2.0 ready
diff --git a/wally/run_test.py b/wally/run_test.py
index 4484d45..43e4e43 100755
--- a/wally/run_test.py
+++ b/wally/run_test.py
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
 import os
 import re
-import sys
 import time
-import pprint
-import signal
 import logging
-import argparse
 import functools
 import contextlib
 import collections
@@ -20,23 +14,12 @@
 except ImportError:
     yaml_load = _yaml_load
-import texttable
-    import faulthandler
-except ImportError:
-    faulthandler = None
 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-from wally import pretty_yaml
 from wally.hw_info import get_hw_info
+from wally.config import get_test_files
 from wally.discover import discover, Node
-from wally.timeseries import SensorDatastore
-from wally import utils, report, ssh_utils, start_vms
-from wally.config import (cfg_dict, load_config, setup_loggers,
-                          get_test_files, save_run_params, load_run_params)
+from wally import pretty_yaml, utils, report, ssh_utils, start_vms
 from wally.sensors_utils import with_sensors_util, sensors_info_util
 from wally.suits.mysql import MysqlTest
@@ -52,65 +35,65 @@
-    from wally import webui
-except ImportError:
-    webui = None
 logger = logging.getLogger("wally")
-def format_result(res, formatter):
-    data = "\n{0}\n".format("=" * 80)
-    data += pprint.pformat(res) + "\n"
-    data += "{0}\n".format("=" * 80)
-    templ = "{0}\n\n====> {1}\n\n{2}\n\n"
-    return templ.format(data, formatter(res), "=" * 80)
+def connect_all(nodes, spawned_node=False):
+    """
+    Connect to all nodes, log errors
+    nodes:[Node] - list of nodes
+    spawned_node:bool - whenever nodes is newly spawned VM
+    """
-class Context(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.build_meta = {}
-        self.nodes = []
-        self.clear_calls_stack = []
-        self.openstack_nodes_ids = []
-        self.sensors_mon_q = None
-        self.hw_info = []
-def connect_one(node, vm=False):
-    if node.conn_url == 'local':
-        node.connection = ssh_utils.connect(node.conn_url)
-        return
-    try:
-        ssh_pref = "ssh://"
-        if node.conn_url.startswith(ssh_pref):
-            url = node.conn_url[len(ssh_pref):]
-            if vm:
-                conn_timeout = 240
-            else:
-                conn_timeout = 30
-            node.connection = ssh_utils.connect(url,
-                                                conn_timeout=conn_timeout)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown url type {0}".format(node.conn_url))
-    except Exception as exc:
-        # logger.exception("During connect to " + node.get_conn_id())
-        msg = "During connect to {0}: {1!s}".format(node.get_conn_id(),
-                                                    exc)
-        logger.error(msg)
-        node.connection = None
-def connect_all(nodes, vm=False):
     logger.info("Connecting to nodes")
+    conn_timeout = 240 if spawned_node else 30
+    def connect_ext(conn_url):
+        try:
+            return ssh_utils.connect(conn_url, conn_timeout=conn_timeout)
+        except Exception as exc:
+            logger.error("During connect to {0}: {1!s}".format(conn_url, exc))
+            return None
+    urls = []
+    ssh_pref = "ssh://"
+    for node in nodes:
+        if node.conn_url == 'local':
+            urls.append(node.conn_url)
+        elif node.conn_url.startswith(ssh_pref):
+            urls.append(node.conn_url[len(ssh_pref):])
+        else:
+            msg = "Unknown url type {0}".format(node.conn_url)
+            logger.error(msg)
+            raise utils.StopTestError(msg)
     with ThreadPoolExecutor(32) as pool:
-        connect_one_f = functools.partial(connect_one, vm=vm)
-        list(pool.map(connect_one_f, nodes))
+        for node, conn in zip(nodes, pool.map(connect_ext, urls)):
+            node.connection = conn
+    failed_testnodes = []
+    failed_nodes = []
+    for node in nodes:
