Add stage base class, refactor discovery, etc
diff --git a/wally/ b/wally/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e9ab63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wally/
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+import re
+import os
+import stat
+import time
+import os.path
+import logging
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import urllib.request
+from typing import Dict, Any, Iterable, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, List, Tuple, Set
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from keystoneauth1 import loading, session
+from novaclient.exceptions import NotFound
+from novaclient.client import Client as NovaClient
+from cinderclient.client import Client as CinderClient
+from glanceclient import Client as GlanceClient
+from .utils import Timeout
+from .node_interfaces import NodeInfo
+from .storage import IStorable
+from .ssh_utils import ConnCreds
+__doc__ = """
+Module used to reliably spawn set of VM's, evenly distributed across
+compute servers in openstack cluster. Main functions:
+    get_openstack_credentials - extract openstack credentials from different sources
+    os_connect - connect to nova, cinder and glance API
+    find_vms - find VM's with given prefix in name
+    prepare_os - prepare tenant for usage
+    launch_vms - reliably start set of VM in parallel with volumes and floating IP
+    clear_nodes - clear VM and volumes
+logger = logging.getLogger("wally.vms")
+OSCreds = NamedTuple("OSCreds",
+                     [("name", str),
+                      ("passwd", str),
+                      ("tenant", str),
+                      ("auth_url", str),
+                      ("insecure", bool)])
+# TODO(koder): should correctly process different sources, not only env????
+def get_openstack_credentials() -> OSCreds:
+    is_insecure = os.environ.get('OS_INSECURE', 'false').lower() in ('true', 'yes')
+    return OSCreds(os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME'),
+                   os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD'),
+                   os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'),
+                   os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL'),
+                   is_insecure)
+class OSConnection:
+    def __init__(self, nova: NovaClient, cinder: CinderClient, glance: GlanceClient) -> None:
+        self.nova = nova
+        self.cinder = cinder
+        self.glance = glance
+def os_connect(os_creds: OSCreds, version: str = "2") -> OSConnection:
+    loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
+    auth = loader.load_from_options(auth_url=os_creds.auth_url,
+                          ,
+                                    password=os_creds.passwd,
+                                    project_id=os_creds.tenant)
+    auth_sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
+    glance = GlanceClient(version, session=auth_sess)
+    nova = NovaClient(version, session=auth_sess)
+    cinder = CinderClient(, os_creds.passwd, os_creds.tenant, os_creds.auth_url,
+                          insecure=os_creds.insecure, api_version=version)
+    return OSConnection(nova, cinder, glance)
+def find_vms(conn: OSConnection, name_prefix: str) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, int]]:
+    for srv in conn.nova.servers.list():
+        if
+            # need to exit after found server first external IP
+            # so have to rollout two cycles to avoid using exceptions
+            all_ip = []  # type: List[Any]
+            for ips in srv.addresses.values():
+                all_ip.extend(ips)
+            for ip in all_ip:
+                if ip.get("OS-EXT-IPS:type", None) == 'floating':
+                    yield ip['addr'],
+                    break
+def pause(conn: OSConnection, ids: Iterable[int], executor: ThreadPoolExecutor) -> None:
+    def pause_vm(vm_id: str) -> None:
+        vm = conn.nova.servers.get(vm_id)
+        if vm.status == 'ACTIVE':
+            vm.pause()
+    for future in, ids):
+        future.result()
+def unpause(conn: OSConnection, ids: Iterable[int], executor: ThreadPoolExecutor, max_resume_time=10) -> None:
+    def unpause(vm_id: str) -> None:
+        vm = conn.nova.servers.get(vm_id)
+        if vm.status == 'PAUSED':
+            vm.unpause()
+        for _ in Timeout(max_resume_time):
+            vm = conn.nova.servers.get(vm_id)
+            if vm.status != 'PAUSED':
+                return
+        raise RuntimeError("Can't unpause vm {0}".format(vm_id))
+    for future in, ids):
+        future.result()
+def prepare_os(conn: OSConnection, params: Dict[str, Any], max_vm_per_node: int = 8) -> None:
+    """prepare openstack for futher usage
+    Creates server groups, security rules, keypair, flavor
+    and upload VM image from web. In case if object with
+    given name already exists, skip preparation part.
