Prepare scripts and scenarios to use in MOSK testing of Kubernetes

Related-PROD: PROD-36128
Change-Id: I0d9145045c2a95e34966519157e9c7200bea4e3e
diff --git a/k8s/k8s-mos-scenarios.yaml b/k8s/k8s-mos-scenarios.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf62dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/k8s/k8s-mos-scenarios.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+{% set image_box = "busybox" %}
+{% set image_pause = "" %}
+{% set image_cirros = "virtlet/" %}
+{% set concurrency = 1 %}
+{% set times = 1 %}
+{% set replicas = 1 %}
+{% set replicas_scaled = 2 %}
+{% set namespaces = 1 %}
+version: 2
+title: MOS Kubenetes performance checks
+- title: Run a single workload with listing existing kubernetes namespaces
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.list_namespaces: {}
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+- title: Run a single workload with create/read/delete namespace
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.create_and_delete_namespace: {}
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+- title: Run a single workload with create/read/delete job
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.create_and_delete_job:
+      image: {{image_cirros}}
+      command:
+      - echo
+      - "SUCCESS"
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+  contexts:
+    namespaces:
+      count: {{namespaces}}
+      with_serviceaccount: true
+- title: Run a single workload with create/read/delete pod with configMap volume
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.create_and_delete_pod_with_configmap_volume:
+      image: {{image_pause}}
+      mount_path: /var/log/check.txt
+      subpath: check.txt
+      configmap_data:
+        check.txt: |
+          test
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+  contexts:
+    namespaces:
+      count: {{namespaces}}
+      with_serviceaccount: true
+- title: Run a single workload with create/read/delete pod with local PVC
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.create_and_delete_pod_with_local_persistent_volume:
+      persistent_volume:
+        size: 1Gi
+        volume_mode: Block
+        local_path: /var/tmp
+        access_modes:
+        - ReadWriteOnce
+        node_affinity:
+          required:
+            nodeSelectorTerms:
+            - matchExpressions:
+              - key:
+                operator: In
+                values:
+                - linux
+      persistent_volume_claim:
+        size: 250Mi
+        access_modes:
+        - ReadWriteOnce
+      image: {{image_box}}
+      mount_path: /opt/check
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+  contexts:
+    namespaces:
+      count: {{namespaces}}
+      with_serviceaccount: true
+    local_storageclass: {}
+- title: Run a single workload with create/delete NodePort service
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.create_and_delete_pod_with_node_port_service:
+      image: {{image_pause}}
+      port: 80
+      protocol: TCP
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+  contexts:
+    namespaces:
+      count: {{namespaces}}
+      with_serviceaccount: true
+    kubernetes.cfg:
+      prepoll_delay: 1
+- title: Run a single workload with create/read/delete pod
+  scenario:
+    Kubernetes.create_and_delete_pod:
+      image: {{image_pause}}
+  runner:
+    constant:
+      concurrency: {{concurrency}}
+      times: {{times}}
+  contexts:
+    namespaces:
+      count: {{namespaces}}
+      with_serviceaccount: true