+        if node.connection is None:
+            if 'testnode' in node.roles:
+                failed_testnodes.append(node.get_conn_id())
+            else:
+                failed_nodes.append(node.get_conn_id())
+    if failed_nodes != []:
+        msg = "Node(s) {0} would be excluded - can't connect"
+        logger.warning(msg.format(",".join(failed_nodes)))
+    if failed_testnodes != []:
+        msg = "Can't connect to testnode(s) " + ",".join(failed_testnodes)
+        logger.error(msg)
+        raise utils.StopTestError(msg)
+    if len(failed_nodes) == 0:
+        logger.info("All nodes connected successfully")
 def collect_hw_info_stage(cfg, ctx):
@@ -132,7 +115,7 @@
             if info.hostname is not None:
                 fname = os.path.join(
-                    cfg_dict['hwinfo_directory'],
+                    cfg.hwinfo_directory,
                     info.hostname + "_lshw.xml")
                 with open(fname, "w") as fd:
@@ -141,22 +124,8 @@
     logger.debug("Raw hardware info in " + cfg['hwinfo_directory'] + " folder")
-def run_single_test(test_nodes, name, params, log_directory,
-                    test_local_folder, run_uuid):
-    test_cls = TOOL_TYPE_MAPPER[name]
-    test_cfg = TestConfig(test_cls.__name__,
-                          params=params,
-                          test_uuid=run_uuid,
-                          nodes=test_nodes,
-                          log_directory=log_directory,
-                          remote_dir=test_local_folder.format(name=name))
-    test = test_cls(test_cfg)
-    return test.run()
-def suspend_vm_nodes(unused_nodes):
+def suspend_vm_nodes_ctx(unused_nodes):
     pausable_nodes_ids = [node.os_vm_id for node in unused_nodes
                           if node.os_vm_id is not None]
     non_pausable = len(unused_nodes) - len(pausable_nodes_ids)
@@ -170,15 +139,38 @@
-    return pausable_nodes_ids
+    try:
+        yield pausable_nodes_ids
+    finally:
+        if len(pausable_nodes_ids) != 0:
+            logger.debug("Unpausing {0} nodes".format(
+                         len(pausable_nodes_ids)))
+            start_vms.unpause(pausable_nodes_ids)
+def generate_result_dir_name(results, name, params):
+    # make a directory for results
+    all_tests_dirs = os.listdir(results)
+    if 'name' in params:
+        dir_name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, params['name'])
+    else:
+        for idx in range(len(all_tests_dirs) + 1):
+            dir_name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, idx)
+            if dir_name not in all_tests_dirs:
+                break
+        else:
+            raise utils.StopTestError("Can't select directory for test results")
+    return os.path.join(results, dir_name)
 def run_tests(cfg, test_block, nodes):
-    test_nodes = [node for node in nodes
-                  if 'testnode' in node.roles]
-    not_test_nodes = [node for node in nodes
-                      if 'testnode' not in node.roles]
+    """
+    Run test from test block
+    """
+    test_nodes = [node for node in nodes if 'testnode' in node.roles]
+    not_test_nodes = [node for node in nodes if 'testnode' not in node.roles]
     if len(test_nodes) == 0:
         logger.error("No test nodes found")
@@ -186,15 +178,23 @@
     for name, params in test_block.items():
         results = []
-        limit = params.get('node_limit')
+        # iterate over all node counts
+        limit = params.get('node_limit', len(test_nodes))
         if isinstance(limit, (int, long)):
             vm_limits = [limit]
-        elif limit is None:
-            vm_limits = [len(test_nodes)]
+            list_or_tpl = isinstance(limit, (tuple, list))
+            all_ints = list_or_tpl and all(isinstance(climit, (int, long))
+                                           for climit in limit)
+            if not all_ints:
+                msg = "'node_limit' parameter ion config should" + \
+                      "be either int or list if integers, not {0!r}".format(limit)
