Fix heat_plugin section, create more resources for tempest

Change-Id: I26de2eab135c888062140b8de8f6737a9e2dbc6c
diff --git a/ b/
index f2edffc..357cb79 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -86,11 +86,25 @@
   neutron net-create --shared fixed-net
   neutron subnet-create --name fixed-subnet --gateway --allocation-pool start=,end= --ip-version 4 fixed-net
-FIXED_NET=$(neutron net-list -c name -c shared | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1)
-echo "Fixed net is: $FIXED_NET"
+# public/floating net
+PUBLIC_NET=$(neutron net-list -c name -c router:external | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1)
+FIXED_NET=$(neutron net-list -c name -c shared | grep "fixed-net" | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1)
+FIXED_NET_ID=$(neutron net-list -c id -c name -c shared | grep "fixed-net" | grep True | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1)
+FIXED_SUBNET_ID=$(neutron net-show $FIXED_NET_ID -c subnets | grep subnets | awk '{print $4}')
+FIXED_SUBNET_NAME=$(neutron subnet-show -c name $FIXED_SUBNET_ID | grep name | awk '{print $4}')
+echo "Public net name is $PUBLIC_NET"
+echo "Fixed net name is $FIXED_NET, id is $FIXED_NET_ID"
+echo "Fixed subnet is: $FIXED_SUBNET_ID, name: $FIXED_SUBNET_NAME"
 #Updating of tempest_full.conf file is skipped/deprecated
 sed -i 's/${IMAGE_REF2}/'$IMAGE_REF2'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
 sed -i 's/${FIXED_NET}/'$FIXED_NET'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's/${FIXED_SUBNET_NAME}/'$FIXED_SUBNET_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's/${OS_USERNAME}/'$OS_USERNAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's/${OS_TENANT_NAME}/'$OS_TENANT_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's/${OS_REGION_NAME}/'$OS_REGION_NAME'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's|${OS_AUTH_URL}|'"${OS_AUTH_URL}"'|g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's|${OS_PASSWORD}|'"${OS_PASSWORD}"'|g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+sed -i 's|${PUBLIC_NET}|'"${PUBLIC_NET}"'|g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
 sed -i 's/publicURL/'$TEMPEST_ENDPOINT_TYPE'/g' $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
 #supress tempest.conf display in console
 #cat $current_path/cvp-configuration/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
diff --git a/tempest/tempest_ext.conf b/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
index b1666e5..7e407a8 100644
--- a/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
+++ b/tempest/tempest_ext.conf
@@ -20,27 +20,26 @@
 # please review and fill this section
-image_ref = ${IMAGE_REF2}
-username = admin
-project_name = admin
-admin_project_name = admin
-domain_name = default
-admin_username = admin
-admin_domain_name = default
+username = ${OS_USERNAME}
+admin_username = ${OS_USERNAME}
+admin_password = ${OS_PASSWORD}
+password = ${OS_PASSWORD}
+project_name = ${OS_TENANT_NAME}
+admin_project_name = ${OS_TENANT_NAME}
+region = ${OS_REGION_NAME}
+auth_url = ${OS_AUTH_URL}
+project_domain_name = Default
+user_domain_name = Default
 endpoint_type = internal
-auth_url =
-admin_password = aaa
-password = aaa
+instance_type = m1.tiny
+minimal_instance_type = m1.tiny
+network_for_ssh = ${PUBLIC_NET}
+floating_network_name = ${PUBLIC_NET}
+fixed_subnet_name = ${FIXED_SUBNET_NAME}
 disable_ssl_certificate_validation = True
 image_ref = ${IMAGE_REF2}
 minimal_image_ref = ${IMAGE_REF2}
-instance_type = m1.tiny
-network_for_ssh = net_name
-floating_network_name = net_name
-region = RegionOne
 fixed_network_name = ${FIXED_NET}
-fixed_subnet_name = subnet_name
-minimal_instance_type = m1.tiny
 build_timeout = 180
 ssh_timeout = 30
 boot_config_env = /home/rally/boot_config_none_env.yaml