typing and refactoring on the way
diff --git a/wally/sensors_rpc_plugin.py b/wally/sensors_rpc_plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2758c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wally/sensors_rpc_plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+import os
+from collections import namedtuple
+SensorInfo = namedtuple("SensorInfo", ['value', 'is_accumulated'])
+# SensorInfo = NamedTuple("SensorInfo", [('value', int), ('is_accumulated', bool)])
+def provides(name: str):
+    def closure(func):
+        return func
+    return closure
+def is_dev_accepted(name, disallowed_prefixes, allowed_prefixes):
+    dev_ok = True
+    if disallowed_prefixes is not None:
+        dev_ok = all(not name.startswith(prefix)
+                     for prefix in disallowed_prefixes)
+    if dev_ok and allowed_prefixes is not None:
+        dev_ok = any(name.startswith(prefix)
+                     for prefix in allowed_prefixes)
+    return dev_ok
+def get_pid_list(disallowed_prefixes, allowed_prefixes):
+    """Return pid list from list of pids and names"""
+    # exceptions
+    but = disallowed_prefixes if disallowed_prefixes is not None else []
+    if allowed_prefixes is None:
+        # if nothing setted - all ps will be returned except setted
+        result = [pid
+                  for pid in os.listdir('/proc')
+                  if pid.isdigit() and pid not in but]
+    else:
+        result = []
+        for pid in os.listdir('/proc'):
+            if pid.isdigit() and pid not in but:
+                name = get_pid_name(pid)
+                if pid in allowed_prefixes or \
+                   any(name.startswith(val) for val in allowed_prefixes):
+                    # this is allowed pid?
+                    result.append(pid)
+    return result
+def get_pid_name(pid):
+    """Return name by pid"""
+    try:
+        with open(os.path.join('/proc/', pid, 'cmdline'), 'r') as pidfile:
+            try:
+                cmd = pidfile.readline().split()[0]
+                return os.path.basename(cmd).rstrip('\x00')
+            except IndexError:
+                # no cmd returned
+                return "<NO NAME>"
+    except IOError:
+        # upstream wait any string, no matter if we couldn't read proc
+        return "no_such_process"
+def delta(func, only_upd=True):
+    prev = {}
+    while True:
+        for dev_name, vals in func():
+            if dev_name not in prev:
+                prev[dev_name] = {}
+                for name, (val, _) in vals.items():
+                    prev[dev_name][name] = val
+            else:
+                dev_prev = prev[dev_name]
+                res = {}
+                for stat_name, (val, accum_val) in vals.items():
+                    if accum_val:
+                        if stat_name in dev_prev:
+                            delta = int(val) - int(dev_prev[stat_name])
+                            if not only_upd or 0 != delta:
+                                res[stat_name] = str(delta)
+                        dev_prev[stat_name] = val
+                    elif not only_upd or '0' != val:
+                        res[stat_name] = val
+                if only_upd and len(res) == 0:
+                    continue
+                yield dev_name, res
+        yield None, None
+#  1 - major number
+#  2 - minor mumber
+#  3 - device name
+#  4 - reads completed successfully
+#  5 - reads merged
+#  6 - sectors read
+#  7 - time spent reading (ms)
+#  8 - writes completed
+#  9 - writes merged
+# 10 - sectors written
+# 11 - time spent writing (ms)
+# 12 - I/Os currently in progress
+# 13 - time spent doing I/Os (ms)
+# 14 - weighted time spent doing I/Os (ms)
+io_values_pos = [
+    (3, 'reads_completed', True),
+    (5, 'sectors_read', True),
+    (6, 'rtime', True),
+    (7, 'writes_completed', True),
+    (9, 'sectors_written', True),
+    (10, 'wtime', True),
+    (11, 'io_queue', False),
+    (13, 'io_time', True)
+def io_stat(disallowed_prefixes=('ram', 'loop'), allowed_prefixes=None):
+    results = {}
+    for line in open('/proc/diskstats'):
+        vals = line.split()
+        dev_name = vals[2]
+        dev_ok = is_dev_accepted(dev_name,
+                                 disallowed_prefixes,