+                raise ValueError(msg)
             vm_limits = limit
         for vm_count in vm_limits:
+            # select test nodes
             if vm_count == 'all':
                 curr_test_nodes = test_nodes
                 unused_nodes = []
@@ -205,111 +205,72 @@
             if 0 == len(curr_test_nodes):
-            # make a directory for results
-            all_tests_dirs = os.listdir(cfg_dict['results'])
+            results_path = generate_result_dir_name(cfg.results_storage, name, params)
+            utils.mkdirs_if_unxists(results_path)
-            if 'name' in params:
-                dir_name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, params['name'])
+            # suspend all unused virtual nodes
+            if cfg.settings.get('suspend_unused_vms', True):
+                suspend_ctx = suspend_vm_nodes_ctx(unused_nodes)
-                for idx in range(len(all_tests_dirs) + 1):
-                    dir_name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, idx)
-                    if dir_name not in all_tests_dirs:
-                        break
-                else:
-                    raise utils.StopTestError(
-                        "Can't select directory for test results")
+                suspend_ctx = utils.empty_ctx()
-            dir_path = os.path.join(cfg_dict['results'], dir_name)
-            if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
-                os.mkdir(dir_path)
+            with suspend_ctx:
+                resumable_nodes_ids = [node.os_vm_id for node in curr_test_nodes
+                                       if node.os_vm_id is not None]
-            if cfg.get('suspend_unused_vms', True):
-                pausable_nodes_ids = suspend_vm_nodes(unused_nodes)
+                if len(resumable_nodes_ids) != 0:
+                    logger.debug("Check and unpause {0} nodes".format(
+                                 len(resumable_nodes_ids)))
+                    start_vms.unpause(resumable_nodes_ids)
-            resumable_nodes_ids = [node.os_vm_id for node in curr_test_nodes
-                                   if node.os_vm_id is not None]
-            if len(resumable_nodes_ids) != 0:
-                logger.debug("Check and unpause {0} nodes".format(
-                             len(resumable_nodes_ids)))
-                start_vms.unpause(resumable_nodes_ids)
-            try:
                 sens_nodes = curr_test_nodes + not_test_nodes
                 with sensors_info_util(cfg, sens_nodes) as sensor_data:
-                    t_start = time.time()
-                    res = run_single_test(curr_test_nodes,
-                                          name,
-                                          params,
-                                          dir_path,
-                                          cfg['default_test_local_folder'],
-                                          cfg['run_uuid'])
-                    t_end = time.time()
-            finally:
-                if cfg.get('suspend_unused_vms', True):
-                    if len(pausable_nodes_ids) != 0:
-                        logger.debug("Unpausing {0} nodes".format(
-                                     len(pausable_nodes_ids)))
-                        start_vms.unpause(pausable_nodes_ids)
+                    test_cls = TOOL_TYPE_MAPPER[name]
+                    remote_dir = cfg.default_test_local_folder.format(name=name)
+                    test_cfg = TestConfig(test_cls.__name__,
+                                          params=params,
+                                          test_uuid=cfg.run_uuid,
+                                          nodes=test_nodes,
+                                          log_directory=results_path,
+                                          remote_dir=remote_dir)
+                    t_start = time.time()
+                    res = test_cls(test_cfg).run()
+                    t_end = time.time()
