refactoring and typing in progress
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
index 8435cf3..3bc52fc 100644
--- a/wally/
+++ b/wally/
@@ -1,116 +1,214 @@
-import re
-import getpass
-from typing import Tuple
-from .inode import INode, NodeInfo
+import os
+import time
+import json
+import socket
+import logging
+import subprocess
+from typing import Callable
-from .ssh_utils import parse_ssh_uri, run_over_ssh, connect
+import agent
+from .node_interfaces import IRPCNode, NodeInfo, ISSHHost, RPCBeforeConnCallback
+from .ssh_utils import parse_ssh_uri, ssh_connect
-class Node(INode):
-    """Node object"""
+logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
-    def __init__(self, node_info: NodeInfo) -> None:
-        INode.__init__(self)
- = node_info
-        self.roles = node_info.roles
-        self.bind_ip = node_info.bind_ip
+class SSHHost(ISSHHost):
+    def __init__(self, ssh_conn, node_name: str, ip: str) -> None:
+        self.conn = ssh_conn
+        self.node_name = node_name
+        self.ip = ip
-        assert self.ssh_conn_url.startswith("ssh://")
-        self.ssh_conn_url = node_info.ssh_conn_url
-        self.ssh_conn = None
-        self.rpc_conn_url = None
-        self.rpc_conn = None
-        self.os_vm_id = None
-        self.hw_info = None
-        if self.ssh_conn_url is not None:
-            self.ssh_cred = parse_ssh_uri(self.ssh_conn_url)
-            self.node_id = "{}:{0.port}".format(self.ssh_cred)
-        else:
-            self.ssh_cred = None
-            self.node_id = None
+    def get_ip(self) -> str:
+        return self.ip
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        template = "<Node: url={conn_url!r} roles={roles}" + \
-                   " connected={is_connected}>"
-        return template.format(conn_url=self.ssh_conn_url,
-                               roles=", ".join(self.roles),
-                               is_connected=self.ssh_conn is not None)
+        return self.node_name
+    def put_to_file(self, path: str, content: bytes) -> None:
+        with self.conn.open_sftp() as sftp:
+            with, "wb") as fd:
+                fd.write(content)
+    def run(self, cmd: str, timeout: int = 60, nolog: bool = False) -> str:
+        transport = self.conn.get_transport()
+        session = transport.open_session()
+        try:
+            session.set_combine_stderr(True)
+            stime = time.time()
+            if not nolog:
+                logger.debug("SSH:{0} Exec {1!r}".format(self, cmd))
+            session.exec_command(cmd)
+            session.settimeout(1)
+            session.shutdown_write()
+            output = ""
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    ndata = session.recv(1024)
+                    output += ndata
+                    if "" == ndata:
+                        break
+                except socket.timeout:
+                    pass
+                if time.time() - stime > timeout:
+                    raise OSError(output + "\nExecution timeout")
+            code = session.recv_exit_status()
+        finally:
+            found = False
+            if found:
+                session.close()
+        if code != 0:
+            templ = "SSH:{0} Cmd {1!r} failed with code {2}. Output: {3}"
+            raise OSError(templ.format(self, cmd, code, output))
+        return output
+class LocalHost(ISSHHost):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "<Local>"
+    def get_ip(self) -> str:
+        return 'localhost'
+    def put_to_file(self, path: str, content: bytes) -> None:
+        dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
+        os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)
+        with open(path, "wb") as fd:
+            fd.write(content)
+    def run(self, cmd: str, timeout: int = 60, nolog: bool = False) -> str:
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
+                                stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        stdout_data, _ = proc.communicate()
+        if proc.returncode != 0:
+            templ = "SSH:{0} Cmd {1!r} failed with code {2}. Output: {3}"
+            raise OSError(templ.format(self, cmd, proc.returncode, stdout_data))
+        return stdout_data
+def connect(conn_url: str, conn_timeout: int = 60) -> ISSHHost:
+    if conn_url == 'local':
+        return LocalHost()
+    else:
+        return SSHHost(*ssh_connect(parse_ssh_uri(conn_url), conn_timeout))
+class RPCNode(IRPCNode):
+    """Node object"""
+    def __init__(self, conn: agent.Client, info: NodeInfo) -> None:
+ = info
+        self.conn = conn
+        # if self.ssh_conn_url is not None:
+        #     self.ssh_cred = parse_ssh_uri(self.ssh_conn_url)
+        #     self.node_id = "{}:{0.port}".format(self.ssh_cred)
+        # else:
+        #     self.ssh_cred = None
+        #     self.node_id = None
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return "<Node: url={!r} roles={!r} hops=/>".format(, ",".join(
     def __repr__(self) -> str:
         return str(self)
-    def connect_ssh(self, timeout: int=None) -> None:
-        self.ssh_conn = connect(self.ssh_conn_url)
