diff --git a/ b/
index 6dd1a9b..d17c63a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import argparse
-import sys
 import yaml
 import os
diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
index 1d67d3a..3bab2f8 100644
--- a/config.yaml
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -1,15 +1,43 @@
 # nodes to be started/detected
-    - start_vm_OS:
-         # запустить по одной vm на каждую компьюту в опенстеке
-        creds: openrc-perf1
-        count: x1
-        image: ubuntu-test
-        flavor: ceph-test-io
+    openstack:
+        connection:
+            auth_url:
+            username: admin
+            api_key: admin
+            project_id: admin
+        discover:
+            vm:
+                name: test1
+                auth:
+                    user: cirros
+                    password: cubswin:)
+            nodes:
+                service: all
+                auth:
+                    user: cirros
+                    password: cubswin:)
+        start:
+            count: x1
+            img_name: TestVM
+            flavor_name: m1.micro
+            keypair_name: test
+            network_zone_name: net04
+            flt_ip_pool: net04_ext
+            key_file: path/to/
+            user: username
-    - find_ceph_nodes
-    - find_openstack_nodes
-    - add:
+    ceph: all
+    fuel:
+        connection:
+            url:
+            username: admin
+            password: admin
+            tenant_name: admin
+        discover: controller
+    other:
         - ssh://, iscsi
 # sensors to be installed, accordingli to role
@@ -17,16 +45,14 @@
     ceph-osd: ceph-io, ceph-cpu, ceph-ram, ceph-net
     ceph-mon: ceph-io, ceph-cpu, ceph-ram, ceph-net
     os-compute: io, net
-    test-vm: io, net
+    test-vm: system-cpu
 # tests to run
-    - io:
-        tool: iozone
-        opts_file: io_opts_file.txt
-    - pgbench
-    - rados-bench:
-        sizes: 4k, 16k, 1m
+    pgbench:
+        opts:
+            num_clients: [4, 8, 12]
+            transactions: [1, 2, 3]
 # where to store results
@@ -37,4 +63,7 @@
   TEST_PATH: "/home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/test_results"
   CHARTS_IMG_PATH: "static/images"
   SQLALCHEMY_MIGRATE_REPO: "/home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/db_repository"
-  DATABASE_URI: 'sqlite:////home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/app.db?check_same_thread=False'
\ No newline at end of file
+  DATABASE_URI: 'sqlite:////home/gstepanov/rally-results-processor/app.db?check_same_thread=False'
+    extra_logs: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 507779b..12b53bb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -269,13 +269,16 @@
         node_info = self.get_info()
         return node_info.get('network_data')
-    def get_roles(self):
+    def get_roles(self, pending=False):
         """Get node roles
         Returns: (roles, pending_roles)
         node_info = self.get_info()
-        return node_info.get('roles'), node_info.get('pending_roles')
+        if pending:
+            return node_info.get('roles'), node_info.get('pending_roles')
+        else:
+            return node_info.get('roles')
     def get_ip(self, network='public'):
         """Get node ip
diff --git a/nodes/ b/nodes/
index 871b834..c5a9288 100644
--- a/nodes/
+++ b/nodes/
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
     for ip in osd_ips:
         url = "ssh://%s" % ip
         if url in ips:
-            ips[url].add("ceph-osd")
+            ips[url].append("ceph-osd")
-            ips[url] = ("ceph-osd")
+            ips[url] = ["ceph-osd"]
     for ip in mon_ips:
         url = "ssh://%s" % ip
         if url in ips:
-            ips[url].add("ceph-mon")
+            ips[url].append("ceph-mon")
-            ips[url] = ("ceph-mon")
+            ips[url] = ["ceph-mon"]
     for ip in mds_ips:
         url = "ssh://%s" % ip
         if url in ips:
-            ips[url].add("ceph-mds")
+            ips[url].append("ceph-mds")
-            ips[url] = ("ceph-mds")
+            ips[url] = ["ceph-mds"]
     res = []
     for url, roles in ips:
diff --git a/nodes/ b/nodes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17aa1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nodes/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import logging
+import openstack
+import ceph
+import fuel
+logger = logging.getLogger("io-perf-tool")
+def discover(cluster_conf):
+    if not cluster_conf:
+        logger.error("No nodes configured")
+    nodes_to_run = []
+    for cluster, cluster_info in cluster_conf.items():
+        if cluster == "openstack":
+            conn = cluster_info.get('connection')
+            if not conn:
+                logger.error("No connection provided for %s. Skipping"
+                             % cluster)
+                continue
+            logger.debug("Discovering openstack nodes "
+                         "with connection details: %r" %
+                         conn)
+            nodes_to_run.extend(openstack.discover_openstack_nodes(
+                conn, cluster_info))
+        if cluster == "fuel":
+            url = cluster_info['connection'].pop('url')
