nodes discovering
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507779b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+import re
+import json
+import time
+import urllib2
+from functools import partial, wraps
+import urlparse
+import netaddr
+from keystoneclient.v2_0 import Client as keystoneclient
+from keystoneclient import exceptions
+logger = None
+def set_logger(log):
+ global logger
+ logger = log
+class Urllib2HTTP(object):
+ """
+ class for making HTTP requests
+ """
+ allowed_methods = ('get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'patch', 'head')
+ def __init__(self, root_url, headers=None, echo=False):
+ """
+ """
+ if root_url.endswith('/'):
+ self.root_url = root_url[:-1]
+ else:
+ self.root_url = root_url
+ self.headers = headers if headers is not None else {}
+ self.echo = echo
+ def host(self):
+ return self.root_url.split('/')[2]
+ def do(self, method, path, params=None):
+ if path.startswith('/'):
+ url = self.root_url + path
+ else:
+ url = self.root_url + '/' + path
+ if method == 'get':
+ assert params == {} or params is None
+ data_json = None
+ else:
+ data_json = json.dumps(params)
+ if self.echo and logger is not None:
+ logger.debug("HTTP: {} {}".format(method.upper(), url))
+ request = urllib2.Request(url,
+ data=data_json,
+ headers=self.headers)
+ if data_json is not None:
+ request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
+ request.get_method = lambda: method.upper()
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+ if self.echo and logger is not None:
+ logger.debug("HTTP Responce: {}".format(response.code))
+ if response.code < 200 or response.code > 209:
+ raise IndexError(url)
+ content =
+ if '' == content:
+ return None
+ return json.loads(content)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name in self.allowed_methods:
+ return partial(, name)
+ raise AttributeError(name)
+class KeystoneAuth(Urllib2HTTP):
+ def __init__(self, root_url, creds, headers=None, echo=False):
+ super(KeystoneAuth, self).__init__(root_url, headers, echo)
+ admin_node_ip = urlparse.urlparse(root_url).hostname
+ self.keystone_url = "http://{0}:5000/v2.0".format(admin_node_ip)
+ self.keystone = keystoneclient(
+ auth_url=self.keystone_url, **creds)
+ self.refresh_token()
+ def refresh_token(self):
+ """Get new token from keystone and update headers"""
+ try:
+ self.keystone.authenticate()
+ self.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.keystone.auth_token
+ except exceptions.AuthorizationFailure:
+ if logger is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Cant establish connection to keystone with url %s',
+ self.keystone_url)
+ def do(self, method, path, params=None):
+ """Do request. If gets 401 refresh token"""
+ try:
+ return super(KeystoneAuth, self).do(method, path, params)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
+ if e.code == 401:
+ if logger is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Authorization failure: {0}'.format(
+ self.refresh_token()
+ return super(KeystoneAuth, self).do(method, path, params)
+ else:
+ raise
+def get_inline_param_list(url):
+ format_param_rr = re.compile(r"\{([a-zA-Z_]+)\}")
+ for match in format_param_rr.finditer(url):
+ yield
+class RestObj(object):
+ name = None
+ id = None
+ def __init__(self, conn, **kwargs):
+ self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+ self.__connection__ = conn
+ def __str__(self):
+ res = ["{}({}):".format(self.__class__.__name__,]
+ for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
+ if k.startswith('__') or k.endswith('__'):
+ continue
+ if k != 'name':
+ res.append(" {}={!r}".format(k, v))
+ return "\n".join(res)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return getattr(self, item)
+def make_call(method, url):
+ def closure(obj, entire_obj=None, **data):
+ inline_params_vals = {}
+ for name in get_inline_param_list(url):
+ if name in data:
+ inline_params_vals[name] = data[name]
+ del data[name]
+ else:
+ inline_params_vals[name] = getattr(obj, name)
+ result_url = url.format(**inline_params_vals)
+ if entire_obj is not None:
+ if data != {}:
+ raise ValueError("Both entire_obj and data provided")
+ data = entire_obj
+ return, result_url, params=data)
+ return closure
+PUT = partial(make_call, 'put')
+GET = partial(make_call, 'get')
+DELETE = partial(make_call, 'delete')
+def with_timeout(tout, message):
+ def closure(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def closure2(*dt, **mp):
+ ctime = time.time()
+ etime = ctime + tout
+ while ctime < etime:
+ if func(*dt, **mp):
+ return
+ sleep_time = ctime + 1 - time.time()
+ if sleep_time > 0:
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ ctime = time.time()
+ raise RuntimeError("Timeout during " + message)
+ return closure2
+ return closure
+# ------------------------------- ORM ----------------------------------------
+def get_fuel_info(url):
+ conn = Urllib2HTTP(url)
+ return FuelInfo(conn)