+            # save sensor data
             if sensor_data is not None:
                 fname = "{0}_{1}.csv".format(int(t_start), int(t_end))
-                fpath = os.path.join(cfg['sensor_storage'], fname)
+                fpath = os.path.join(cfg.sensor_storage, fname)
                 with open(fpath, "w") as fd:
-            results.extend(res)
+            results.append(res)
         yield name, results
-def log_nodes_statistic(_, ctx):
-    nodes = ctx.nodes
-    logger.info("Found {0} nodes total".format(len(nodes)))
-    per_role = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    for node in nodes:
-        for role in node.roles:
-            per_role[role] += 1
-    for role, count in sorted(per_role.items()):
-        logger.debug("Found {0} nodes with role {1}".format(count, role))
 def connect_stage(cfg, ctx):
-    all_ok = True
-    for node in ctx.nodes:
-        if node.connection is None:
-            if 'testnode' in node.roles:
-                msg = "Can't connect to testnode {0}"
-                msg = msg.format(node.get_conn_id())
-                logger.error(msg)
-                raise utils.StopTestError(msg)
-            else:
-                msg = "Node {0} would be excluded - can't connect"
-                logger.warning(msg.format(node.get_conn_id()))
-                all_ok = False
-    if all_ok:
-        logger.info("All nodes connected successfully")
-    ctx.nodes = [node for node in ctx.nodes
-                 if node.connection is not None]
+    ctx.nodes = [node for node in ctx.nodes if node.connection is not None]
 def discover_stage(cfg, ctx):
+    """
+    discover clusters and nodes stage
+    """
     if cfg.get('discover') is not None:
-        discover_objs = [i.strip() for i in cfg['discover'].strip().split(",")]
+        discover_objs = [i.strip() for i in cfg.discover.strip().split(",")]
         nodes = discover(ctx,
-                         cfg['clouds'],
-                         cfg['var_dir'],
-                         not cfg['dont_discover_nodes'])
+                         cfg.clouds,
+                         cfg.results_storage,
+                         not cfg.dont_discover_nodes)
@@ -327,16 +288,18 @@
         if len(roles) != 0:
             cluster[node.conn_url] = roles
-    with open(cfg['nodes_report_file'], "w") as fd:
+    with open(cfg.nodes_report_file, "w") as fd:
 def reuse_vms_stage(cfg, ctx):
-    p = cfg.get('clouds', {}).get('openstack', {}).get('vms', [])
+    vms_patterns = cfg.get('clouds', {}).get('openstack', {}).get('vms', [])
+    private_key_path = get_vm_keypair(cfg)['keypair_file_private']
-    for creds in p:
-        vm_name_pattern, conn_pattern = creds.split(",")
+    for creds in vms_patterns:
+        user_name, vm_name_pattern = creds.split("@", 1)
         msg = "Vm like {0} lookup failed".format(vm_name_pattern)
         with utils.log_error(msg):
             msg = "Looking for vm with name like {0}".format(vm_name_pattern)
@@ -348,7 +311,10 @@
             conn = start_vms.nova_connect(**os_creds)
             for ip, vm_id in start_vms.find_vms(conn, vm_name_pattern):
-                node = Node(conn_pattern.format(ip=ip), ['testnode'])
+                conn_url = "ssh://{user}@{ip}::{key}".format(user=user_name,
+                                                             ip=ip,
+                                                             key=private_key_path)
+                node = Node(conn_url, ['testnode'])
                 node.os_vm_id = vm_id
@@ -357,8 +323,8 @@
     creds = None
     tenant = None
-    if 'openstack' in cfg['clouds']:
-        os_cfg = cfg['clouds']['openstack']
+    if 'openstack' in cfg.clouds:
+        os_cfg = cfg.clouds['openstack']
         if 'OPENRC' in os_cfg:
             logger.info("Using OS credentials from " + os_cfg['OPENRC'])
             user, passwd, tenant, auth_url = utils.get_creds_openrc(os_cfg['OPENRC'])
@@ -372,8 +338,8 @@