+            creads = cluster_info['connection']
+            roles = cluster_info['discover']
+            if isinstance(roles, basestring):
+                roles = [roles]
+            nodes_to_run.extend(fuel.discover_fuel_nodes(url, creads, roles))
+        if cluster == "ceph":
+            nodes_to_run.extend(ceph.discover_ceph_node())
+    return nodes_to_run
diff --git a/nodes/ b/nodes/
index 76dedcd..c828793 100644
--- a/nodes/
+++ b/nodes/
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
 import node
 import fuel_rest_api
+import logging
-def discover_fuel_nodes(root_url, credentials):
+logger = logging.getLogger("io-perf-tool")
+def discover_fuel_nodes(root_url, credentials, roles):
     """Discover Fuel nodes"""
     connection = fuel_rest_api.KeystoneAuth(root_url, credentials)
     fi = fuel_rest_api.FuelInfo(connection)
-    return [node.Node(n.ip, n.get_roles()) for n in fi.nodes]
\ No newline at end of file
+    nodes = []
+    for role in roles:
+        nodes.extend(getattr(fi.nodes, role))
+    logger.debug("Found %s fuel nodes" % len(fi.nodes))
+    return [node.Node(n.ip, n.get_roles()) for n in nodes]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nodes/ b/nodes/
index 4ee2109..03efd34 100644
--- a/nodes/
+++ b/nodes/
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@
         self.port = port
         self.key_path = key_path
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Node: %s %s>" % (self.ip, self.roles)
     def set_conn_attr(self, name, value):
         setattr(self, name, value)
-    def connection(self):
+    def connection_url(self):
         connection = []
         if self.username:
diff --git a/nodes/ b/nodes/
index 7444e46..ed3d8ea 100644
--- a/nodes/
+++ b/nodes/
@@ -1,33 +1,104 @@
+import logging
 import node
+from starts_vms import create_vms_mt
 from novaclient.client import Client
+logger = logging.getLogger("io-perf-tool")
 def get_floating_ip(vm):
     addrs = vm.addresses
     for net_name, ifaces in addrs.items():
         for iface in ifaces:
             if iface.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == "floating":
                 return iface['addr']
-    raise Exception("No floating ip found for VM %s" % repr(vm))
-def discover_openstack_vms(conn_details):
+def discover_vms(client, search_opts):
+    auth = search_opts.pop('auth', {})
+    user = auth.get('user')
+    password = auth.get('password')
+    key = auth.get('key_file')
+    servers = client.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts)
+    logger.debug("Found %s openstack vms" % len(servers))
+    return [node.Node(get_floating_ip(server), ["test_vm"], username=user,
+                      password=password, key_path=key)
+            for server in servers if get_floating_ip(server)]
+def discover_services(client, opts):
+    auth = opts.pop('auth', {})
+    user = auth.get('user')
+    password = auth.get('password')
+    key = auth.get('key_file')
+    services = []
+    if opts['service'] == "all":
+        services =
+    else:
+        if isinstance(opts['service'], basestring):
+            opts['service'] = [opts['service']]
+        for s in opts['service']:
+            services.extend(
+    host_services_mapping = {}
+    for service in services:
+        if host_services_mapping.get(
+            host_services_mapping[].append(service.binary)
+        else:
+            host_services_mapping[] = [service.binary]
+    logger.debug("Found %s openstack service nodes" %
+                 len(host_services_mapping))
+    return [node.Node(host, services, username=user,
+                      password=password, key_path=key) for host, services in
+            host_services_mapping.items()]
+def discover_openstack_nodes(conn_details, conf):
     """Discover vms running in openstack
     :param conn_details - dict with openstack connection details -
         auth_url, api_key (password), username
     client = Client(version='1.1', **conn_details)
-    servers = client.servers.list(search_opts={"all_tenant": True})
-    return [node.Node(get_floating_ip(server), ["test_vm"])
-            for server in servers]
+    nodes = []
+    if conf.get('discover'):
+        vms_to_discover = conf['discover'].get('vm')
+        if vms_to_discover:
+            nodes.extend(discover_vms(client, vms_to_discover))
+        services_to_discover = conf['discover'].get('nodes')
+        if services_to_discover:
+            nodes.extend(discover_services(client, services_to_discover))
+    if conf.get('start'):
+        vms = start_test_vms(client, conf['start'])
+        nodes.extend(vms)
+    return nodes
-def discover_openstack_nodes(conn_details):
-    """Discover openstack nodes
-    :param conn_details - dict with openstack connection details -
-        auth_url, api_key (password), username
-    """
-    client = Client(version='1.1', **conn_details)
-    services =
-    return [node.Node(server.ip, ["test_vm"]) for server in services]
+def start_test_vms(client, opts):
+    user = opts.pop("user", None)
+    key_file = opts.pop("key_file", None)
+    aff_group = opts.pop("aff_group", None)
+    raw_count = opts.pop('count')
+    if raw_count.startswith("x"):