+class FuelInfo(RestObj):
+ """Class represents Fuel installation info"""
+ get_nodes = GET('api/nodes')
+ get_clusters = GET('api/clusters')
+ get_cluster = GET('api/clusters/{id}')
+ @property
+ def nodes(self):
+ """Get all fuel nodes"""
+ return NodeList([Node(self.__connection__, **node) for node
+ in self.get_nodes()])
+ @property
+ def free_nodes(self):
+ """Get unallocated nodes"""
+ return NodeList([Node(self.__connection__, **node) for node in
+ self.get_nodes() if not node['cluster']])
+ @property
+ def clusters(self):
+ """List clusters in fuel"""
+ return [Cluster(self.__connection__, **cluster) for cluster
+ in self.get_clusters()]
+class Node(RestObj):
+ """Represents node in Fuel"""
+ get_info = GET('/api/nodes/{id}')
+ get_interfaces = GET('/api/nodes/{id}/interfaces')
+ update_interfaces = PUT('/api/nodes/{id}/interfaces')
+ def set_network_assigment(self, mapping):
+ """Assings networks to interfaces
+ :param mapping: list (dict) interfaces info
+ """
+ curr_interfaces = self.get_interfaces()
+ network_ids = {}
+ for interface in curr_interfaces:
+ for net in interface['assigned_networks']:
+ network_ids[net['name']] = net['id']
+ # transform mappings
+ new_assigned_networks = {}
+ for dev_name, networks in mapping.items():
+ new_assigned_networks[dev_name] = []
+ for net_name in networks:
+ nnet = {'name': net_name, 'id': network_ids[net_name]}
+ new_assigned_networks[dev_name].append(nnet)
+ # update by ref
+ for dev_descr in curr_interfaces:
+ if dev_descr['name'] in new_assigned_networks:
+ nass = new_assigned_networks[dev_descr['name']]
+ dev_descr['assigned_networks'] = nass
+ self.update_interfaces(curr_interfaces,
+ def set_node_name(self, name):
+ """Update node name"""
+ self.__connection__.put('api/nodes', [{'id':, 'name': name}])
+ def get_network_data(self):
+ """Returns node network data"""
+ node_info = self.get_info()
+ return node_info.get('network_data')
+ def get_roles(self):
+ """Get node roles
+ Returns: (roles, pending_roles)
+ """
+ node_info = self.get_info()
+ return node_info.get('roles'), node_info.get('pending_roles')
+ def get_ip(self, network='public'):
+ """Get node ip
+ :param network: network to pick
+ """
+ nets = self.get_network_data()
+ for net in nets:
+ if net['name'] == network:
+ iface_name = net['dev']
+ for iface in self.get_info()['meta']['interfaces']:
+ if iface['name'] == iface_name:
+ try:
+ return iface['ip']
+ except KeyError:
+ return netaddr.IPNetwork(net['ip']).ip
+ raise Exception('Network %s not found' % network)
+class NodeList(list):
+ """Class for filtering nodes through attributes"""
+ allowed_roles = ['controller', 'compute', 'cinder', 'ceph-osd', 'mongo',
+ 'zabbix-server']
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name in self.allowed_roles:
+ return [node for node in self if name in node.roles]
+class Cluster(RestObj):
+ """Class represents Cluster in Fuel"""
+ add_node_call = PUT('api/nodes')
+ start_deploy = PUT('api/clusters/{id}/changes')
+ get_status = GET('api/clusters/{id}')
+ delete = DELETE('api/clusters/{id}')
+ get_tasks_status = GET("api/tasks?cluster_id={id}")
+ get_networks = GET(
+ 'api/clusters/{id}/network_configuration/{net_provider}')
+ get_attributes = GET(
+ 'api/clusters/{id}/attributes')
+ set_attributes = PUT(
+ 'api/clusters/{id}/attributes')
+ configure_networks = PUT(
+ 'api/clusters/{id}/network_configuration/{net_provider}')
+ _get_nodes = GET('api/nodes?cluster_id={id}')
+ def __init__(self, *dt, **mp):
+ super(Cluster, self).__init__(*dt, **mp)
+ self.nodes = NodeList()
+ self.network_roles = {}
+ def check_exists(self):
+ """Check if cluster exists"""
+ try:
+ self.get_status()
+ return True
+ except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
+ if err.code == 404:
+ return False
+ raise
+ def get_nodes(self):
+ for node_descr in self._get_nodes():
+ yield Node(self.__connection__, **node_descr)
+ def add_node(self, node, roles, interfaces=None):
+ """Add node to cluster
+ :param node: Node object
+ :param roles: roles to assign
+ :param interfaces: mapping iface name to networks
+ """
+ data = {}
+ data['pending_roles'] = roles
+ data['cluster_id'] =
+ data['id'] =
+ data['pending_addition'] = True
+ if logger is not None:
+ logger.debug("Adding node %s to cluster..." %
+ self.add_node_call([data])
+ self.nodes.append(node)
+ if interfaces is not None:
+ networks = {}
+ for iface_name, params in interfaces.items():
+ networks[iface_name] = params['networks']
+ node.set_network_assigment(networks)
+ def wait_operational(self, timeout):
+ """Wait until cluster status operational"""
+ def wo():
+ status = self.get_status()['status']
+ if status == "error":
+ raise Exception("Cluster deploy failed")
+ return self.get_status()['status'] == 'operational'
+ with_timeout(timeout, "deploy cluster")(wo)()
+ def deploy(self, timeout):
+ """Start deploy and wait until all tasks finished"""
+ logger.debug("Starting deploy...")
