open(fname).read()
+ for block in re.split(splitter_rr, fc):
+ block = block.strip()
+ if not block.startswith("[{u'__meta__':"):
+ continue
+ for val in eval(block):
+ meta = val['__meta__']
+ meta['sync'] = 's' if meta['sync'] else 'a'
+ key = "{action} {sync} {blocksize}k".format(**meta)
+ results.setdefault(key, []).append(val['bw_mean'])
+ processed_res = {}
+ for k, v in results.items():
+ v.sort()
+ med = float(sum(v)) / len(v)
+ ran = sum(abs(x - med) for x in v) / len(v)
+ processed_res[k] = (int(med), int(ran))
+ return processed_res
+def ksort(x):
+ op, sync, sz = x.split(" ")
+ return (op, sync, int(sz[:-1]))
+def show_data(path1, path2=None):
+ templ_1 = " {:>10} {:>5} {:>5} {:>6} ~ {:>5} {:>2}% {:>5}"
+ templ_2 = templ_1 + " {:>6} ~ {:>5} {:>2}% {:>5} ---- {:>6}% "
+ ln_1 = templ_1.replace("<", "^").replace(">", "^")
+ ln_1 = ln_1.format("Oper", "Sync", "BSZ", "BW1", "DEV1", "%", "IOPS1")
+ ln_2 = templ_2.replace("<", "^").replace(">", "^")
+ ln_2 = ln_2.format("Oper", "Sync", "BSZ", "BW1", "DEV1", "%",
+ "IOPS1", "BW2", "DEV2", "%", "IOPS2", "DIFF %")
+ sep_1 = '-' * len(ln_1)
+ sep_2 = '-' * len(ln_2)
+ res_1 = get_data_from_output(path1)
+ if path2 is None:
+ res_2 = None
+ sep = sep_1
+ ln = ln_1
+ templ = templ_1
+ else:
+ res_2 = get_data_from_output(path2)
+ sep = sep_2
+ ln = ln_2
+ templ = templ_2
+ print sep
+ print ln
+ print sep
+ prev_tp = None
+ common_keys = set(res_1.keys())
+ if res_2 is not None:
+ common_keys &= set(res_2.keys())
+ for k in sorted(common_keys, key=ksort):
+ tp = k.rsplit(" ", 1)[0]
+ op, s, sz = k.split(" ")
+ s = 'sync' if s == 's' else 'async'
+ if tp != prev_tp and prev_tp is not None:
+ print sep
+ prev_tp = tp
+ m1, d1 = res_1[k]
+ iops1 = m1 / int(sz[:-1])
+ perc1 = int(d1 * 100.0 / m1 + 0.5)
+ if res_2 is not None:
+ m2, d2 = res_2[k]
+ iops2 = m2 / int(sz[:-1])
+ perc2 = int(d2 * 100.0 / m2 + 0.5)
+ avg_diff = int(((m2 - m1) * 100.) / m2 + 0.5)
+ if res_2 is not None:
+ print templ.format(op, s, sz, m1, d1, perc1, iops1,
+ m2, d2, perc2, iops2, avg_diff)
+ else:
+ print templ.format(op, s, sz, m1, d1, perc1, iops1)
+ print sep
+def main(argv):
+ path1 = argv[0]
+ path2 = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else None
+ show_data(path1, path2)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
+# print " ", results[k]