Refactor working with Networks and Pinger class

- Mapper moved to separate module
- Other modules can use Mapper to get desired networks
- salt_master is now a separate single instance
- Updated file handling on salt
-, an scripted flexible interface to ping command
  multithreaded ping execution, 15 at once
- New commands in network: 'ping' and 'list'
- New error when runtime has no network listed in reclass

- Master node code handling
- Unknown node codes detection
- Proper node code search and handling
- File upload procedures updated
- Packages report fix

Change-Id: I5959210aed53b20b04b05ea880218e93239bb661
Related-PROD: PROD-28199
diff --git a/cfg_checker/modules/network/ b/cfg_checker/modules/network/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c44775f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfg_checker/modules/network/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+import ipaddress
+import json
+from cfg_checker.common import logger_cli
+from cfg_checker.common.exception import InvalidReturnException
+from import NetworkErrors
+from cfg_checker.nodes import salt_master
+# TODO: use templated approach
+# net interface structure should be the same
+_if_item = {
+    "name": "unnamed interface",
+    "mac": "",
+    "routes": {},
+    "ip": [],
+    "parameters": {}
+# collection of configurations
+_network_item = {
+    "runtime": {},
+    "config": {},
+    "reclass": {}
+class NetworkMapper(object):
+    RECLASS = "reclass"
+    CONFIG = "config"
+    RUNTIME = "runtime"
+    def __init__(self, errors_class=None):
+"# Initializing mapper")
+        self.networks = {}
+        self.nodes = salt_master.get_nodes()
+        if errors_class:
+            self.errors = errors_class
+        else:
+            logger_cli.debug("... init error logs folder")
+            self.errors = NetworkErrors()
+    # adding net data to tree
+    def _add_data(self, _list, _n, _h, _d):
+        if _n not in _list:
+            _list[_n] = {}
+            _list[_n][_h] = [_d]
+        elif _h not in _list[_n]:
+            # there is no such host, just create it
+            _list[_n][_h] = [_d]
+        else:
+            # there is such host... this is an error
+            self.errors.add_error(
+                self.errors.NET_DUPLICATE_IF,
+                host=_h,
+                dup_if=_d['name']
+            )
+            _list[_n][_h].append(_d)
+    # TODO: refactor map creation. Build one map instead of two separate
+    def _map_network_for_host(self, host, if_class, net_list, data):
+        # filter networks for this IF IP
+        _nets = [n for n in net_list.keys() if if_class.ip in n]
+        _masks = [n.netmask for n in _nets]
+        if len(_nets) > 1:
+            # There a multiple network found for this IP, Error
+            self.errors.add_error(
+                self.errors.NET_SUBNET_INTERSECT,
+                host=host,
+                ip=str(if_class.exploded),
+                networks="; ".join([str(_n) for _n in _nets])
+            )
+        # check mask match
+        if len(_nets) > 0 and if_class.netmask not in _masks:
+            self.errors.add_error(
+                self.errors.NET_MASK_MISMATCH,
+                host=host,
+                if_name=data['name'],
+                if_cidr=if_class.exploded,
+                if_mapped_networks=", ".join([str(_n) for _n in _nets])
+            )
+        if len(_nets) < 1:
+            self._add_data(net_list,, host, data)
+        else:
+            # add all data
+            for net in _nets:
+                self._add_data(net_list, net, host, data)
+        return net_list
+    def _map_reclass_networks(self):
+        # class uses nodes from self.nodes dict
+        _reclass = {}
+        # Get required pillars
+        salt_master.get_specific_pillar_for_nodes("linux:network")
+        for node in salt_master.nodes.keys():
+            # check if this node
+            if not salt_master.is_node_available(node):
+                continue
+            # get the reclass value
+            _pillar = salt_master.nodes[node]['pillars']['linux']['network']
+            # we should be ready if there is no interface in reclass for a node
+            # for example on APT nohde
+            if 'interface' in _pillar:
+                _pillar = _pillar['interface']
+            else:
+                    "... node '{}' skipped, no IF section in reclass".format(
+                        node
+                    )
+                )
+                continue
+            for _if_name, _if_data in _pillar.iteritems():
+                if 'address' in _if_data:
+                    _if = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(
+                        _if_data['address'] + '/' + _if_data['netmask']
+                    )
+                    _if_data['name'] = _if_name
+                    _if_data['ifs'] = [_if]
+                    _reclass = self._map_network_for_host(
+                        node,
+                        _if,
+                        _reclass,
+                        _if_data
+                    )
+        return _reclass
+    def _map_configured_networks(self):
+        # class uses nodes from self.nodes dict
+        _confs = {}
+        return _confs
+    def _map_runtime_networks(self):
+        # class uses nodes from self.nodes dict
+        _runtime = {}
+"# Mapping node runtime network data")
+        salt_master.prepare_script_on_active_nodes("")
+        _result = salt_master.execute_script_on_active_nodes(
+            "",
+            args=["json"]