+    Don't check, that existing object has required attributes
+    params:
+        nova: OSConnection
+        params: dict {
+            security_group:str - security group name with allowed ssh and ping
+            aa_group_name:str - template for anti-affinity group names. Should
+                                receive one integer parameter, like "cbt_aa_{0}"
+            keypair_name: str - OS keypair name
+            keypair_file_public: str - path to public key file
+            keypair_file_private: str - path to private key file
+            flavor:dict - flavor params
+                name, ram_size, hdd_size, cpu_count
+                    as for novaclient.Client.flavor.create call
+            image:dict - image params
+                'name': image name
+                'url': image url
+        }
+        os_creds: OSCreds
+        max_vm_per_compute: int=8 maximum expected amount of VM, per
+                            compute host. Used to create appropriate
+                            count of server groups for even placement
+    """
+    allow_ssh_and_ping(conn, params['security_group'])
+    for idx in range(max_vm_per_node):
+        get_or_create_aa_group(conn, params['aa_group_name'].format(idx))
+    create_keypair(conn, params['keypair_name'], params['keypair_file_public'], params['keypair_file_private'])
+    create_image(conn, params['image']['name'], params['image']['url'])
+    create_flavor(conn, **params['flavor'])
+def create_keypair(conn: OSConnection, name: str, pub_key_path: str, priv_key_path: str):
+    """create and upload keypair into nova, if doesn't exists yet
+    Create and upload keypair into nova, if keypair with given bane
+    doesn't exists yet. Uses key from files, if file doesn't exists -
+    create new keys, and store'em into files.
+    parameters:
+        conn: OSConnection
+        name: str - ketpair name
+        pub_key_path: str - path for public key
+        priv_key_path: str - path for private key
+    """
+    pub_key_exists = os.path.exists(pub_key_path)
+    priv_key_exists = os.path.exists(priv_key_path)
+    try:
+        kpair = conn.nova.keypairs.find(name=name)
+        # if file not found- delete and recreate
+    except NotFound:
+        kpair = None
+    if pub_key_exists and not priv_key_exists:
+        raise EnvironmentError("Private key file doesn't exists")
+    if not pub_key_exists and priv_key_exists:
+        raise EnvironmentError("Public key file doesn't exists")
+    if kpair is None:
+        if pub_key_exists:
+            with open(pub_key_path) as pub_key_fd:
+                return conn.nova.keypairs.create(name,
+        else:
+            key = conn.nova.keypairs.create(name)
+            with open(priv_key_path, "w") as priv_key_fd:
+                priv_key_fd.write(key.private_key)
+            os.chmod(priv_key_path, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+            with open(pub_key_path, "w") as pub_key_fd:
+                pub_key_fd.write(key.public_key)
+    elif not priv_key_exists:
+        raise EnvironmentError("Private key file doesn't exists," +
+                               " but key uploaded openstack." +
+                               " Either set correct path to private key" +
+                               " or remove key from openstack")
+def get_or_create_aa_group(conn: OSConnection, name: str) -> int:
+    """create anti-affinity server group, if doesn't exists yet
+    parameters:
+        conn: OSConnection
+        name: str - group name
+    returns: str - group id
+    """
+    try:
+        return conn.nova.server_groups.find(name=name).id
+    except NotFound:
+        return conn.nova.server_groups.create(name=name, policies=['anti-affinity']).id
+def allow_ssh_and_ping(conn: OSConnection, group_name: str) -> int:
+    """create sequrity group for ping and ssh
+    parameters:
+        conn:
+        group_name: str - group name
+    returns: str - group id
+    """
+    try:
+        secgroup = conn.nova.security_groups.find(name=group_name)
+    except NotFound:
+        secgroup = conn.nova.security_groups.create(group_name, "allow ssh/ping to node")
+        conn.nova.security_group_rules.create(,
+                                              ip_protocol="tcp",
+                                              from_port="22",
+                                              to_port="22",
+                                              cidr="")
+        conn.nova.security_group_rules.create(,
+                                              ip_protocol="icmp",
+                                              from_port=-1,
+                                              cidr="",
+                                              to_port=-1)
+    return
+def create_image(conn: OSConnection, name: str, url: str) -> None:
+    """upload image into glance from given URL, if given image doesn't exisis yet
+    parameters:
+        nova: nova connection
+        os_creds: OSCreds object - openstack credentials, should be same,
+                                   as used when connectiong given novaclient
+        name: str - image name
+        url: str - image download url
+    returns: None
+    """
+    try:
+        conn.nova.images.find(name=name)
+        return
+    except NotFound:
+        pass
+    ok = False
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_fd:
+        try:
+            cmd = "wget --dns-timeout=30 --connect-timeout=30 --read-timeout=30 -o {} {}"
+            subprocess.check_call(cmd.format(, url))
+            ok = True
+        # TODO(koder): add proper error handling
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        if not ok:
+            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url,
+        image = conn.glance.images.create(name=name)
+        with open(, 'rb') as fd:
+            conn.glance.images.upload(, fd)
+def create_flavor(conn: OSConnection, name: str, ram_size: int, hdd_size: int, cpu_count: int) -> None:
+    """create flavor, if doesn't exisis yet
+    parameters:
+        nova: nova connection
+        name: str - flavor name
+        ram_size: int - ram size (UNIT?)
