Updated ping command to work with MCC/MOS

  - updated Pinger class with inherited structure for Salt and Kube
  - implemented DeamonSet handling in KubeApi interface
  - implemented put-textfile and series of ConfigMap methods in KubeApi
  - updated Pinger to use multiple --cidr commands at once
  - update Summary section to be more informative and human readable

Change-Id: Iac18a619d0bb9a36a286a07f38aeba8f99a454ca
Related-PROD: PROD-36603
diff --git a/cfg_checker/common/decorators.py b/cfg_checker/common/decorators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed3fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfg_checker/common/decorators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Author: https://gist.github.com/FBosler/be10229aba491a8c912e3a1543bbc74e
+# Updated to fit current framework by Alex Savatieiev
+from functools import wraps
+import time
+from cfg_checker.common import logger, logger_cli
+def retry(exceptions, total_tries=4, initial_wait=0.5, backoff_factor=2):
+    """
+    calling the decorated function applying an exponential backoff.
+    Args:
+        exceptions: Exception(s) that trigger a retry, can be a tuple
+        total_tries: Total tries
+        initial_wait: Time to first retry
+        backoff_factor: Backoff multiplier (e.g. value of 2 will double
+                        the delay each retry).
+        logger: logger to be used, if none specified print
+    """
+    def retry_decorator(f):
+        @wraps(f)
+        def func_with_retries(*args, **kwargs):
+            _tries, _delay = total_tries + 1, initial_wait
+            while _tries > 1:
+                try:
+                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
+                except exceptions as e:
+                    _tries -= 1
+                    print_args = args if args else "no args"
+                    if _tries == 1:
+                        msg = "... {} failed after {} tries".format(
+                                f.__name___,
+                                total_tries
+                            )
+                        logger_cli.debug(msg)
+                        logger.debug(
+                            msg + "args: {}, kwargs: {}".format(
+                                print_args,
+                                kwargs
+                            )
+                        )
+                        raise
+                    msg = "... {}; Exception: {}.\n" \
+                          "... retrying in {} seconds!".format(
+                              f.__name__,
+                              e,
+                              _delay
+                          )
+                    logger_cli.debug(msg)
+                    logger.debug(
+                        msg + "args: {}, kwargs: {}\n".format(
+                            print_args,
+                            kwargs
+                        )
+                    )
+                    time.sleep(_delay)
+                    _delay *= backoff_factor
+        return func_with_retries
+    return retry_decorator
diff --git a/cfg_checker/common/kube_utils.py b/cfg_checker/common/kube_utils.py
index 86e59a5..042db5d 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/common/kube_utils.py
+++ b/cfg_checker/common/kube_utils.py
@@ -8,14 +8,17 @@
 from kubernetes import client as kclient, config as kconfig
 from kubernetes.stream import stream
+from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException
 from cfg_checker.common import logger, logger_cli
+from cfg_checker.common.decorators import retry
 from cfg_checker.common.exception import InvalidReturnException, KubeException
 from cfg_checker.common.file_utils import create_temp_file_with_content
 from cfg_checker.common.other import utils, shell
 from cfg_checker.common.ssh_utils import ssh_shell_p
 from cfg_checker.common.const import ENV_LOCAL
@@ -208,7 +211,10 @@
     def CoreV1(self):
         if not self._coreV1:
-            self._coreV1 = kclient.CoreV1Api(self.kApi)
+            if self.is_local:
+                self._coreV1 = kclient.CoreV1Api(kclient.ApiClient())
+            else:
+                self._coreV1 = kclient.CoreV1Api(kclient.ApiClient(self.kConf))
         return self._coreV1
@@ -306,7 +312,7 @@
                 "... searching for pods with the name '{}'".format(pod_name)
             _pods = {}
-            _pods = self._coreV1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace)
+            _pods = self.CoreV1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace)
             _names = self._get_listed_attrs(_pods.items, "metadata.name")
             _pname = ""
             _pnames = [n for n in _names if n.startswith(pod_name)]
@@ -334,11 +340,12 @@
         # If not, output gets converted to str
         # Which causes to change " to '
         # After that json.loads(...) fail
+        cmd = cmd if isinstance(cmd, list) else cmd.split()
         _pod_stream = stream(
-            command=cmd.split(),
+            command=cmd,
@@ -350,7 +357,11 @@
         # run for timeout
         # read the output
-        return _pod_stream.read_stdout()
+        _output = _pod_stream.read_stdout()
+        # Force recreate of api objects
+        self._coreV1 = None
+        # Send output
+        return _output
     def ensure_namespace(self, ns):
@@ -487,3 +498,71 @@
         # create result list
         return []
+    @retry(ApiException)
+    def get_pods_for_daemonset(self, ds):
+        # get all pod names for daemonset
+        logger_cli.debug(
+            "... extracting pod names from daemonset '{}'".format(
+                ds.metadata.name
+            )
+        )
+        _ns = ds.metadata.namespace
+        _name = ds.metadata.name
+        _pods = self.CoreV1.list_namespaced_pod(
+            namespace=_ns,
+            label_selector='name={}'.format(_name)
+        )
+        return _pods
+    def put_string_buffer_to_pod_as_textfile(
+        self,
+        pod_name,
+        namespace,
+        buffer,
+        filepath,
+        _request_timeout=120,
+        **kwargs
+    ):
+        _command = ['/bin/sh']
+        response = stream(
+            self.CoreV1.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec,
+            pod_name,
+            namespace,
+            command=_command,
+            stderr=True,
+            stdin=True,
+            stdout=True,
+            tty=False,
+            _request_timeout=_request_timeout,
+            _preload_content=False,
+            **kwargs
+        )
+        # if json
+        # buffer = json.dumps(_dict, indent=2).encode('utf-8')
+        commands = [
+            bytes("cat <<'EOF' >" + filepath + "\n", 'utf-8'),
+            buffer,
+            bytes("\n" + "EOF\n", 'utf-8')
+        ]
+        while response.is_open():
+            response.update(timeout=1)
+            if response.peek_stdout():
+                logger_cli.debug("... STDOUT: %s" % response.read_stdout())
+            if response.peek_stderr():
+                logger_cli.debug("... STDERR: %s" % response.read_stderr())
+            if commands:
+                c = commands.pop(0)
+                logger_cli.debug("... running command... {}\n".format(c))
+                response.write_stdin(str(c, encoding='utf-8'))
+            else:
+                break
+        response.close()
+        # Force recreate of Api objects
+        self._coreV1 = None
+        return
diff --git a/cfg_checker/common/salt_utils.py b/cfg_checker/common/salt_utils.py
index f7ea50b..08f2d2b 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/common/salt_utils.py
+++ b/cfg_checker/common/salt_utils.py
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@
-            use_sudo=config.ssh_uses_sudo,
-            silent=True
+            use_sudo=config.ssh_uses_sudo
         if len(_result) < 1:
             raise InvalidReturnException(
diff --git a/cfg_checker/common/settings.py b/cfg_checker/common/settings.py
index 993f92f..7b79354 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/common/settings.py
+++ b/cfg_checker/common/settings.py
@@ -327,7 +327,8 @@
                 self.kube_config_detected = True
                 logger_cli.debug("... KUBECONFIG env var not found")
-                self.kube_config_path = None
+                # do not change it from default
+                # self.kube_config_path = None
                 self.kube_config_detected = False
@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@
         # try to load values from KUBECONF
         _kube_conf = None
-        if self.kube_config_path:
+        if self.kube_config_path and self.kube_config_detected:
             with open(self.kube_config_path) as kF:
                 _kube_conf = yaml.load(kF, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
             # extract host ip