+        )
+        for key in salt_master.nodes.keys():
+            # check if we are to work with this node
+            if not salt_master.is_node_available(key):
+                continue
+            # due to much data to be passed from salt_master,
+            # it is happening in order
+            if key in _result:
+                _text = _result[key]
+                if '{' in _text and '}' in _text:
+                    _text = _text[_text.find('{'):]
+                else:
+                    raise InvalidReturnException(
+                        "Non-json object returned: '{}'".format(
+                            _text
+                        )
+                    )
+                _dict = json.loads(_text[_text.find('{'):])
+                salt_master.nodes[key]['routes'] = _dict.pop("routes")
+                salt_master.nodes[key]['networks'] = _dict
+            else:
+                salt_master.nodes[key]['networks'] = {}
+                salt_master.nodes[key]['routes'] = {}
+            logger_cli.debug("... {} has {} networks".format(
+                key,
+                len(salt_master.nodes[key]['networks'].keys())
+            ))
+"-> done collecting networks data")
+"-> mapping IPs")
+        # match interfaces by IP subnets
+        for host, node_data in salt_master.nodes.iteritems():
+            if not salt_master.is_node_available(host):
+                continue
+            for net_name, net_data in node_data['networks'].iteritems():
+                # get ips and calculate subnets
+                if net_name in ['lo']:
+                    # skip the localhost
+                    continue
+                #  get data and make sure that wide mask goes first
+                _ip4s = sorted(
+                    net_data['ipv4'],
+                    key=lambda s: s[s.index('/'):]
+                )
+                for _ip_str in _ip4s:
+                    # create interface class
+                    _if = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(_ip_str)
+                    # check if this is a VIP
+                    # ...all those will have /32 mask
+                    net_data['vip'] = None
+                    if == 32:
+                        net_data['vip'] = str(_if.exploded)
+                    if 'name' not in net_data:
+                        net_data['name'] = net_name
+                    if 'ifs' not in net_data:
+                        net_data['ifs'] = [_if]
+                        # map it
+                        _runtime = self._map_network_for_host(
+                            host,
+                            _if,
+                            _runtime,
+                            net_data
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        # data is already there, just add VIP
+                        net_data['ifs'].append(_if)
+        return _runtime
+    def map_network(self, source):
+        # maps target network using given source
+        _networks = None
+        if source == self.RECLASS:
+            _networks = self._map_reclass_networks()
+        elif source == self.CONFIG:
+            _networks = self._map_configured_networks()
+        elif source == self.RUNTIME:
+            _networks = self._map_runtime_networks()
+        self.networks[source] = _networks
+        return _networks
+    def print_map(self):
+        """
+        Create text report for CLI
+        :return: none
+        """
+        _runtime = self.networks[self.RUNTIME]
+        _reclass = self.networks[self.RECLASS]
+"# Reclass networks")
+            "    {0:17} {1:25}: "
+            "{2:19} {3:5}{4:10} {5}{6} {7} / {8} / {9}".format(
+                "Hostname",
+                "IF",
+                "IP",
+                "rtMTU",
+                "rcMTU",
+                "rtState",
+                "rcState",
+                "rtGate",
+                "rtDef.Gate",
+                "rcGate"
+            )
+        )
+        for network in _reclass:
+            # shortcuts
+            _net = str(network)
+  "-> {}".format(_net))
+            if network not in _runtime:
+                # reclass has network that not found in runtime
+                self.errors.add_error(
+                    self.errors.NET_NO_RUNTIME_NETWORK,
+                    reclass_net=str(network)
+                )
+      "    {:-^50}".format(" No runtime network "))
+                continue
+            names = sorted(_runtime[network].keys())
+            for hostname in names:
+                if not salt_master.is_node_available(hostname, log=False):
+                        "    {0:17} {1}".format(
+                            hostname.split('.')[0],
+                            "... no data for the node"
+                        )
+                    )
+                    # add non-responsive node erorr
+                    self.errors.add_error(
+                        self.errors.NET_NODE_NON_RESPONSIVE,
+                        host=hostname
+                    )
+                    # print empty row
+                    _text = " # node non-responsive"
+                        "    {0:17} {1}".format(
+                            hostname.split('.')[0],
+                            _text
+                        )
+                    )
+                    continue
+                # get the gateway for current net
+                _routes = salt_master.nodes[hostname]['routes']
+                _route = _routes[_net] if _net in _routes else None
+                if not _route:
+                    _gate = "no route!"
