Multi env support and Kube client integration

Kube friendly Beta

Package versions supports Kube env

  - Env type detection
  - New option: --use-env, for selecting env
    when function supports multiple detected envs
  - Updated config loading
  - Each module and command type has supported env check
    and stops execution if it is on unsupported env
  - Functions can support multiple envs
  - Kubernetes dependency
  - Kubenernetes API detection: local and remote
  - Package checking class hierachy for using Salt or Kube
  - Remote pod execution routine
  - Flexible SSH/SSH Forwarder classes: with, ssh,do(), etc
  - Multithreaded SSH script execution
  - Number of workers parameter, default 5

  - Config dependency
  - Command loading with supported envs list
  - Unittests structure and execution flow updated
  - Unittests fixes
  - Fixed debug mode handling
  - Unified command type/support routine
  - Nested attrs getter/setter

Change-Id: I3ade693ac21536e2b5dcee4b24d511749dc72759
Related-PROD: PROD-35811
diff --git a/cfg_checker/common/ b/cfg_checker/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdf4c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfg_checker/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+import queue
+import subprocess
+import traceback
+import threading
+from time import sleep
+from .exception import TimeoutException, CheckerException
+from .other import shell, piped_shell
+from .log import logger, logger_cli
+# We do not use paramiko here to preserve system level ssh config
+def ssh_shell_p(
+    command,
+    host,
+    username=None,
+    keypath=None,
+    port=None,
+    silent=False,
+    piped=False,
+    use_sudo=False
+    _ssh_cmd = []
+    _ssh_cmd.append("ssh")
+    if silent:
+        _ssh_cmd.append("-q")
+    # Build SSH cmd
+    if keypath:
+        _ssh_cmd.append("-i " + keypath)
+    if port:
+        _ssh_cmd.append("-p " + str(port))
+    if username:
+        _ssh_cmd.append(username+'@'+host)
+    else:
+        _ssh_cmd.append(host)
+    if use_sudo:
+        _ssh_cmd.append("sudo")
+    _ssh_cmd.append(command)
+    _ssh_cmd = " ".join(_ssh_cmd)
+    if not piped:
+        return shell(_ssh_cmd)
+    else:
+        return piped_shell(_ssh_cmd)
+def scp_p(
+    source,
+    target,
+    port=None,
+    keypath=None,
+    silent=False,
+    piped=False
+    _scp_cmd = []
+    _scp_cmd.append("scp")
+    if port:
+        _scp_cmd.append("-P " + str(port))
+    if silent:
+        _scp_cmd.append("-q")
+    # Build SSH cmd
+    if keypath:
+        _scp_cmd.append("-i " + keypath)
+    _scp_cmd.append(source)
+    _scp_cmd.append(target)
+    _scp_cmd = " ".join(_scp_cmd)
+    if not piped:
+        return shell(_scp_cmd)
+    else:
+        return piped_shell(_scp_cmd)
+def output_reader(_stdout, outq):
+    for line in iter(_stdout.readline, b''):
+        outq.put(line.decode('utf-8'))
+# Base class for all SSH related actions
+class SshBase(object):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        tgt_host,
+        user=None,
+        keypath=None,
+        port=None,
+        timeout=15,
+        silent=False,
+        piped=False
+    ):
+        self._cmd = ["ssh"]
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.port = port if port else 22
+ = tgt_host
+        self.username = user
+        self.keypath = keypath
+        self.silent = silent
+        self.piped = piped
+        self.output = []
+        self._options = ["-tt"]
+        if self.keypath:
+            self._options += ["-i", self.keypath]
+        if self.port:
+            self._options += ["-p", str(self.port)]
+        self._extra_options = [
+            "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
+            "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
+        ]
+        self._host_uri = ""
+        if self.username:
+            self._host_uri = self.username + "@" +
+        else:
+            self._host_uri =
+    def _connect(self, banner="Welcome"):
+        if not isinstance(banner, str):
+            raise CheckerException(
+                "Invalid SSH banner type: '{}'".format(type(banner))
+            )
+        logger.debug("...connecting")
+        while True:
+            try:
+                line = self.outq.get(block=False)
+                self.output.append(line)
+                if line.startswith(banner):
+                    break
+            except queue.Empty:
+                logger.debug("... {} sec".format(self.timeout))
+                sleep(1)
+                self.timeout -= 1
+                if not self.timeout:
+                    logger.debug(
+                        "...timed out after {} sec".format(str(self.timeout))
+                    )
+                    return False
+        logger.debug("...connected")
+        return True
+    def _wait_for_string(self, string):
+        logger.debug("...waiting for '{}'".format(string))
+        while True:
+            try:
+                line = self.outq.get(block=False)
+                line = line.decode() if isinstance(line, bytes) else line
+                self.output.append(line)
+                if not line.startswith(string):
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    break
+            except queue.Empty:
+                logger.debug("... {} sec".format(self.timeout))
+                sleep(1)
+                self.timeout -= 1
+                if not self.timeout:
+                    logger.debug(
+                        "...timed out after {} sec".format(str(self.timeout))
+                    )
+                    return False
+        logger.debug("...found")
+        return True
+    def _init_connection(self, cmd):
+        self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
+            cmd,
+            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            universal_newlines=False,
+            bufsize=0
+        )
+        # Create thread safe output getter
+        self.outq = queue.Queue()
+        self._t = threading.Thread(
+            target=output_reader,
+            args=(self._proc.stdout, self.outq)
+        )
+        self._t.start()
+        # Track if there is an yes/no
+        if not self._connect():
+            raise TimeoutException(
+                "SSH connection to '{}'".format(
+            )