+                                 allowed_prefixes)
+        if dev_name[-1].isdigit():
+            dev_ok = False
+        if dev_ok:
+            for pos, name, accum_val in io_values_pos:
+                sensor_name = "{0}.{1}".format(dev_name, name)
+                results[sensor_name] = SensorInfo(int(vals[pos]), accum_val)
+    return results
+def get_latency(stat1, stat2):
+    disks = set(i.split('.', 1)[0] for i in stat1)
+    results = {}
+    for disk in disks:
+        rdc = disk + '.reads_completed'
+        wrc = disk + '.writes_completed'
+        rdt = disk + '.rtime'
+        wrt = disk + '.wtime'
+        lat = 0.0
+        io_ops1 = stat1[rdc].value + stat1[wrc].value
+        io_ops2 = stat2[rdc].value + stat2[wrc].value
+        diops = io_ops2 - io_ops1
+        if diops != 0:
+            io1 = stat1[rdt].value + stat1[wrt].value
+            io2 = stat2[rdt].value + stat2[wrt].value
+            lat = abs(float(io1 - io2)) / diops
+        results[disk + '.latence'] = SensorInfo(lat, False)
+    return results
+#  1 - major number
+#  2 - minor mumber
+#  3 - device name
+#  4 - reads completed successfully
+#  5 - reads merged
+#  6 - sectors read
+#  7 - time spent reading (ms)
+#  8 - writes completed
+#  9 - writes merged
+# 10 - sectors written
+# 11 - time spent writing (ms)
+# 12 - I/Os currently in progress
+# 13 - time spent doing I/Os (ms)
+# 14 - weighted time spent doing I/Os (ms)
+net_values_pos = [
+    (0, 'recv_bytes', True),
+    (1, 'recv_packets', True),
+    (8, 'send_bytes', True),
+    (9, 'send_packets', True),
+def net_stat(disallowed_prefixes=('docker', 'lo'), allowed_prefixes=('eth',)):
+    results = {}
+    for line in open('/proc/net/dev').readlines()[2:]:
+        dev_name, stats = line.split(":", 1)
+        dev_name = dev_name.strip()
+        vals = stats.split()
+        dev_ok = is_dev_accepted(dev_name,
+                                 disallowed_prefixes,
+                                 allowed_prefixes)
+        if '.' in dev_name and dev_name.split('.')[-1].isdigit():
+            dev_ok = False
+        if dev_ok:
+            for pos, name, accum_val in net_values_pos:
+                sensor_name = "{0}.{1}".format(dev_name, name)
+                results[sensor_name] = SensorInfo(int(vals[pos]), accum_val)
+    return results
+def pscpu_stat(disallowed_prefixes=None, allowed_prefixes=None):
+    results = {}
+    pid_list = get_pid_list(disallowed_prefixes, allowed_prefixes)
+    for pid in pid_list:
+        try:
+            dev_name = get_pid_name(pid)
+            pid_stat1 = pid_stat(pid)
+            sensor_name = "{0}.{1}".format(dev_name, pid)
+            results[sensor_name] = SensorInfo(pid_stat1, True)
+        except IOError:
+            # may be, proc has already terminated, skip it
+            continue
+    return results
+def pid_stat(pid):
+    """Return total cpu usage time from process"""
+    # read /proc/pid/stat
+    with open(os.path.join('/proc/', pid, 'stat'), 'r') as pidfile:
+        proctimes = pidfile.readline().split()
+    # get utime from /proc/<pid>/stat, 14 item
+    utime = proctimes[13]
+    # get stime from proc/<pid>/stat, 15 item
+    stime = proctimes[14]
+    # count total process used time
+    return float(int(utime) + int(stime))
+# Based on ps_mem.py:
+# Licence: LGPLv2
+# Author:  P@draigBrady.com
+# Source:  http://www.pixelbeat.org/scripts/ps_mem.py
+#   http://github.com/pixelb/scripts/commits/master/scripts/ps_mem.py
+# Note shared is always a subset of rss (trs is not always)
+def get_mem_stats(pid):
+    """Return memory data of pid in format (private, shared)"""
+    fname = '/proc/{0}/{1}'.format(pid, "smaps")
+    lines = open(fname).readlines()
+    shared = 0
+    private = 0
+    pss = 0
+    # add 0.5KiB as this avg error due to trunctation
+    pss_adjust = 0.5
+    for line in lines:
+        if line.startswith("Shared"):
+            shared += int(line.split()[1])
+        if line.startswith("Private"):
+            private += int(line.split()[1])
+        if line.startswith("Pss"):
+            pss += float(line.split()[1]) + pss_adjust
+    # Note Shared + Private = Rss above
+    # The Rss in smaps includes video card mem etc.
