Updates to the vm_tracker

  - Script to delete VMs
  - Unified script to search for the VM virsh names
    and prepare list with cmp node names
  - Examples

  - 'analyze.py' is Python3 friendly now

Related-PROD: PROD-35666
Change-Id: Idd4262b15adb4d763ced80f02f565c2c01340ed5
diff --git a/scripts/vm_tracker/collect_data.sh b/scripts/vm_tracker/collect_data.sh
index 59566d5..d262789 100644
--- a/scripts/vm_tracker/collect_data.sh
+++ b/scripts/vm_tracker/collect_data.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+echo "Using node masks: Control node ${ctl01_mask}, Compute nodes ${cmp_mask}"
 echo "Gathering the nova data, this may take a while"
-sudo salt -C "ctl01*" cmd.run ". /root/keystonercv3; nova --debug list --all --limit -1" > nova_vms
+sudo salt -C "${ctl01_mask}*" cmd.run ". /root/keystonercv3; nova --debug list --all --limit -1" > nova_vms
 echo "Gathering the virsh data, this may take even longer"
-sudo salt -t 10 -C "cmp*" cmd.run 'bash -c "paste <(virsh list --all --uuid) <(virsh list --all | grep instance)"' > virsh_vms
+sudo salt -t 10 -C "${cmp_mask}*" cmd.run 'bash -c "paste <(virsh list --all --uuid) <(virsh list --all | grep instance)"' > virsh_vms