+        hdd_size: int - root hdd size (UNIT?)
+        cpu_count: int - cpu cores
+    returns: None
+    """
+    try:
+        conn.nova.flavors.find(name)
+        return
+    except NotFound:
+        pass
+    conn.nova.flavors.create(name, cpu_count, ram_size, hdd_size)
+def create_volume(conn: OSConnection, size: int, name: str) -> Any:
+    vol = conn.cinder.volumes.create(size=size, display_name=name)
+    err_count = 0
+    while vol.status != 'available':
+        if vol.status == 'error':
+            if err_count == 3:
+                logger.critical("Fail to create volume")
+                raise RuntimeError("Fail to create volume")
+            else:
+                err_count += 1
+                conn.cinder.volumes.delete(vol)
+                time.sleep(1)
+                vol = conn.cinder.volumes.create(size=size, display_name=name)
+                continue
+        time.sleep(1)
+        vol = conn.cinder.volumes.get(
+    return vol
+def wait_for_server_active(conn: OSConnection, server: Any, timeout: int = 300) -> bool:
+    """waiting till server became active
+    parameters:
+        nova: nova connection
+        server: server object
+        timeout: int - seconds to wait till raise an exception
+    returns: None
+    """
+    for _ in Timeout(timeout, no_exc=True):
+        server_state = getattr(server, 'OS-EXT-STS:vm_state').lower()
+        if server_state == 'active':
+            return True
+        if server_state == 'error':
+            return False
+        server = conn.nova.servers.get(server)
+    return False
+class Allocate(object):
+    pass
+def get_floating_ips(conn: OSConnection, pool: Optional[str], amount: int) -> List[str]:
+    """allocate floating ips
+    parameters:
+        nova: nova connection
+        pool:str floating ip pool name
+        amount:int - ip count
+    returns: [ip object]
+    """
+    ip_list = conn.nova.floating_ips.list()
+    if pool is not None:
+        ip_list = [ip for ip in ip_list if ip.pool == pool]
+    return [ip for ip in ip_list if ip.instance_id is None][:amount]
+def launch_vms(conn: OSConnection,
+               params: Dict[str, Any],
+               executor: ThreadPoolExecutor,
+               already_has_count: int = 0) -> Iterator[NodeInfo]:
+    """launch virtual servers
+    Parameters:
+        nova: nova client
+        params: dict {
+            count: str or int - server count. If count is string it should be in
+                                one of bext forms: "=INT" or "xINT". First mean
+                                to spawn (INT - already_has_count) servers, and
+                                all should be evenly distributed across all compute
+                                nodes. xINT mean spawn COMPUTE_COUNT * INT servers.