+    if pss != 0:
+        shared = int(pss - private)
+    return (private, shared)
+def psram_stat(disallowed_prefixes=None, allowed_prefixes=None):
+    results = {}
+    pid_list = get_pid_list(disallowed_prefixes, allowed_prefixes)
+    for pid in pid_list:
+        try:
+            dev_name = get_pid_name(pid)
+            private, shared = get_mem_stats(pid)
+            total = private + shared
+            sys_total = get_ram_size()
+            usage = float(total) / float(sys_total)
+            sensor_name = "{0}({1})".format(dev_name, pid)
+            results[sensor_name + ".private_mem"] = SensorInfo(private, False)
+            results[sensor_name + ".shared_mem"] = SensorInfo(shared, False)
+            results[sensor_name + ".used_mem"] = SensorInfo(total, False)
+            name = sensor_name + ".mem_usage_percent"
+            results[name] = SensorInfo(usage * 100, False)
+        except IOError:
+            # permission denied or proc die
+            continue
+    return results
+def get_ram_size():
+    """Return RAM size in Kb"""
+    with open("/proc/meminfo") as proc:
+        mem_total = proc.readline().split()
+    return mem_total[1]
+# 0 - cpu name
+# 1 - user: normal processes executing in user mode
+# 2 - nice: niced processes executing in user mode
+# 3 - system: processes executing in kernel mode
+# 4 - idle: twiddling thumbs
+# 5 - iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
+# 6 - irq: servicing interrupts
+# 7 - softirq: servicing softirqs
+cpu_values_pos = [
+    (1, 'user_processes', True),
+    (2, 'nice_processes', True),
+    (3, 'system_processes', True),
+    (4, 'idle_time', True),
+def syscpu_stat(disallowed_prefixes=None, allowed_prefixes=None):
+    results = {}
+    # calculate core count
+    core_count = 0
+    for line in open('/proc/stat'):
+        vals = line.split()
+        dev_name = vals[0]
+        if dev_name == 'cpu':
+            for pos, name, accum_val in cpu_values_pos:
+                sensor_name = "{0}.{1}".format(dev_name, name)
+                results[sensor_name] = SensorInfo(int(vals[pos]),
+                                                  accum_val)
+        elif dev_name == 'procs_blocked':
+            val = int(vals[1])
+            results["cpu.procs_blocked"] = SensorInfo(val, False)
+        elif dev_name.startswith('cpu'):
+            core_count += 1
+    # procs in queue
+    TASKSPOS = 3
+    vals = open('/proc/loadavg').read().split()
+    ready_procs = vals[TASKSPOS].partition('/')[0]
+    # dec on current proc
+    procs_queue = (float(ready_procs) - 1) / core_count
+    results["cpu.procs_queue"] = SensorInfo(procs_queue, False)
+    return results
+# return this values or setted in allowed
+ram_fields = [
+    'MemTotal',
+    'MemFree',
+    'Buffers',
+    'Cached',
+    'SwapCached',
+    'Dirty',
+    'Writeback',
+    'SwapTotal',
+    'SwapFree'
+def sysram_stat(disallowed_prefixes=None, allowed_prefixes=None):
+    if allowed_prefixes is None:
+        allowed_prefixes = ram_fields
+    results = {}
+    for line in open('/proc/meminfo'):
+        vals = line.split()
+        dev_name = vals[0].rstrip(":")
+        dev_ok = is_dev_accepted(dev_name,
+                                 disallowed_prefixes,
+                                 allowed_prefixes)
+        title = "ram.{0}".format(dev_name)
+        if dev_ok:
+            results[title] = SensorInfo(int(vals[1]), False)
+    if 'ram.MemFree' in results and 'ram.MemTotal' in results:
+        used = results['ram.MemTotal'].value - results['ram.MemFree'].value
+        usage = float(used) / results['ram.MemTotal'].value
+        results["ram.usage_percent"] = SensorInfo(usage, False)
+    return results