Refactored to include varios reports and checks
diff --git a/ci_checker/common/ b/ci_checker/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14003ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci_checker/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import os
+import re
+from ci_checker.common.const import all_roles_map
+from ci_checker.common.exception import ConfigException
+PKG_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+PKG_DIR = os.path.join(PKG_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir)
+PKG_DIR = os.path.normpath(PKG_DIR)
+class Utils(object):
+    @staticmethod
+    def validate_name(fqdn, message=False):
+        """
+        Function that tries to validate node name.
+        Checks if code contains letters, has '.' in it,
+        roles map contains code's role
+        :param fqdn: node FQDN name to supply for the check
+        :param message: True if validate should return error check message
+        :return: False if checks failed, True if all checks passed
+        """
+        _message = "Validation passed"
+        def _result():
+            return (True, _message) if message else True
+        # node role code checks
+        _code = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", fqdn.split('.')[0])
+        if len(_code) > 0:
+            if _code[0] in all_roles_map:
+                return _result()
+            else:
+                # log warning here
+                _message = "Node code is unknown, '{}'. " \
+                           "Please, update map".format(_code)
+        else:
+            # log warning here
+            _message = "Node name is invalid, '{}'".format(fqdn)
+        # put other checks here
+        # output result
+        return _result()
+    @staticmethod
+    def node_string_to_list(node_string):
+        # supplied var should contain node list
+        # if there is no ',' -> use space as a delimiter
+        if node_string is not None:
+            if node_string.find(',') < 0:
+                return node_string.split(' ')
+            else:
+                return node_string.split(',')
+        else:
+            return []
+    def get_node_code(self, fqdn):
+        # validate
+        _isvalid, _message = self.validate_name(fqdn, message=True)
+        _code = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", fqdn.split('.')[0])
+        # check if it is valid and raise if not
+        if _isvalid:
+            return _code[0]
+        else:
+            raise ConfigException(_message)
+    def get_nodes_list(self, env, nodes_list):
+        _list = []
+        if env is None:
+            # nothing supplied, use the one in repo
+            try:
+                if not nodes_list:
+                    return []
+                with open(os.path.join(PKG_DIR, nodes_list)) as _f:
+                    _list.extend(
+            except IOError as e:
+                raise ConfigException("Error while loading file, '{}': "
+                                      "{}".format(e.filename, e.strerror))
+        else:
+            _list.extend(self.node_string_to_list(env))
+        # validate names
+        _invalid = []
+        _valid = []
+        for idx in range(len(_list)):
+            _name = _list[idx]
+            if not self.validate_name(_name):
+                _invalid.append(_name)
+            else:
+                _valid.append(_name)
+        return _valid
+utils = Utils()