+            image: dict {'name': str - image name}
+            flavor: dict {'name': str - flavor name}
+            group_name: str - group name, used to create uniq server name
+            keypair_name: str - ssh keypais name
+            keypair_file_private: str - path to private key
+            user: str - vm user name
+            vol_sz: int or None - volume size, or None, if no volume
+            network_zone_name: str - network zone name
+            flt_ip_pool: str - floating ip pool
+            name_templ: str - server name template, should receive two parameters
+                              'group and id, like 'cbt-{group}-{id}'
+            aa_group_name: str scheduler group name
+            security_group: str - security group name
+        }
+        already_has_count: int=0 - how many servers already exists. Used to distribute
+                                   new servers evenly across all compute nodes, taking
+                                   old server in accout
+    returns: generator of NodeInfo - server credentials, in format USER@IP:KEY_PATH
+    """
+    logger.debug("Calculating new vm count")
+    count = params['count']  # type: int
+    lst ='nova-compute')
+    srv_count = len([srv for srv in lst if srv.status == 'enabled'])
+    if isinstance(count, str):
+        if count.startswith("x"):
+            count = srv_count * int(count[1:])
+        else:
+            assert count.startswith('=')
+            count = int(count[1:]) - already_has_count
+    if count <= 0:
+        logger.debug("Not need new vms")
+        return
+    logger.debug("Starting new nodes on openstack")
+    assert isinstance(count, int)
+    srv_params = "img: {image[name]}, flavor: {flavor[name]}".format(**params)
+    msg_templ = "Will start {0} servers with next params: {1}"
+, srv_params))
+    vm_params = dict(
+        img_name=params['image']['name'],
+        flavor_name=params['flavor']['name'],
+        group_name=params['group_name'],
+        keypair_name=params['keypair_name'],
+        vol_sz=params.get('vol_sz'),
+        network_zone_name=params.get("network_zone_name"),
+        flt_ip_pool=params.get('flt_ip_pool'),
+        name_templ=params.get('name_templ'),
+        scheduler_hints={"group": params['aa_group_name']},
+        security_group=params['security_group'],
+        sec_group_size=srv_count
+    )
+    # precache all errors before start creating vms
+    private_key_path = params['keypair_file_private']
+    user = params['image']['user']
+    for ip, os_node in create_vms_mt(conn, count, executor, **vm_params):
+        info = NodeInfo(ConnCreds(ip, user, key_file=private_key_path), set())
+        info.os_vm_id =
+        yield info
+def get_free_server_groups(conn: OSConnection, template: str) -> Iterator[str]:
+    """get fre server groups, that match given name template
+    parameters:
+        nova: nova connection
+        template:str - name template
+        amount:int - ip count
+    returns: generator or str - server group names
+    """
+    for server_group in conn.nova.server_groups.list():
+        if not server_group.members:
+            if re.match(template,
+                yield str(
+def create_vms_mt(conn: OSConnection,
+                  amount: int,
+                  executor: ThreadPoolExecutor,
+                  group_name: str,
+                  keypair_name: str,
+                  img_name: str,
+                  flavor_name: str,
+                  vol_sz: int = None,
+                  network_zone_name: str = None,
+                  flt_ip_pool: str = None,
+                  name_templ: str ='wally-{id}',
+                  scheduler_hints: Dict = None,
+                  security_group: str = None,
+                  sec_group_size: int = None) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
+    if network_zone_name is not None:
+        network_future = executor.submit(conn.nova.networks.find,
+                                         label=network_zone_name)
+    else:
+        network_future = None
+    fl_future = executor.submit(conn.nova.flavors.find, name=flavor_name)
+    img_future = executor.submit(conn.nova.images.find, name=img_name)
+    if flt_ip_pool is not None:
+        ips_future = executor.submit(get_floating_ips,
+                                     conn, flt_ip_pool, amount)
+        logger.debug("Wait for floating ip")
+        ips = ips_future.result()
+        ips += [Allocate] * (amount - len(ips))
+    else:
+        ips = [None] * amount
+    logger.debug("Getting flavor object")
+    fl = fl_future.result()
+    logger.debug("Getting image object")
+    img = img_future.result()
+    if network_future is not None:
+        logger.debug("Waiting for network results")
+        nics = [{'net-id': network_future.result().id}]
+    else:
+        nics = None
+    names = []  # type: List[str]