+ self.start_deploy()
+ self.wait_operational(timeout)
+ def all_tasks_finished_ok(obj):
+ ok = True
+ for task in obj.get_tasks_status():
+ if task['status'] == 'error':
+ raise Exception('Task execution error')
+ elif task['status'] != 'ready':
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+ wto = with_timeout(timeout, "wait deployment finished")
+ wto(all_tasks_finished_ok)(self)
+ def set_networks(self, net_descriptions):
+ """Update cluster networking parameters"""
+ configuration = self.get_networks()
+ current_networks = configuration['networks']
+ parameters = configuration['networking_parameters']
+ if net_descriptions.get('networks'):
+ net_mapping = net_descriptions['networks']
+ for net in current_networks:
+ net_desc = net_mapping.get(net['name'])
+ if net_desc:
+ net.update(net_desc)
+ if net_descriptions.get('networking_parameters'):
+ parameters.update(net_descriptions['networking_parameters'])
+ self.configure_networks(**configuration)
+def reflect_cluster(conn, cluster_id):
+ """Returns cluster object by id"""
+ c = Cluster(conn, id=cluster_id)
+ c.nodes = NodeList(list(c.get_nodes()))
+ return c
+def get_all_nodes(conn):
+ """Get all nodes from Fuel"""
+ for node_desc in conn.get('api/nodes'):
+ yield Node(conn, **node_desc)
+def get_all_clusters(conn):
+ """Get all clusters"""
+ for cluster_desc in conn.get('api/clusters'):
+ yield Cluster(conn, **cluster_desc)
+def get_cluster_id(name, conn):
+ """Get cluster id by name"""
+ for cluster in get_all_clusters(conn):
+ if == name:
+ if logger is not None:
+ logger.debug('cluster name is %s' % name)
+ logger.debug('cluster id is %s' %
+ return
+sections = {
+ 'sahara': 'additional_components',
+ 'murano': 'additional_components',
+ 'ceilometer': 'additional_components',
+ 'volumes_ceph': 'storage',
+ 'images_ceph': 'storage',
+ 'ephemeral_ceph': 'storage',
+ 'objects_ceph': 'storage',
+ 'osd_pool_size': 'storage',
+ 'volumes_lvm': 'storage',
+ 'volumes_vmdk': 'storage',
+ 'tenant': 'access',
+ 'password': 'access',
+ 'user': 'access',
+ 'vc_password': 'vcenter',
+ 'cluster': 'vcenter',
+ 'host_ip': 'vcenter',
+ 'vc_user': 'vcenter',
+ 'use_vcenter': 'vcenter',
+def create_empty_cluster(conn, cluster_desc, debug_mode=False):
+ """Create new cluster with configuration provided"""
+ data = {}
+ data['nodes'] = []
+ data['tasks'] = []
+ data['name'] = cluster_desc['name']
+ data['release'] = cluster_desc['release']
+ data['mode'] = cluster_desc.get('deployment_mode')
+ data['net_provider'] = cluster_desc.get('net_provider')
+ params ='/api/clusters', params=data)
+ cluster = Cluster(conn, **params)
+ attributes = cluster.get_attributes()
+ ed_attrs = attributes['editable']
+ ed_attrs['common']['libvirt_type']['value'] = \
+ cluster_desc.get('libvirt_type', 'kvm')
+ if 'nodes' in cluster_desc:
+ use_ceph = cluster_desc['nodes'].get('ceph_osd', None) is not None
+ else:
+ use_ceph = False
+ if 'storage_type' in cluster_desc:
+ st = cluster_desc['storage_type']
+ if st == 'ceph':
+ use_ceph = True
+ else:
+ use_ceph = False
+ if use_ceph:
+ opts = ['ephemeral_ceph', 'images_ceph', 'images_vcenter']
+ opts += ['iser', 'objects_ceph', 'volumes_ceph']
+ opts += ['volumes_lvm', 'volumes_vmdk']
+ for name in opts:
+ val = ed_attrs['storage'][name]
+ if val['type'] == 'checkbox':
+ is_ceph = ('images_ceph' == name)
+ is_ceph = is_ceph or ('volumes_ceph' == name)
+ if is_ceph:
+ val['value'] = True
+ else:
+ val['value'] = False
+ # else:
+ # raise NotImplementedError("Non-ceph storages are not implemented")
+ cluster.set_attributes(attributes)
+ return cluster
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index 0000000..20390aa
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import fuel_rest_api
+def discover_fuel_nodes(root_url, credentials):
+ """Discover Fuel nodes"""
+ connection = fuel_rest_api.KeystoneAuth(root_url, credentials)
+ fi = fuel_rest_api.FuelInfo(connection)
+ return fi.nodes
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index 0000000..8b425cb
--- /dev/null
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+from novaclient.v1_1 import client as novacl
+def discover_openstack_nodes(conn_details):
+ """Discover openstack nodes
+ :param connection_details - dict with openstack connection details -
+ auth_url, api_key (password), username
+ """
+ client = novacl.Client(**conn_details)
+ servers = client.servers.list(search_opts={"all_tenant": True})
+ return servers