Updated the settings for Tempest configuration

See the ticket [1] as the reason of the changes.

List of the main changes:

* Ability to set the CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME - floating network
  in the offline and online methods of execution.
* The cvp.* flavors and images are not passed in tempest config.
* tempest_custom.yaml.clean file has reduced number of options
  (the old and irrelevant are removed).

[1] https://mirantis.jira.com/browse/PRODX-39383

Related-PROD: PROD-37187
Change-Id: I31e8c8e4b3d8eda706cbba46b4435d31f8f8eb4e
(cherry picked from commit ff980e1006dcfabc9622d0db7a6a0098f6ca03e4)
(cherry picked from commit 6b252d70db64ef5b981c18bc706fce712f1ce748)
diff --git a/k8s/workspace/init-workspace.sh b/k8s/workspace/init-workspace.sh
index 7b835e7..1c49be0 100644
--- a/k8s/workspace/init-workspace.sh
+++ b/k8s/workspace/init-workspace.sh
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
 ewriteln "export MY_CLIENTNAME='ClientName'"
 ewriteln "export MY_CLIENTSHORTNAME='clname'"
 ewriteln "export MY_PROJNAME='MOS_DEPLOY'"
 ewriteln "export MY_PROJFOLDER=/artifacts"
@@ -154,12 +155,28 @@
     echo " "
     keystone_pod=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml get pod -n openstack -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name | grep keystone-client)
-    echo "# Extracting network: taking the first found external network"
-    cmd="openstack network list --external -c Name -f value | head -n1"
-    echo "# Running 'kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml -n openstack exec ${keystone_pod} -c keystone-client --stdin -- sh -c '${cmd}'"
-    vPUBNET=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml -n openstack exec ${keystone_pod} -c keystone-client --stdin -- sh -c "${cmd}")
-    echo "-> 'openstack network list --external -c Name -f value | head -n1': '${vPUBNET}'"
-    ewriteln "export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET=${vPUBNET}"
+    if [ -n "${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME:-}" ]; then
+      # if CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME is set to some specific net, check it is present on the cloud
+      echo "# Checking that the external network ${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME} is present on the cloud"
+      cmd="openstack network show ${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME} -c id -f value 2>/dev/null"
+      echo "# Running 'kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml -n openstack exec ${keystone_pod} -c keystone-client --stdin -- sh -c '${cmd}'"
+      network_exists=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml -n openstack exec "${keystone_pod}" -c keystone-client --stdin -- sh -c "${cmd}")
+      if [ -n "$network_exists" ]; then
+      else
+        echo "The custom external (floating) network ${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME} is not found on the cloud. Set CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME=\"\" to automatically pick some public network."
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    else
+      # else if it is not set by the QA engineer, let's extract the first external network and use it
+      echo "# Extracting network: taking the first found external network"
+      cmd="openstack network list --external -c Name -f value | head -n1"
+      echo "# Running 'kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml -n openstack exec ${keystone_pod} -c keystone-client --stdin -- sh -c '${cmd}'"
+      vPUBNET=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mos-kubeconfig.yaml -n openstack exec ${keystone_pod} -c keystone-client --stdin -- sh -c "${cmd}")
+      echo "-> 'openstack network list --external -c Name -f value | head -n1': '${vPUBNET}'"
+      ewriteln "export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET=${vPUBNET}"
+    fi
     echo "# Extracting volume types"
     cmd_all="openstack volume type list -f value -c Name"
@@ -170,9 +187,9 @@
     echo "# Default volume type used: ${vVOLTYPE}"
     ewriteln "export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_VOLUME_TYPE=${vVOLTYPE}"
     # hardcoded values
-    ewriteln "export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_FLAVOR=cvp.tiny"
-    ewriteln "export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_IMAGE=cvp.cirros.51"
-    ewriteln "export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_IMAGE_ALT=cvp.cirros.52"
+    ewriteln "# export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_FLAVOR=cvp.tiny"
+    ewriteln "# export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_IMAGE=cvp.cirros.51"
+    ewriteln "# export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_IMAGE_ALT=cvp.cirros.52"
     #prepare tempest custom yaml
     cp /opt/res-files/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.clean $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
     ewriteln 'export TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PARAMETERS=$(cat $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml)'
diff --git a/k8s/workspace/update-openstack-resources.sh b/k8s/workspace/update-openstack-resources.sh
index ef477ee..4713e04 100644
--- a/k8s/workspace/update-openstack-resources.sh
+++ b/k8s/workspace/update-openstack-resources.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+echo "Sourcing $MY_PROJFOLDER/env.sh"
+. $MY_PROJFOLDER/env.sh
 if [ -z ${TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET+x} ]; then
-	echo "# WARNING: Public network is empty"
+	echo "# WARNING: Public network is empty, please export its name to TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET environment variable to use some specific external net in case of several networks. Otherwise random external network will be used."
 # mosrc
 . $MY_PROJFOLDER/envs/mosrc
@@ -17,10 +19,10 @@
 	echo " "
 	kubectl exec toolset --stdin -n qa-space -- bash -c "cat /artifacts/cmp-check/cvp.manifest"
-        echo "# Creating openstack resources"
+  echo "# Creating openstack resources"
 	echo " "
 	kubectl exec toolset --stdin -n qa-space -- bash -c "mkdir /artifacts/cmp-check"
