Add switch to control IP for stacklight test

In the setup of the Sanity tests, they are trying to reach public
URIs of StackLight, but they are not always set up or not always
reachable from cfg01. This blocks to run Sanity tests in pipelines.

Related-PROD: PROD-36765
Change-Id: I1e2b526b087b2946d9f8d5b3043f28e1bfb180ae
diff --git a/test_set/cvp-sanity/tests/ b/test_set/cvp-sanity/tests/
index 5304963..56898fe 100644
--- a/test_set/cvp-sanity/tests/
+++ b/test_set/cvp-sanity/tests/
@@ -47,8 +47,14 @@
     if not response.status_code == 200:
-            "Got response with incorrect status: {}".format(response))
-        return dict()
+            "Got response with incorrect status: {}. Switch to the internal network".format(response))
+        IP = salt.pillar_get(param='_param:prometheus_control_address')
+        proto = salt.pillar_get(param='_param:cluster_internal_protocol')
+        response = requests.get(
+            '{0}://{1}:15010/api/v1/rules'.format(proto, IP),
+            proxies=proxies,
+            auth=('prometheus', prometheus_password),
+            verify=False)
     content = json.loads(response.content.decode())
     rules = content['data']['groups'][0]["rules"]