             passwd = os_cfg['OS_PASSWORD'].strip()
             auth_url = os_cfg['OS_AUTH_URL'].strip()
-    if tenant is None and 'fuel' in cfg['clouds'] and \
-       'openstack_env' in cfg['clouds']['fuel'] and \
+    if tenant is None and 'fuel' in cfg.clouds and \
+       'openstack_env' in cfg.clouds['fuel'] and \
        ctx.fuel_openstack_creds is not None:
         logger.info("Using fuel creds")
         creds = ctx.fuel_openstack_creds
@@ -388,31 +354,57 @@
                  'auth_url': auth_url}
     logger.debug("OS_CREDS: user={name} tenant={tenant} auth_url={auth_url}".format(**creds))
     return creds
+def get_vm_keypair(cfg):
+    res = {}
+    for field, ext in (('keypair_file_private', 'pem'),
+                       ('keypair_file_public', 'pub')):
+        fpath = cfg.vm_configs.get(field)
+        if fpath is None:
+            fpath = cfg.vm_configs['keypair_name'] + "." + ext
+        if os.path.isabs(fpath):
+            res[field] = fpath
+        else:
+            res[field] = os.path.join(cfg.config_folder, fpath)
+    return res
 def create_vms_ctx(ctx, cfg, config, already_has_count=0):
-    params = cfg['vm_configs'][config['cfg_name']].copy()
+    if config['count'].startswith('='):
+        count = int(config['count'][1:])
+        if count <= already_has_count:
+            logger.debug("Not need new vms")
+            yield []
+            return
+    params = cfg.vm_configs[config['cfg_name']].copy()
     os_nodes_ids = []
     if not start_vms.is_connected():
         os_creds = get_OS_credentials(cfg, ctx)
         os_creds = {}
-    start_vms.nova_connect(**os_creds)
+    nova = start_vms.nova_connect(**os_creds)
-    if 'keypair_file_private' not in params:
-        params['keypair_file_private'] = params['keypair_name'] + ".pem"
+    params.update(get_vm_keypair(cfg))
-    params['group_name'] = cfg_dict['run_uuid']
+    params['group_name'] = cfg.run_uuid
+    params['keypair_name'] = cfg.vm_configs['keypair_name']
     if not config.get('skip_preparation', False):
         logger.info("Preparing openstack")
-        start_vms.prepare_os_subpr(params=params, **os_creds)
+        start_vms.prepare_os_subpr(nova, params=params, **os_creds)
     new_nodes = []
+    old_nodes = ctx.nodes[:]
         for new_node, node_id in start_vms.launch_vms(params, already_has_count):
@@ -426,17 +418,15 @@
         yield new_nodes
-        if not cfg['keep_vm']:
+        if not cfg.keep_vm:
             shut_down_vms_stage(cfg, ctx)
+        ctx.nodes = old_nodes
 def run_tests_stage(cfg, ctx):
     ctx.results = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
-    if 'tests' not in cfg:
-        return
-    for group in cfg['tests']:
+    for group in cfg.get('tests', []):
         if len(group.items()) != 1:
             msg = "Items in tests section should have len == 1"
@@ -451,33 +441,36 @@
                 raise utils.StopTestError(msg)
-            num_test_nodes = sum(1 for node in ctx.nodes
-                                 if 'testnode' in node.roles)
+            num_test_nodes = 0
+            for node in ctx.nodes:
+                if 'testnode' in node.roles:
+                    num_test_nodes += 1
             vm_ctx = create_vms_ctx(ctx, cfg, config['openstack'],
-            with vm_ctx as new_nodes:
-                if len(new_nodes) != 0:
-                    logger.debug("Connecting to new nodes")
-                    connect_all(new_nodes, True)
+            tests = config.get('tests', [])
+        else:
+            vm_ctx = utils.empty_ctx([])
+            tests = [group]
-                    for node in new_nodes:
-                        if node.connection is None:
-                            msg = "Failed to connect to vm {0}"
-                            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(node.get_conn_id()))
+        if cfg.get('sensors') is None:
+            sensor_ctx = utils.empty_ctx()
+        else:
+            sensor_ctx = with_sensors_util(cfg.get('sensors'), ctx.nodes)