+                else:
+                    _gate = _route['gateway'] if _route['gateway'] else "-"
+                # get the default gateway
+                if 'default' in _routes:
+                    _d_gate = ipaddress.IPv4Address(
+                        _routes['default']['gateway']
+                    )
+                else:
+                    _d_gate = None
+                _d_gate_str = _d_gate if _d_gate else "No default gateway!"
+                _a = _runtime[network][hostname]
+                for _host in _a:
+                    for _if in _host['ifs']:
+                        # get proper reclass
+                        _ip_str = str(_if.exploded)
+                        _r = {}
+                        if hostname in _reclass[network]:
+                            for _item in _reclass[network][hostname]:
+                                for _item_ifs in _item['ifs']:
+                                    if _ip_str == str(_item_ifs.exploded):
+                                        _r = _item
+                        else:
+                            self.errors.add_error(
+                                self.errors.NET_NODE_UNEXPECTED_IF,
+                                host=hostname,
+                                if_name=_host['name'],
+                                if_ip=_ip_str
+                            )
+                        # check if node is UP
+                        if not salt_master.is_node_available(hostname):
+                            _r_gate = "-"
+                        # get proper network from reclass
+                        else:
+                            # Lookup match for the ip
+                            _r_gate = "no IF in reclass!"
+                            # get all networks with this hostname
+                            _nets = filter(
+                                lambda n: hostname in _reclass[n].keys(),
+                                _reclass
+                            )
+                            _rd = None
+                            for _item in _nets:
+                                # match ip
+                                _r_dat = _reclass[_item][hostname]
+                                for _r_ifs in _r_dat:
+                                    for _r_if in _r_ifs['ifs']:
+                                        if _if.ip == _r_if.ip:
+                                            _rd = _r_ifs
+                                            break
+                                if _rd:
+                                    _gs = 'gateway'
+                                    _e = "empty"
+                                    _r_gate = _rd[_gs] if _gs in _rd else _e
+                                    break
+                        # IF status in reclass
+                        if 'enabled' not in _r:
+                            _enabled = "(no record!)"
+                        else:
+                            _e = "enabled"
+                            _d = "disabled"
+                            _enabled = "("+_e+")" if _r[_e] else "("+_d+")"
+                        _name = _host['name']
+                        _rc_mtu = _r['mtu'] if 'mtu' in _r else None
+                        _rc_mtu_s = str(_rc_mtu) if _rc_mtu else '(-)'
+                        # check if this is a VIP address
+                        # no checks needed if yes.
+                        if _host['vip'] != _ip_str:
+                            if _rc_mtu:
+                                # if there is an MTU value, match it
+                                if _host['mtu'] != _rc_mtu_s:
+                                    self.errors.add_error(
+                                        self.errors.NET_MTU_MISMATCH,
+                                        host=hostname,
+                                        if_name=_name,
+                                        if_cidr=_ip_str,
+                                        reclass_mtu=_rc_mtu,
+                                        runtime_mtu=_host['mtu']
+                                    )
+                            elif _host['mtu'] != '1500':
+                                # there is no MTU value in reclass
+                                # and runtime value is not default
+                                self.errors.add_error(
+                                    self.errors.NET_MTU_EMPTY,
+                                    host=hostname,
+                                    if_name=_name,
+                                    if_cidr=_ip_str,
+                                    if_mtu=_host['mtu']
+                                )
+                        else:
+                            # this is a VIP
+                            _name = " "*20
+                            _ip_str += " VIP"
+                            _enabled = "(-)"
+                            _r_gate = "-"
+                        _text = "{0:25} {1:19} {2:5}{3:10} {4:4}{5:10} " \
+                                "{6} / {7} / {8}".format(
+                                    _name,
+                                    _ip_str,
+                                    _host['mtu'],
+                                    _rc_mtu_s,
+                                    _host['state'],
+                                    _enabled,
+                                    _gate,
+                                    _d_gate_str,
+                                    _r_gate
+                                )
+                            "    {0:17} {1}".format(
+                                hostname.split('.')[0],
+                                _text
+                            )
+                        )
+"\n# Other networks")
+        _other = [n for n in _runtime if n not in _reclass]
+        for network in _other:
+  "-> {}".format(str(network)))
+            names = sorted(_runtime[network].keys())
+            for hostname in names:
+                for _n in _runtime[network][hostname]:
+                    _ifs = [str(ifs.ip) for ifs in _n['ifs']]
+                    _text = "{0:25}: {1:19} {2:5} {3:4}".format(
+                        _n['name'],
+                        ", ".join(_ifs),
+                        _n['mtu'],
+                        _n['state']
+                    )
+                        "    {0:17} {1}".format(hostname.split('.')[0], _text)
+                    )