+    for i in range(amount):
+        names.append(name_templ.format(group=group_name, id=i))
+    futures = []
+    logger.debug("Requesting new vm's")
+    orig_scheduler_hints = scheduler_hints.copy()
+    group_name_template = scheduler_hints['group'].format("\\d+")
+    groups = list(get_free_server_groups(conn, group_name_template + "$"))
+    groups.sort()
+    for idx, (name, flt_ip) in enumerate(zip(names, ips), 2):
+        scheduler_hints = None
+        if orig_scheduler_hints is not None and sec_group_size is not None:
+            if "group" in orig_scheduler_hints:
+                scheduler_hints = orig_scheduler_hints.copy()
+                scheduler_hints['group'] = groups[idx // sec_group_size]
+        if scheduler_hints is None:
+            scheduler_hints = orig_scheduler_hints.copy()
+        params = (conn, name, keypair_name, img, fl,
+                  nics, vol_sz, flt_ip, scheduler_hints,
+                  flt_ip_pool, [security_group])
+        futures.append(executor.submit(create_vm, *params))
+    res = [future.result() for future in futures]
+    logger.debug("Done spawning")
+    return res
+def create_vm(conn: OSConnection,
+              name: str,
+              keypair_name: str,
+              img: Any,
+              flavor: Any,
+              nics: List,
+              vol_sz: int = None,
+              flt_ip: Any = False,
+              scheduler_hints: Dict = None,
+              pool: str = None,
+              security_groups=None,
+              max_retry: int = 3,
+              delete_timeout: int = 120) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
+    # make mypy/pylint happy
+    srv = None  # type: Any
+    for i in range(max_retry):
+        srv = conn.nova.servers.create(name, flavor=flavor, image=img, nics=nics, key_name=keypair_name,
+                                       scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints, security_groups=security_groups)
+        if not wait_for_server_active(conn, srv):
+            logger.debug("Server {} fails to start. Kill it and try again".format(srv))
+            conn.nova.servers.delete(srv)
+            try:
+                for _ in Timeout(delete_timeout, "Server {} delete timeout".format(
+                    srv = conn.nova.servers.get(
+            except NotFound:
+                pass
+        else:
+            break
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("Failed to start server {}".format(
+    if vol_sz is not None:
+        vol = create_volume(conn, vol_sz, name)
+        conn.nova.volumes.create_server_volume(,, None)
+    if flt_ip is Allocate:
+        flt_ip = conn.nova.floating_ips.create(pool)
+    if flt_ip is not None:
+        srv.add_floating_ip(flt_ip)
+    # pylint: disable=E1101
+    return flt_ip.ip, conn.nova.servers.get(
+def clear_nodes(conn: OSConnection,
+                ids: List[int] = None,
+                name_templ: str = None,
+                max_server_delete_time: int = 120):
+    try:
+        def need_delete(srv):
+            if name_templ is not None:
+                return re.match(name_templ.format("\\d+"), is not None
+            else:
+                return in ids
+        volumes_to_delete = []
+        for vol in conn.cinder.volumes.list():
+            for attachment in vol.attachments:
+                if attachment['server_id'] in ids:
+                    volumes_to_delete.append(vol)
+                    break
+        still_alive = set()
+        for srv in conn.nova.servers.list():
+            if need_delete(srv):
+                logger.debug("Deleting server {0}".format(
+                conn.nova.servers.delete(srv)
+                still_alive.add(
+        if still_alive:
+            logger.debug("Waiting till all servers are actually deleted")
+            tout = Timeout(max_server_delete_time, no_exc=True)
+            while tout.tick() and still_alive:
+                all_id = set( for srv in conn.nova.servers.list())
+                still_alive = still_alive.intersection(all_id)
+            if still_alive:
+                logger.warning("Failed to remove servers {}. ".format(",".join(still_alive)) +
+                               "You, probably, need to remove them manually (and volumes as well)")
+                return
+        if volumes_to_delete:
+            logger.debug("Deleting volumes")
+            # wait till vm actually deleted
+            # logger.warning("Volume deletion commented out")
+            for vol in volumes_to_delete:
+                logger.debug("Deleting volume " + vol.display_name)
+                conn.cinder.volumes.delete(vol)
+        logger.debug("Clearing complete (yet some volumes may still be deleting)")
+    except Exception:
+        logger.exception("During removing servers. " +
+                         "You, probably, need to remove them manually")