Adding resources creation and other helper scripts

   Create all manner of resources needed for testing
   Also, creating manifest with all names and IDs for future use
   Automated detect, download and create of images
   cirros35, cirros40, ubuntu16

   Semi-manual script to add user to ubuntu image
   Benchmark entropy levels on host
   direct curl to project resource using token
   Execute any command several time or one and calculate avg time
   Execute resource listings and calculate avg time

Fixes for
 - container deletion
 - cleaning flavors
 - mask now cleans all with 'cvp' too

Change-Id: I073857abc2fbee730b983b1d8655e0fa16fee3fc
Related-PROD: PROD-30951
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f88362c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+function help_and_exit {
+    echo " <command>"
+    exit 1
+#if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then echo "First parameter should be command to run"; help_and_exit; fi
+#if [ -z ${2+x} ]; then echo "Second parameter should be count of time to run"; help_and_exit; fi
+declare all_req=()
+declare errors=()
+function timed_run {
+        if [ -z ${2+x} ]; then
+                echo "--> '${1}'"
+                /usr/bin/time --quiet -f'%e %x' -o ${tmp_time} /bin/bash -c "${1}" 1>/dev/null 2>${tmp_out}
+                real=$(cat ${tmp_time} | awk '{print $1}')
+                errlevel=$(cat ${tmp_time} | awk '{print $2}')
+                if [ 0 -eq ${errlevel} ]; then
+                        echo "#${count}(${real}s), '${1:0:12}...'";
+                        all_req+=("#${count}, ${real}, '${1}'");
+                else
+                        echo "#${count}, ERROR(${errlevel}): '${1}'"
+                        errors+=("#${count}: $(cat ${tmp_out})")
+                fi
+                ((count++))
+        else
+                echo "### Running '${1:0:12}...' ${2} times"
+                for (( idx=1; idx<=${2}; idx++ ))
+                do
+                        /usr/bin/time --quiet -f'%e %x' -o ${tmp_time} /bin/bash -c "${1}" 1>/dev/null 2>${tmp_out}
+                        real=$(cat ${tmp_time} | awk '{print $1}')
+                        errlevel=$(cat ${tmp_time} | awk '{print $2}')
+                        if [ 0 -eq ${errlevel} ]; then
+                                echo "#${count}/${total}, ${real}s";
+                                all_req+=("#${count}/${idx}, ${real}, '${1}'");
+                        else
+                                echo "#${count}/${total}, ERROR(${errlevel}): '${1}'"
+                                errors+=("#${count}: $(cat ${tmp_out})")
+                        fi
+                        ((count++))
+                done
+        fi
+function errors {
+        echo "==== Errors"
+        for i in "${!errors[@]}"; do
+                printf "#%s\n\n" "${errors[$i]}"
+        done
+function stats {
+        echo "==== Stats"
+        printf '%s\n' "${all_req[@]}" | awk 'BEGIN{min=999;avg=0}
+        {if($2<min){min=$2;}if($2>max){max=$2;}avg+=$2;}
+        END { print "Total requests: "NR", Timings: "min" <-- "avg/NR" --> "max;}'
+function clean {
+        rm ${tmp_time}
+        rm ${tmp_out}
+timed_run "${cmd}" ${total}
\ No newline at end of file