+        logger.debug("Getting amount of compute services")
+        count = len("nova-compute"))
+        count *= int(raw_count[1:])
+    else:
+        count = int(raw_count)
+    if aff_group is not None:
+        scheduler_hints = {'group': aff_group}
+    else:
+        scheduler_hints = None
+    opts['scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints
+    logger.debug("Will start {0} vms".format(count))
+    nodes = create_vms_mt(client, count, **opts)
+    return [node.Node(get_floating_ip(server), ["test_vm"], username=user,
+                      key_path=key_file) for server in nodes]
diff --git a/ b/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index f1800fd..cafbc59
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,26 +2,20 @@
 import sys
 import json
 import time
-import shutil
 import pprint
-import weakref
 import logging
 import os.path
 import argparse
-import traceback
-import subprocess
-import contextlib
+from nodes import discover
 import ssh_runner
 import io_scenario
+from config import cfg_dict
 from utils import log_error
 from rest_api import add_test
-from itest import IOPerfTest, run_test_iter, PgBenchTest
-from starts_vms import nova_connect, create_vms_mt, clear_all
+from itest import IOPerfTest,PgBenchTest
 from formatters import get_formatter
 logger = logging.getLogger("io-perf-tool")
 ch = logging.StreamHandler()
@@ -60,73 +54,6 @@
     return test_runner(obj)
-class FileWrapper(object):
-    def __init__(self, fd, conn):
-        self.fd = fd
-        self.channel_wr = weakref.ref(conn)
-    def read(self):
-        return
-    @property
-    def channel(self):
-        return self.channel_wr()
-class LocalConnection(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.proc = None
-    def exec_command(self, cmd):
-        PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
-        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
-                                     shell=True,
-                                     stdout=PIPE,
-                                     stderr=PIPE,
-                                     stdin=PIPE)
-        res = (self.proc.stdin,
-               FileWrapper(self.proc.stdout, self),
-               self.proc.stderr)
-        return res
-    def recv_exit_status(self):
-        return self.proc.wait()
-    def open_sftp(self):
-        return self
-    def close(self):
-        pass
-    def put(self, localfile, remfile):
-        return shutil.copy(localfile, remfile)
-    def mkdir(self, remotepath, mode):
-        os.mkdir(remotepath)
-        os.chmod(remotepath, mode)
-    def chmod(self, remotepath, mode):
-        os.chmod(remotepath, mode)
-    def copytree(self, src, dst):
-        shutil.copytree(src, dst)
-def get_local_runner(clear_tmp_files=True):
-    def closure(obj):
-        res = []
-        obj.set_result_cb(res.append)
-        test_iter = run_test_iter(obj,
-                                  LocalConnection())
-        next(test_iter)
-        with log_error("!Run test"):
-            next(test_iter)
-        return res
-    return closure
 def parse_args(argv):
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description="Run disk io performance test")
@@ -176,41 +103,6 @@
     return parser.parse_args(argv)
-def get_opts(opts_file, test_opts):
-    if opts_file is not None and test_opts is not None:
-        print "Options --opts-file and --opts can't be " + \
-            "provided same time"
-        exit(1)
-    if opts_file is None and test_opts is None:
-        print "Either --opts-file or --opts should " + \
-            "be provided"
-        exit(1)
-    if opts_file is not None:
-        opts = []
-        opt_lines = opts_file.readlines()
-        opt_lines = [i for i in opt_lines if i != "" and not i.startswith("#")]
-        for opt_line in opt_lines:
-            if opt_line.strip() != "":
-                opts.append([opt.strip()
-                             for opt in opt_line.strip().split(" ")
-                             if opt.strip() != ""])
-    else:
-        opts = [[opt.strip()
-                 for opt in test_opts.split(" ")
-                 if opt.strip() != ""]]
-    if len(opts) == 0:
-        print "Can't found parameters for tests. Check" + \
-            "--opts-file or --opts options"
-        exit(1)
-    return opts
 def format_result(res, formatter):
     data = "\n{0}\n".format("=" * 80)
     data += pprint.pformat(res) + "\n"
@@ -219,117 +111,40 @@
     return templ.format(data, formatter(res), "=" * 80)
-def start_test_vms(opts):
-    create_vms_opts = {}
-    for opt in opts.split(","):
-        name, val = opt.split("=", 1)
-        create_vms_opts[name] = val
-    user = create_vms_opts.pop("user")
-    key_file = create_vms_opts.pop("key_file")
-    aff_group = create_vms_opts.pop("aff_group", None)
-    raw_count = create_vms_opts.pop("count", "x1")
-    logger.debug("Connection to nova")
-    nova = nova_connect()
-    if raw_count.startswith("x"):
-        logger.debug("Getting amount of compute services")
-        count = len("nova-compute"))
-        count *= int(raw_count[1:])
-    else:
-        count = int(raw_count)
-    if aff_group is not None:
-        scheduler_hints = {'group': aff_group}
-    else:
-        scheduler_hints = None
-    create_vms_opts['scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints
-    logger.debug("Will start {0} vms".format(count))
-    try:
-        ips = [i[0] for i in create_vms_mt(nova, count, **create_vms_opts)]
-        uris = ["{0}@{1}::{2}".format(user, ip, key_file) for ip in ips]
-        yield uris
-    except:
-        traceback.print_exc()
-    finally:
-        logger.debug("Clearing")
-        clear_all(nova)
+def deploy_and_start_sensors(sensors_conf, nodes):
+    pass
 def main(argv):
-    opts = parse_args(argv)
+    logging_conf = cfg_dict.get('logging')
+    if logging_conf:
+        if logging_conf.get('extra_logs'):
+            logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+            ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    if opts.extra_logs:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # Discover nodes
+    nodes_to_run ='cluster'))
-    test_opts = get_opts(opts.opts_file, opts.opts)
+    tests = cfg_dict.get("tests", [])
-    if opts.runner == "local":
-        logger.debug("Run on local computer")
-        try:
-            for script_args in test_opts:
-                cmd_line = " ".join(script_args)
-                logger.debug("Run test with {0!r} params".format(cmd_line))
-                runner = get_local_runner(opts.keep_temp_files)
-                res = run_io_test(opts.tool_type,
-                                  script_args,
-                                  runner,
-                                  opts.keep_temp_files)
-                logger.debug(format_result(res, get_formatter(opts.tool_type)))
-        except:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            return 1
+    # Deploy and start sensors
+    deploy_and_start_sensors(cfg_dict.get('sensors'), nodes_to_run)
-    elif opts.runner == "ssh":
-        logger.debug("Use ssh runner")
+    for test_name, opts in tests.items():
+        cmd_line = " ".join(opts['opts'])
+        logger.debug("Run test with {0!r} params".format(cmd_line))
+        latest_start_time = 300 + time.time()
+        uris = [node.connection_url for node in nodes_to_run]
+        runner = ssh_runner.get_ssh_runner(uris,
+                                           latest_start_time,
+                                           opts.get('keep_temp_files'))
+        res = run_io_test(test_name,
+                          opts['opts'],
+                          runner,
+                          opts.get('keep_temp_files'))
+        logger.debug(format_result(res, get_formatter(test_name)))
-        uris = []
-        if opts.create_vms_opts is not None:
-            vm_context = start_test_vms(opts.create_vms_opts)
-            uris += vm_context.__enter__()
-        else:
-            vm_context = None
-        if opts.runner_opts is not None:
-            uris += opts.runner_opts.split(";")
-        if len(uris) == 0:
-            logger.critical("You need to provide at least" +
-                            " vm spawn params or ssh params")
-            return 1
-        try:
-            for script_args in test_opts:
-                cmd_line = " ".join(script_args)
-                logger.debug("Run test with {0!r} params".format(cmd_line))
-                latest_start_time = opts.max_preparation_time + time.time()
-                runner = ssh_runner.get_ssh_runner(uris,
-                                                   latest_start_time,
-                                                   opts.keep_temp_files)
-                res = run_io_test(opts.tool_type,
-                                  script_args,
-                                  runner,
-                                  opts.keep_temp_files)
-                logger.debug(format_result(res, get_formatter(opts.tool_type)))
-        except:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            return 1
-        finally:
-            if vm_context is not None:
-                vm_context.__exit__(None, None, None)
-                logger.debug("Clearing")
-    if opts.data_server_url:
+    if cfg_dict.get('data_server_url'):
         result = json.loads(get_formatter(opts.tool_type)(res))
         result['name'] = opts.build_name
         add_test(opts.build_name, result, opts.data_server_url)
diff --git a/sensors/ b/sensors/
index f3bb2ba..a1091c2 100644
--- a/sensors/
+++ b/sensors/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 import json
 import os.path
-from disk_perf_test_tool.ssh_copy_directory import copy_paths
-from disk_perf_test_tool.ssh_runner import connect
+from ssh_copy_directory import copy_paths
+from ssh_runner import connect
 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait
diff --git a/ b/
index a4720cf..62bff8c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -169,13 +169,11 @@
     if flt_ip is Allocate:
         flt_ip = nova.floating_ips.create(pool)
     if flt_ip is not None:
         # print "attaching ip to server"
-        return (flt_ip.ip, srv)
-    else:
-        return (None, srv)
+    return nova.servers.get(
 def clear_all(nova, name_templ="ceph-test-{0}"):