-                with with_sensors_util(cfg_dict, ctx.nodes):
-                    for test_group in config.get('tests', []):
+        with vm_ctx as new_nodes:
+            if len(new_nodes) != 0:
+                connect_all(new_nodes, True)
+            if not cfg.no_tests:
+                for test_group in tests:
+                    with sensor_ctx:
                         for tp, res in run_tests(cfg, test_group, ctx.nodes):
-        else:
-            with with_sensors_util(cfg_dict, ctx.nodes):
-                for tp, res in run_tests(cfg, group, ctx.nodes):
-                    ctx.results[tp].extend(res)
 def shut_down_vms_stage(cfg, ctx):
-    vm_ids_fname = cfg_dict['vm_ids_fname']
+    vm_ids_fname = cfg.vm_ids_fname
     if ctx.openstack_nodes_ids is None:
         nodes_ids = open(vm_ids_fname).read().split()
@@ -493,12 +486,12 @@
 def store_nodes_in_log(cfg, nodes_ids):
-    with open(cfg['vm_ids_fname'], 'w') as fd:
+    with open(cfg.vm_ids_fname, 'w') as fd:
 def clear_enviroment(cfg, ctx):
-    if os.path.exists(cfg_dict['vm_ids_fname']):
+    if os.path.exists(cfg.vm_ids_fname):
         shut_down_vms_stage(cfg, ctx)
@@ -511,28 +504,29 @@
 def store_raw_results_stage(cfg, ctx):
-    raw_results = cfg_dict['raw_results']
-    if os.path.exists(raw_results):
-        cont = yaml_load(open(raw_results).read())
+    if os.path.exists(cfg.raw_results):
+        cont = yaml_load(open(cfg.raw_results).read())
         cont = []
     raw_data = pretty_yaml.dumps(cont)
-    with open(raw_results, "w") as fd:
+    with open(cfg.raw_results, "w") as fd:
 def console_report_stage(cfg, ctx):
     first_report = True
-    text_rep_fname = cfg['text_report_file']
+    text_rep_fname = cfg.text_report_file
     with open(text_rep_fname, "w") as fd:
         for tp, data in ctx.results.items():
             if 'io' == tp and data is not None:
-                rep = IOPerfTest.format_for_console(data)
+                rep_lst = []
+                for result in data:
+                    rep_lst.append(
+                        IOPerfTest.format_for_console(list(result)))
+                rep = "\n\n".join(rep_lst)
             elif tp in ['mysql', 'pgbench'] and data is not None:
                 rep = MysqlTest.format_for_console(data)
@@ -550,7 +544,7 @@
 def test_load_report_stage(cfg, ctx):
-    load_rep_fname = cfg['load_report_file']
+    load_rep_fname = cfg.load_report_file
     found = False
     for idx, (tp, data) in enumerate(ctx.results.items()):
         if 'io' == tp and data is not None:
@@ -564,49 +558,33 @@
 def html_report_stage(cfg, ctx):
-    html_rep_fname = cfg['html_report_file']
+    html_rep_fname = cfg.html_report_file
     found = False
     for tp, data in ctx.results.items():
         if 'io' == tp and data is not None:
-            if found:
+            if found or len(data) > 1:
                 logger.error("Making reports for more than one " +
                              "io block isn't supported! All " +
                              "report, except first are skipped")
             found = True
-            report.make_io_report(data,
+            report.make_io_report(list(data[0]),
                                   cfg.get('comment', ''),
-def complete_log_nodes_statistic(cfg, ctx):
-    nodes = ctx.nodes
-    for node in nodes:
-        logger.debug(str(node))
+def load_data_from_path(test_res_dir):
+    files = get_test_files(test_res_dir)
+    raw_res = yaml_load(open(files['raw_results']).read())
+    res = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
+    for tp, test_lists in raw_res:
+        for tests in test_lists:
+            for suite_name, suite_data in tests.items():
+                result_folder = suite_data[0]
+                res[tp].append(TOOL_TYPE_MAPPER[tp].load(suite_name, result_folder))
-def load_data_from_file(var_dir, _, ctx):
-    raw_results = os.path.join(var_dir, 'raw_results.yaml')
