Add drivetrain tests

Change-Id: I6dc5dde5a9d2e1c5be3ef9e932e3ae725f900c00
diff --git a/cvp_checks/global_config.yaml b/cvp_checks/global_config.yaml
index 1a182ef..7072fcc 100644
--- a/cvp_checks/global_config.yaml
+++ b/cvp_checks/global_config.yaml
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@
     "skipped_ifaces": ["bonding_masters", "lo", "veth", "tap", "cali", "qv", "qb"]}
 # mask for interfaces to skip
+drivetrain_version: ''
 # ntp test setting
 # this test may skip specific node (use fqdn)
diff --git a/cvp_checks/tests/ b/cvp_checks/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9274312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cvp_checks/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from cvp_checks import utils
+import json
+import pytest
+def test_drivetrain_services_replicas(local_salt_client):
+    salt_output = local_salt_client.cmd(
+        'I@docker:host and not I@prometheus:server and not I@kubernetes:*',
+        '',
+        ['docker service ls'],
+        expr_form='compound')
+    wrong_items = []
+    for line in salt_output[salt_output.keys()[0]].split('\n'):
+        if line[line.find('/') - 1] != line[line.find('/') + 1] \
+           and 'replicated' in line:
+            wrong_items.append(line)
+    assert len(wrong_items) == 0, \
+        '''Some DriveTrain services doesn't have expected number of replicas:
+              {}'''.format(json.dumps(wrong_items, indent=4))
+def test_drivetrain_components_and_versions(local_salt_client):
+    config = utils.get_configuration()
+    version = config['drivetrain_version'] or []
+    if not version or version == '':
+        pytest.skip("drivetrain_version is not defined. Skipping")
+    salt_output = local_salt_client.cmd(
+        'I@docker:host and not I@prometheus:server and not I@kubernetes:*',
+        '',
+        ['docker service ls'],
+        expr_form='compound')
+    not_found_services = ['gerrit_db', 'gerrit_server', 'jenkins_master',
+                          'jenkins_slave01', 'jenkins_slave02',
+                          'jenkins_slave03', 'ldap_admin', 'ldap_server']
+    version_mismatch = []
+    for line in salt_output[salt_output.keys()[0]].split('\n'):
+        for service in not_found_services:
+            if service in line:
+                not_found_services.remove(service)
+                if version != line.split()[4].split(':')[1]:
+                    version_mismatch.append("{0}: expected "
+                        "version is {1}, actual - {2}".format(service,version,
+                                                              line.split()[4].split(':')[1]))
+                continue
+    assert len(not_found_services) == 0, \
+        '''Some DriveTrain components are not found:
+              {}'''.format(json.dumps(not_found_services, indent=4))
+    assert len(version_mismatch) == 0, \
+        '''Version mismatch found:
+              {}'''.format(json.dumps(version_mismatch, indent=4))
+def test_jenkins_jobs_branch(local_salt_client):
+    config = utils.get_configuration()
+    expected_version = config['drivetrain_version'] or []
+    if not expected_version or expected_version == '':
+        pytest.skip("drivetrain_version is not defined. Skipping")
+    jenkins_password = local_salt_client.cmd(
+        'jenkins:client',
+        'pillar.get',
+        ['_param:openldap_admin_password'],
+        expr_form='pillar').values()[0]
+    jenkins_port = local_salt_client.cmd(
+        'I@jenkins:client and not I@salt:master',
+        'pillar.get',
+        ['_param:haproxy_jenkins_bind_port'],
+        expr_form='compound').values()[0]
+    jenkins_address = local_salt_client.cmd(
+        'I@jenkins:client and not I@salt:master',
+        'pillar.get',
+        ['_param:haproxy_jenkins_bind_host'],
+        expr_form='compound').values()[0]
+    version_mismatch = []
+    jenkins_url = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(jenkins_address,jenkins_port)
+    server = Jenkins(jenkins_url, username='admin', password=jenkins_password)
+    for job_name, job_instance in server.get_jobs():
+        job_config = job_instance.get_config()
+        xml_data = minidom.parseString(job_config)
+        BranchSpec = xml_data.getElementsByTagName('hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec')
+        if BranchSpec:
+            actual_version = BranchSpec[0].getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].data
+            if actual_version != expected_version and 'master' not in actual_version:
+                version_mismatch.append("Job {0} has {1} branch."
+                                        "Expected {2}".format(,
+                                                              actual_version,
+                                                              expected_version))
+    assert len(version_mismatch) == 0, \
+        '''Some DriveTrain jobs have version/branch mismatch:
+              {}'''.format(json.dumps(version_mismatch, indent=4))
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 20266ab..3c11ee2 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@