-    def connect_rpc(self) -> None:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def prepare_rpc(self) -> None:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_ip(self) -> str:
-        """get node connection ip address"""
-        if self.ssh_conn_url == 'local':
-            return ''
-        return
-    def get_user(self) -> str:
-        """"get ssh connection username"""
-        if self.ssh_conn_url == 'local':
-            return getpass.getuser()
-        return self.ssh_cred.user
-    def run(self, cmd: str, stdin_data: str=None, timeout: int=60, nolog: bool=False) -> Tuple[int, str]:
-        """Run command on node. Will use rpc connection, if available"""
-        if self.rpc_conn is None:
-            return run_over_ssh(self.ssh_conn, cmd,
-                                stdin_data=stdin_data, timeout=timeout,
-                                nolog=nolog, node=self)
-        assert not stdin_data
-        proc_id = self.rpc_conn.cli.spawn(cmd)
-        exit_code = None
-        output = ""
-        while exit_code is None:
-            exit_code, stdout_data, stderr_data = self.rpc_conn.cli.get_updates(proc_id)
-            output += stdout_data + stderr_data
-        return exit_code, output
-    def discover_hardware_info(self) -> None:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
     def get_file_content(self, path: str) -> str:
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def forward_port(self, ip: str, remote_port: int, local_port: int = None) -> int:
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_interface(self, ip: str) -> str:
-        """Get node external interface for given IP"""
-        data ="ip a", nolog=True)
-        curr_iface = None
-        for line in data.split("\n"):
-            match1 = re.match(r"\d+:\s+(?P<name>.*?):\s\<", line)
-            if match1 is not None:
-                curr_iface ='name')
+def setup_rpc(node: ISSHHost, rpc_server_code: bytes, port: int = 0,
+              rpc_conn_callback: RPCBeforeConnCallback = None) -> IRPCNode:
+    code_file ="mktemp").strip()
+    log_file ="mktemp").strip()
+    node.put_to_file(code_file, rpc_server_code)
+    cmd = "python {code_file} server --listen-addr={listen_ip}:{port} --daemon " + \
+          "--show-settings --stdout-file={out_file}"
+    params_js =,
+                                    listen_addr=node.get_ip(),
+                                    out_file=log_file,
+                                    port=port)).strip()
+    params = json.loads(params_js)
+    params['log_file'] = log_file
-            match2 = re.match(r"\s+inet\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+)/", line)
-            if match2 is not None:
-                if'ip') == ip:
-                    assert curr_iface is not None
-                    return curr_iface
+    if rpc_conn_callback:
+        ip, port = rpc_conn_callback(node, port)
+    else:
+        ip = node.get_ip()
+        port = int(params['addr'].split(":")[1])
-        raise KeyError("Can't found interface for ip {0}".format(ip))
+    rpc_conn = agent.connect((ip, port))
+    return RPCNode(rpc_conn,
-    def sync_hw_info(self) -> None:
-        pass
-    def sync_sw_info(self) -> None:
-        pass
\ No newline at end of file
+        # class RemoteNode(node_interfaces.IRPCNode):
+#     def __init__(self, node_info: node_interfaces.NodeInfo, rpc_conn: agent.RPCClient):
+# = node_info
+#         self.rpc = rpc_conn
+    # def get_interface(self, ip: str) -> str:
+    #     """Get node external interface for given IP"""
+    #     data ="ip a", nolog=True)
+    #     curr_iface = None
+    #
+    #     for line in data.split("\n"):
+    #         match1 = re.match(r"\d+:\s+(?P<name>.*?):\s\<", line)
+    #         if match1 is not None:
+    #             curr_iface ='name')
+    #
+    #         match2 = re.match(r"\s+inet\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+)/", line)
+    #         if match2 is not None:
+    #             if'ip') == ip:
+    #                 assert curr_iface is not None
+    #                 return curr_iface
+    #
+    #     raise KeyError("Can't found interface for ip {0}".format(ip))
+    #
+    # def get_user(self) -> str:
+    #     """"get ssh connection username"""
+    #     if self.ssh_conn_url == 'local':
+    #         return getpass.getuser()
+    #     return self.ssh_cred.user
+    #
+    #
+    # def run(self, cmd: str, stdin_data: str = None, timeout: int = 60, nolog: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+    #     """Run command on node. Will use rpc connection, if available"""
+    #
+    #     if self.rpc_conn is None:
+    #         return run_over_ssh(self.ssh_conn, cmd,
+    #                             stdin_data=stdin_data, timeout=timeout,
+    #                             nolog=nolog, node=self)
+    #     assert not stdin_data
+    #     proc_id = self.rpc_conn.cli.spawn(cmd)
+    #     exit_code = None
+    #     output = ""
+    #
+    #     while exit_code is None:
+    #         exit_code, stdout_data, stderr_data = self.rpc_conn.cli.get_updates(proc_id)
+    #         output += stdout_data + stderr_data
+    #
+    #     return exit_code, output