-    ctx.results = {}
-    for tp, results in yaml_load(open(raw_results).read()):
-        cls = TOOL_TYPE_MAPPER[tp]
-        ctx.results[tp] = map(cls.load, results)
-def load_data_from_path(var_dir):
-    res_dir = os.path.join(var_dir, 'results')
-    res = {}
-    for dir_name in os.listdir(res_dir):
-        dir_path = os.path.join(res_dir, dir_name)
-        if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
-            continue
-        rr = re.match(r"(?P<type>[a-z]+)_\d+$", dir_name)
-        if rr is None:
-            continue
-        tp = rr.group('type')
-        arr = res.setdefault(tp, [])
-        arr.extend(TOOL_TYPE_MAPPER[tp].load(dir_path))
     return res
@@ -617,230 +595,3 @@
 def load_data_from(var_dir):
     return functools.partial(load_data_from_path_stage, var_dir)
-def parse_args(argv):
-    descr = "Disk io performance test suite"
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='wally', description=descr)
-    # subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
-    # test_parser = subparsers.add_parser('test', help='run tests')
-    parser.add_argument("-l", dest='extra_logs',
-                        action='store_true', default=False,
-                        help="print some extra log info")
-    parser.add_argument("-b", '--build_description',
-                        type=str, default="Build info")
-    parser.add_argument("-i", '--build_id', type=str, default="id")
-    parser.add_argument("-t", '--build_type', type=str, default="GA")
-    parser.add_argument("-u", '--username', type=str, default="admin")
-    parser.add_argument("-n", '--no-tests', action='store_true',
-                        help="Don't run tests", default=False)
-    parser.add_argument("-p", '--post-process-only', metavar="VAR_DIR",
-                        help="Only process data from previour run")
-    parser.add_argument("-x", '--xxx',  action='store_true')
-    parser.add_argument("-k", '--keep-vm', action='store_true',
-                        help="Don't remove test vm's", default=False)
-    parser.add_argument("-d", '--dont-discover-nodes', action='store_true',
-                        help="Don't connect/discover fuel nodes",
-                        default=False)
-    parser.add_argument("-r", '--no-html-report', action='store_true',
-                        help="Skip html report", default=False)
-    parser.add_argument("--params", metavar="testname.paramname",
-                        help="Test params", default=[])
-    parser.add_argument("--ls", action='store_true', default=False)
-    parser.add_argument("-c", "--comment", default="")
-    parser.add_argument("config_file")
-    return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
-def get_stage_name(func):
-    nm = get_func_name(func)
-    if nm.endswith("stage"):
-        return nm
-    else:
-        return nm + " stage"
-def get_test_names(raw_res):
-    res = set()
-    for tp, data in raw_res:
-        for block in data:
-            res.add("{0}({1})".format(tp, block.get('test_name', '-')))
-    return res
-def list_results(path):
-    results = []
-    for dname in os.listdir(path):
-        files_cfg = get_test_files(os.path.join(path, dname))
-        if not os.path.isfile(files_cfg['raw_results']):
-            continue
-        mt = os.path.getmtime(files_cfg['raw_results'])
-        res_mtime = time.ctime(mt)
-        raw_res = yaml_load(open(files_cfg['raw_results']).read())
-        test_names = ",".join(sorted(get_test_names(raw_res)))
-        params = load_run_params(files_cfg['run_params_file'])
-        comm = params.get('comment')
-        results.append((mt, dname, test_names, res_mtime,
-                       '-' if comm is None else comm))
-    tab = texttable.Texttable(max_width=200)
-    tab.set_deco(tab.HEADER | tab.VLINES | tab.BORDER)
-    tab.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l", "l"])
-    results.sort()
-    for data in results[::-1]:
-        tab.add_row(data[1:])