-        kubectl exec toolset --tty --stdin -n qa-space -- bash -c "cd /artifacts/cmp-check; bash /opt/cmp-check/prepare.sh -w \$(pwd)"
+  kubectl exec toolset --tty --stdin -n qa-space -- bash -c "cd /artifacts/cmp-check; export CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME="${TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET:-}"; bash /opt/cmp-check/prepare.sh -w \$(pwd)"
@@ -32,12 +34,12 @@
 echo "# Getting network details"
 netid=$(kubectl exec toolset --stdin -n qa-space -- openstack network show ${TEMPEST_CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET} -c id -f value)
 subnetid=$(kubectl exec toolset --stdin -n qa-space -- openstack subnet list -f value | grep ${netid} | cut -d' ' -f1)
-echo "# image_ref_name -> ${cirros51_name}"
-sed -i "s/image_ref_name/${cirros51_name}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
-echo "# image_ref_uuid -> ${cirros51_id}"
-sed -i "s/image_ref_uuid/${cirros51_id}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
-echo "# image_ref_alt_uuid -> ${cirros52_id}"
-sed -i "s/image_ref_alt_uuid/${cirros52_id}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
+#echo "# image_ref_name -> ${cirros51_name}"
+#sed -i "s/image_ref_name/${cirros51_name}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
+#echo "# image_ref_uuid -> ${cirros51_id}"
+#sed -i "s/image_ref_uuid/${cirros51_id}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
+#echo "# image_ref_alt_uuid -> ${cirros52_id}"
+#sed -i "s/image_ref_alt_uuid/${cirros52_id}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
 echo "# s/public_subnet_uuid/ -> ${subnetid}"
 sed -i "s/public_subnet_uuid/${subnetid}/g" $MY_PROJFOLDER/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml
 echo "# s/public_net_uuid/ -> ${netid}"
diff --git a/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.clean b/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.clean
index fdcb2f9..0c48f3a 100644
--- a/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.clean
+++ b/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.clean
@@ -6,24 +6,11 @@
     disable_ssl_certificate_validation: true
-    fixed_network_name: cvp.net.1
-    flavor_ref: 1
-    flavor_ref_alt: 2
-    image_ref: image_ref_uuid
-    image_ref_alt: image_ref_alt_uuid
-    min_compute_nodes: 3
     volume_device_name: vdb
     compute_volume_common_az: nova
-    api_prefix: swift/
-    endpoint_type: internal
-    fixed_network_name: cvp.net.1
     floating_network_name: public_net_name
     network_for_ssh: public_net_name
-    fixed_subnet_name: cvp.subnet.1
-    image_ref: image_ref_name
-    minimal_image_ref: image_ref_name
     subnet_id: public_subnet_uuid
     public_network_id: public_net_uuid
@@ -31,18 +18,9 @@
     floating_ips: true
-    run_validation: true
     ssh_timeout: 30
     connect_timeout: 10
     ping_timeout: 10
-    image_ssh_user: cirros
-    image_alt_ssh_user: cirros
-    image_ssh_password: gocubsgo
-    image_alt_ssh_password: gocubsgo
-    ssh_key_type: ecdsa
-    availability_zone: nova
-    availability_zone2: nova
     volume_type: volume_type_name
-    volume_type_multiattach: volume_type_name
+    volume_type_multiattach: volume_type_name
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.example b/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e105121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/k8s/yamls/tempest_custom.yaml.example
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+    tempest_roles: creator
+    admin_username: cvp.admin
+    admin_project_name: cvp.project
+    admin_password: mcp1234
+    disable_ssl_certificate_validation: true
+    fixed_network_name: cvp.net.1
+    flavor_ref: 1
+    flavor_ref_alt: 2
+    image_ref: image_ref_uuid
+    image_ref_alt: image_ref_alt_uuid
+    min_compute_nodes: 3
+    volume_device_name: vdb
+    compute_volume_common_az: nova
+    endpoint_type: internal
+    fixed_network_name: cvp.net.1
+    floating_network_name: public_net_name
+    network_for_ssh: public_net_name
+    fixed_subnet_name: cvp.subnet.1
+    subnet_id: public_subnet_uuid
+    public_network_id: public_net_uuid
+    floating_network_name: public_net_name
+    floating_ips: true
+    run_validation: true
+    ssh_timeout: 30
+    connect_timeout: 10
+    ping_timeout: 10
+    image_ssh_user: cirros
+    image_alt_ssh_user: cirros
+    image_ssh_password: gocubsgo
+    image_alt_ssh_password: gocubsgo
+    ssh_key_type: ecdsa
+    availability_zone: nova
+    availability_zone2: nova
+    volume_type: volume_type_name
+    volume_type_multiattach: volume_type_name
diff --git a/scripts/prepare.sh b/scripts/prepare.sh
index 78341b2..2a34583 100644
--- a/scripts/prepare.sh
+++ b/scripts/prepare.sh
@@ -296,9 +296,25 @@
     # get external network name
-    external=$(openstack network list --external -c Name -f value | head -n1)
-    echo router set ${router} --external-gateway ${external} >>${cmds}
-    process_cmds
+    if [ -n "${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME:-}" ]; then
+      # if CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME is set to some specific net, check it is present on the cloud and use it
+      echo "# Checking that the external network ${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME} is present on the cloud"
+      network_exists=$(openstack network show "$CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME" -c id -f value 2>/dev/null)
+      if [ -n "$network_exists" ]; then
+        echo router set ${router} --external-gateway ${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME} >>${cmds}
+        process_cmds
+      else
+        echo "# The network ${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME} does not exist"
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ -z "${CUSTOM_PUBLIC_NET_NAME:-}" ]; then
+      echo "# Selecting a random external network as an external gateway for the router"
+      # if the custom network is not set or is empty, select the first external network
+      external=$(openstack network list --external -c Name -f value | head -n1)
+      echo router set ${router} --external-gateway ${external} >>${cmds}
+      process_cmds
+    fi
 function _get_image() {