Update package versions to 2019.2.15 and fix flake8

Change-Id: I491a6f23065189390f7287b1ce756ac5e88d2b99
diff --git a/cfg_checker/modules/packages/repos.py b/cfg_checker/modules/packages/repos.py
index 6853a8f..a308864 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/modules/packages/repos.py
+++ b/cfg_checker/modules/packages/repos.py
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@
             return [], []
         a = page.text.splitlines()
         # Comprehension for dirs. Anchors for ends with '-'
-        _dirs = [l[l.index(_s)+6:l.index(_e)-1]
-                 for l in a if l.startswith(_a) and l.endswith('-')]
+        _dirs = [ll[ll.index(_s)+6:ll.index(_e)-1]
+                 for ll in a if ll.startswith(_a) and ll.endswith('-')]
         # Comprehension for files. Anchors ends with size
-        _files = [l[l.index(_s)+6:l.index(_e)]
-                  for l in a if l.startswith(_a) and not l.endswith('-')]
+        _files = [ll[ll.index(_s)+6:ll.index(_e)]
+                  for ll in a if ll.startswith(_a) and not ll.endswith('-')]
         return _dirs, _files
@@ -754,10 +754,6 @@
                                 _value = ""
                                 _key, _value = _line.split(": ", 1)
-                            # _key = _line[:_line.index(':')]
-                            # _value = _line[_line.index(':')+1:]
-                            # _value = _value if _value[0] != ' ' else _value[1:]
                             _key = _key.lower()
                             _desc[_key] = _value
                     # save descriptions if needed