Explicitly set K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE_VERSION, update si-tests.tgz

* Due to the issue PRODX-38638, Mirantis artifactory has the
  conformance image only inside the internal artifactory. Thus,
  the si-tests cannot make the request to the public artifactory
  and identify the correct Conformance tests image version and path.
* So, now we are setting K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE_VERSION explicitly
  basing on the K8S server version of MCC and MOS.
* Also, setting the K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE_URL to the public path
  because customers envs have no access to the internal paths.
* Updated k8s/src/si-tests.tgz because it has the fix of PRODX-38638.

Related-PROD: PROD-37187
Change-Id: I37271cd187c579baf2115a53a2338a071f3873f0
(cherry picked from commit e3e2fa35dd5424d5d796ed65bc2ee8b24b1ed651)
4 files changed