first commit!
diff --git a/cvp_checks/tests/ b/cvp_checks/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79915ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cvp_checks/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import pytest
+import json
+from cvp_checks import utils
+ "group",
+ utils.get_groups(utils.get_configuration(__file__))
+def test_check_package_versions(local_salt_client, group):
+ config = utils.get_configuration(__file__)
+ output = local_salt_client.cmd(group, 'lowpkg.list_pkgs', expr_form='pcre')
+ if len(output.keys()) < 2:
+ pytest.skip("Nothing to compare - only 1 node")
+ nodes = []
+ pkts_data = []
+ my_set = set()
+ for node in output:
+ nodes.append(node)
+ my_set.update(output[node].keys())
+ for deb in my_set:
+ diff = []
+ row = []
+ for node in nodes:
+ if deb in output[node].keys():
+ diff.append(output[node][deb])
+ row.append("{}: {}".format(node, output[node][deb]))
+ else:
+ row.append("{}: No package".format(node))
+ if diff.count(diff[0]) < len(nodes):
+ row.sort()
+ row.insert(0, deb)
+ pkts_data.append(row)
+ assert len(pkts_data) <= 1, \
+ "Several problems found for {0} group: {1}".format(
+ group, json.dumps(pkts_data, indent=4))
+ "group",
+ utils.get_groups(utils.get_configuration(__file__))
+def test_check_module_versions(local_salt_client, group):
+ config = utils.get_configuration(__file__)
+ pre_check = local_salt_client.cmd(
+ group, '', ['dpkg -l | grep "python-pip "'], expr_form='pcre')
+ if pre_check.values().count('') > 0:
+ pytest.skip("pip is not installed on one or more nodes")
+ if len(pre_check.keys()) < 2:
+ pytest.skip("Nothing to compare - only 1 node")
+ output = local_salt_client.cmd(group, 'pip.freeze', expr_form='pcre')
+ nodes = []
+ pkts_data = []
+ my_set = set()
+ for node in output:
+ nodes.append(node)
+ my_set.update([x.split("=")[0] for x in output[node]])
+ output[node] = dict([x.split("==") for x in output[node]])
+ for deb in my_set:
+ diff = []
+ row = []
+ for node in nodes:
+ if deb in output[node].keys():
+ diff.append(output[node][deb])
+ row.append("{}: {}".format(node, output[node][deb]))
+ else:
+ row.append("{}: No module".format(node))
+ if diff.count(diff[0]) < len(nodes):
+ row.sort()
+ row.insert(0, deb)
+ pkts_data.append(row)
+ assert len(pkts_data) <= 1, \
+ "Several problems found for {0} group: {1}".format(
+ group, json.dumps(pkts_data, indent=4))