Renamed folder with tests to make them consistent with cvp-runner.groovy
and CVP jobs in cluster Jenkins
Return rsync service into inconsistency_rule
Related-Task: #PROD-23604(PROD:23604)
Change-Id: I94afe350bd1d9c184bafe8e9e270aeb4c6c24c50
diff --git a/test_set/cvp-spt/tests/ b/test_set/cvp-spt/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..625fed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_set/cvp-spt/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import itertools
+import re
+import os
+import yaml
+import requests
+import utils
+from utils import helpers
+from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress
+def test_hw2hw (local_salt_client,hw_pair,record_property):
+ helpp = helpers.helpers(local_salt_client)
+ config = utils.get_configuration()
+ nodes = local_salt_client.cmd(expr_form='compound', tgt=str(hw_pair[0]+' or '+hw_pair[1]),
+ fun='network.interfaces')
+ short_name = []
+ short_name.append(hw_pair[0].split('.')[0])
+ short_name.append(hw_pair[1].split('.')[0])
+ nets = config.get('networks').split(',')
+ local_salt_client.cmd(expr_form='compound', tgt=str(hw_pair[0]+' or '+hw_pair[1]),
+ fun='', param=['nohup iperf -s > file 2>&1 &'])
+ global_results = []
+ for net in nets:
+ for interf in nodes[hw_pair[0]]:
+ if 'inet' not in nodes[hw_pair[0]][interf].keys():
+ continue
+ ip = nodes[hw_pair[0]][interf]['inet'][0]['address']
+ if (IPAddress(ip) in IPNetwork(net)) and (nodes[hw_pair[0]][interf]['inet'][0]['broadcast']):
+ for interf2 in nodes[hw_pair[1]]:
+ if 'inet' not in nodes[hw_pair[1]][interf2].keys():
+ continue
+ ip2 = nodes[hw_pair[1]][interf2]['inet'][0]['address']
+ if (IPAddress(ip2) in IPNetwork(net)) and (nodes[hw_pair[1]][interf2]['inet'][0]['broadcast']):
+ print "Will IPERF between {0} and {1}".format(ip,ip2)
+ try:
+ res = helpp.start_iperf_between_hosts(global_results, hw_pair[0], hw_pair[1],
+ ip, ip2, net)
+ record_property("1-worst {0}-{1}".format(short_name[0],short_name[1]), res[0] if res[0] < res[2] else res[2])
+ record_property("1-best {0}-{1}".format(short_name[0],short_name[1]), res[0] if res[0] > res[2] else res[2])
+ record_property("10-best {0}-{1}".format(short_name[0],short_name[1]), res[1] if res[1] > res[3] else res[3])
+ record_property("10-best {0}-{1}".format(short_name[0],short_name[1]), res[1] if res[1] > res[3] else res[3])
+ print "Measurement between {} and {} " \
+ "has been finished".format(hw_pair[0],
+ hw_pair[1])
+ except Exception as e:
+ print "Failed for {0} {1}".format(
+ hw_pair[0], hw_pair[1])
+ print e
+ local_salt_client.cmd(expr_form='compound', tgt=str(hw_pair[0]+' or '+hw_pair[1]),
+ fun='', param=['killall -9 iperf'])
+ helpp.draw_table_with_results(global_results)