Offline procedure preparations, p3

     Related-PROD: PROD-36856

Change-Id: Id27983047f5a71cc459df4a50ac9429f999e47cf
diff --git a/k8s/workspace/ b/k8s/workspace/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66b5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/k8s/workspace/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+function kexec() {
+	kubectl exec -n qa-space --tty --stdin rally -- bash -c "${1}"
+# consts
+. /opt/si-tests/.sivenv/bin/activate
+. $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/${tenv}rc
+# Just in case
+if [ ! -z ${1+x} ]; then
+	echo "# Using Dry-run mode"
+	dryrun=1
+echo "### Checking rally environments"
+status=$(kubectl -n qa-space get pod | grep rally | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f3)
+if [ ${status} != "Running" ]; then
+	echo "# 'rally' container is not Running"
+	echo "# Consider creating resources and/or creating environments"
+	exit 1
+uuid=$(kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally env list | grep openstack | cut -d' ' -f2)
+if [ -z ${uuid} ]; then
+        echo "# Openstack env not found. Please, run ''"
+        kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally env list
+        echo "# Running Openstack performance tests"
+	if [ ${dryrun} == 1 ]; then
+		scenario=/rally/rally-files/openstack-mos-scn-i1.json
+	else
+		scenario=/rally/rally-files/openstack-mos-scn.json.clean
+	fi
+	task_scn=/artifacts/openstack-scenario.json
+        # prepare scenario
+        kexec "cp -v ${scenario} ${task_scn}"
+	declare $(kubectl exec toolset --stdin -n qa-space -- bash -c "cat /artifacts/cmp-check/cvp.manifest")
+	echo "# Updating network UUID to ${fixed_net_left_id}"
+	kexec "sed -i \"s/fixed-net-id/${fixed_net_left_id}/g\" ${task_scn}"
+	echo "# Updating concurrency to ${concurrency}"
+	kexec "sed -i \"s/concurrent-threads/${concurrency}/g\" ${task_scn}"
+	echo "# Updating running times to ${run_times}"
+	kexec "sed -i \"s/run-times-number/${run_times}/g\" ${task_scn}"
+	# run
+	kexec "rally env use ${uuid}; rally task start ${task_scn}"
+	# generate report
+	echo "# Generating report"
+	fname=$MY_CLIENTSHORTNAME-mos-openstack-perf-latest.html
+	kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally task report $(kubectl exec -n qa-space --stdin rally -- rally task list | grep openstack | cut -d' ' -f2 | tail -1) --html-static --out ${fname}
+	kubectl cp qa-space/rally:/rally/${fname} $MY_PROJFOLDER/reports/${fname}