-    tab.header(["Name", "Tests", "etime", "Comment"])
-    print(tab.draw())
-def get_func_name(obj):
-    if hasattr(obj, '__name__'):
-        return obj.__name__
-    if hasattr(obj, 'func_name'):
-        return obj.func_name
-    return obj.func.func_name
-def log_stage(func):
-    msg_templ = "Exception during {0}: {1!s}"
-    msg_templ_no_exc = "During {0}"
-    logger.info("Start " + get_stage_name(func))
-    try:
-        yield
-    except utils.StopTestError as exc:
-        logger.error(msg_templ.format(
-            get_func_name(func), exc))
-    except Exception:
-        logger.exception(msg_templ_no_exc.format(
-            get_func_name(func)))
-def main(argv):
-    if faulthandler is not None:
-        faulthandler.register(signal.SIGUSR1, all_threads=True)
-    opts = parse_args(argv)
-    # x = load_data_from_path("/var/wally_results/uncorroborant_dinah")
-    # y = load_data_from_path("/var/wally_results/nonmelting_jamal")
-    # print(IOPerfTest.format_diff_for_console([x['io'], y['io']]))
-    # exit(1)
-    if opts.ls:
-        list_results(opts.config_file)
-        exit(0)
-    data_dir = load_config(opts.config_file, opts.post_process_only)
-    if opts.post_process_only is None:
-        cfg_dict['comment'] = opts.comment
-        save_run_params()
-    if cfg_dict.get('logging', {}).get("extra_logs", False) or opts.extra_logs:
-        # level = logging.DEBUG
-        level = logging.INFO
-    else:
-        level = logging.WARNING
-    setup_loggers(level, cfg_dict['log_file'])
-    if not os.path.exists(cfg_dict['saved_config_file']):
-        with open(cfg_dict['saved_config_file'], 'w') as fd:
-            fd.write(open(opts.config_file).read())
-    if opts.post_process_only is not None:
-        stages = [
-            load_data_from(data_dir)
-        ]
-    else:
-        stages = [
-            discover_stage
-        ]
-        stages.extend([
-            reuse_vms_stage,
-            log_nodes_statistic,
-            save_nodes_stage,
-            connect_stage])
-        if cfg_dict.get('collect_info', True):
-            stages.append(collect_hw_info_stage)
-        stages.extend([
-            # deploy_sensors_stage,
-            run_tests_stage,
-            store_raw_results_stage,
-            # gather_sensors_stage
-        ])
-    report_stages = [
-        console_report_stage,
-    ]
-    if opts.xxx:
-        report_stages.append(test_load_report_stage)
-    elif not opts.no_html_report:
-        report_stages.append(html_report_stage)
-    logger.info("All info would be stored into {0}".format(
-        cfg_dict['var_dir']))
-    ctx = Context()
-    ctx.results = {}
-    ctx.build_meta['build_id'] = opts.build_id
-    ctx.build_meta['build_descrption'] = opts.build_description
-    ctx.build_meta['build_type'] = opts.build_type
-    ctx.build_meta['username'] = opts.username
-    ctx.sensors_data = SensorDatastore()
-    cfg_dict['keep_vm'] = opts.keep_vm
-    cfg_dict['no_tests'] = opts.no_tests
-    cfg_dict['dont_discover_nodes'] = opts.dont_discover_nodes
-    for stage in stages:
-        ok = False
-        with log_stage(stage):
-            stage(cfg_dict, ctx)
-            ok = True
-        if not ok:
-            break
-    exc, cls, tb = sys.exc_info()
-    for stage in ctx.clear_calls_stack[::-1]:
-        with log_stage(stage):
-            stage(cfg_dict, ctx)
-    logger.debug("Start utils.cleanup")
-    for clean_func, args, kwargs in utils.iter_clean_func():
-        with log_stage(clean_func):
-            clean_func(*args, **kwargs)
-    if exc is None:
-        for report_stage in report_stages:
-            with log_stage(report_stage):
-                report_stage(cfg_dict, ctx)
-    logger.info("All info stored in {0} folder".format(cfg_dict['var_dir']))
-    if exc is None:
-        logger.info("Tests finished successfully")
-        return 0
-    else:
-        logger.error("Tests are failed. See detailed error above")
-        return 1