+        self.input = self._proc.stdin
+        self.get_output()
+        logger.debug(
+            "Connected. Banners:\n{}".format(
+                "".join(self.flush_output())
+            )
+        )
+    def _end_connection(self):
+        # Kill the ssh process if it is alive
+        if self._proc.poll() is None:
+            self._proc.kill()
+        self.get_output()
+        return
+    def do(self, cmd, timeout=30, sudo=False, strip_cmd=True):
+        cmd = cmd if isinstance(cmd, bytes) else bytes(cmd.encode('utf-8'))
+        logger.debug("...ssh: '{}'".format(cmd))
+        if sudo:
+            _cmd = b"sudo " + cmd
+        else:
+            _cmd = cmd
+        # run command
+        self.input.write(_cmd + b'\n')
+        # wait for completion
+        self.wait_ready(_cmd, timeout=timeout)
+        self.get_output()
+        _output = self.flush_output().replace('\r', '')
+        if strip_cmd:
+            return "\n".join(_output.splitlines()[1:])
+        else:
+            return _output
+    def get_output(self):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                line = self.outq.get(block=False)
+                line = str(line) if isinstance(line, bytes) else line
+                self.output.append(line)
+            except queue.Empty:
+                return self.output
+        return None
+    def flush_output(self, as_string=True):
+        _out = self.output
+        self.output = []
+        if as_string:
+            return "".join(_out)
+        else:
+            return _out
+    def wait_ready(self, cmd, timeout=60):
+        def _strip_cmd_carrets(_str, carret='\r', skip_chars=1):
+            _cnt = _str.count(carret)
+            while _cnt > 0:
+                _idx = _str.index(carret)
+                _str = _str[:_idx] + _str[_idx+1+skip_chars:]
+                _cnt -= 1
+            return _str
+        while True:
+            try:
+                _line = self.outq.get(block=False)
+                line = _line.decode() if isinstance(_line, bytes) else _line
+                # line = line.replace('\r', '')
+                self.output.append(line)
+                # check if this is the command itself and skip
+                if '$' in line:
+                    _cmd = line.split('$', 1)[1].strip()
+                    _cmd = _strip_cmd_carrets(_cmd)
+                    if _cmd == cmd.decode():
+                        continue
+                break
+            except queue.Empty:
+                logger.debug("... {} sec".format(timeout))
+                sleep(1)
+                timeout -= 1
+                if not timeout:
+                    logger.debug("...timed out")
+                    return False
+        return True
+    def wait_for_string(self, string, timeout=60):
+        if not self._wait_for_string(string):
+            raise TimeoutException(
+                "Time out waiting for string '{}'".format(string)
+            )
+        else:
+            return True
+class SshShell(SshBase):
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._cmd = ["ssh"]
+        self._cmd += self._options
+        self._cmd += self._extra_options
+        self._cmd += [self._host_uri]
+        logger.debug(" to: '{}'".format(" ".join(self._cmd)))
+        self._init_connection(self._cmd)
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback):
+        self._end_connection()
+        if _value:
+            logger.warn(
+                "Error running SSH:\r\n{}".format(
+                    "".join(traceback.format_exception(
+                        _type,
+                        _value,
+                        _traceback
+                    ))
+                )
+            )
+        return True
+    def connect(self):
+        return self.__enter__()
+    def kill(self):
+        self._end_connection()
+    def get_host_path(self, path):
+        _uri = + ":" + path
+        if self.username:
+            _uri = self.username + "@" + _uri
+        return _uri
+    def scp(self, _src, _dst):
+        self._scp_options = []
+        if self.keypath:
+            self._scp_options += ["-i", self.keypath]
+        if self.port:
+            self._scp_options += ["-P", str(self.port)]
+        _cmd = ["scp"]
+        _cmd += self._scp_options
+        _cmd += self._extra_options
+        _cmd += [_src]
+        _cmd += [_dst]
+        logger.debug("...scp: '{}'".format(" ".join(_cmd)))
+        _proc = subprocess.Popen(
+            _cmd,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE
+        )
+        _r = _proc.communicate()
+        _e = _r[1].decode() if _r[1] else ""
+        return _proc.returncode, _r[0].decode(), _e
+class PortForward(SshBase):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        host,
+        fwd_host,
+        user=None,
+        keypath=None,
+        port=None,
+        loc_port=10022,
+        fwd_port=22,
+        timeout=15
+    ):
+        super(PortForward, self).__init__(
+            host,
+            user=user,
+            keypath=keypath,
+            port=port,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            silent=True,
+            piped=False
+        )
+        self.f_host = fwd_host
+        self.l_port = loc_port
+        self.f_port = fwd_port
+        self._forward_options = [
+            "-L",
+            ":".join([str(self.l_port), self.f_host, str(self.f_port)])
+        ]
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._cmd = ["ssh"]
+        self._cmd += self._forward_options
+        self._cmd += self._options
+        self._cmd += self._extra_options
+        self._cmd += [self._host_uri]
+        logger.debug(
+            "...port forwarding: '{}'".format(" ".join(self._cmd))
+        )
+        self._init_connection(self._cmd)
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback):
+        self._end_connection()
+        if _value:
+            logger_cli.warn(
+                "Error running SSH:\r\n{}".format(
+                    "".join(traceback.format_exception(
+                        _type,
+                        _value,
+                        _traceback
+                    ))
+                )
+            )
+        return True
+    def connect(self):
+        return self.__enter__()
+    def kill(self):
+        self._end_connection()