Additions and fixes to network check
- Per interface tree maps
- proper virtial nodes detection
- KVM nodes listing
- CPU count fix
- Basic service fail check (wip)
Change-Id: I62b68793404eeff957ef70468c954df2fda869a5
Related-PROD: PROD-38972
diff --git a/cfg_checker/common/ b/cfg_checker/common/
index 9c043a8..c550184 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/common/
+++ b/cfg_checker/common/
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
def read_file_as_lines(filename):
_list = []
- with open(filename, 'r') as fr:
+ with open(filename, 'rt') as fr:
for line in fr:
- _list.append(line)
+ _list.append(line.rstrip())
return _list
diff --git a/cfg_checker/modules/network/ b/cfg_checker/modules/network/
index ba9a256..cea81bf 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/modules/network/
+++ b/cfg_checker/modules/network/
@@ -243,6 +243,123 @@
# data is already there, just add VIP
+ def process_interface(lvl, interface, tree, res):
+ # get childs for each root
+ # tree row item (<if_name>, [<parents>], [<childs>])
+ if lvl not in tree:
+ # - no level - add it
+ tree[lvl] = {}
+ # there is such interface in this level?
+ if interface not in tree[lvl]:
+ # - IF not present
+ # -- get parents, add
+ _p = res[interface]['lower']
+ # if None, put empty list
+ _p = _p if _p else []
+ # -- get childs, add
+ _c = res[interface]['upper']
+ # if None, put empty list
+ _c = _c if _c else []
+ tree[lvl].update({
+ interface: {
+ "parents": _p,
+ "children": _c,
+ "size": len(_p) if len(_p) > len(_c) else len(_c)
+ }
+ })
+ for p_if in tree[lvl][interface]["parents"]:
+ # -- cycle: execute process for next parent, lvl-1
+ process_interface(lvl-1, p_if, tree, res)
+ for c_if in tree[lvl][interface]["children"]:
+ # -- cycle: execute process for next child, lvl+1
+ process_interface(lvl+1, c_if, tree, res)
+ else:
+ # - IF present - exit (been here already)
+ return
+ def _put(cNet, cIndex, _list):
+ for _cI in range(cIndex, len(_list)):
+ # add child per index
+ # if space is free
+ if not _list[_cI]:
+ _list[_cI] = cNet
+ break
+ # build network hierachy
+ nr = node_data['networks']
+ # walk interface tree
+ for _ifname in node_data['networks']:
+ _tree = {}
+ _level = 0
+ process_interface(_level, _ifname, _tree, nr)
+ # save tree for node/if
+ node_data['networks'][_ifname]['tree'] = _tree
+ # debug, print built tree
+ # logger_cli.debug("# '{}'".format(_ifname))
+ lvls = _tree.keys()
+ lvls.sort()
+ n = len(lvls)
+ m = max([len(_tree[k].keys()) for k in _tree.keys()])
+ matrix = [["" for i in range(m)] for j in range(n)]
+ x = 0
+ while True:
+ _lv = lvls.pop(0)
+ # get all interfaces on this level
+ nets = _tree[_lv].keys()
+ while True:
+ y = 0
+ # get next interface
+ _net = nets.pop(0)
+ # all nets
+ _a = [_net]
+ # put current interface if this is only one left
+ if not _tree[_lv][_net]['children']:
+ if _net not in matrix[x]:
+ _put(_net, y, matrix[x])
+ y += 1
+ else:
+ # get all nets with same child
+ for _c in _tree[_lv][_net]['children']:
+ for _o_net in nets:
+ if _c in _tree[_lv][_o_net]['children']:
+ _a.append(_o_net)
+ # flush collected nets
+ for idx in range(len(_a)):
+ if _a[idx] in matrix[x]:
+ # there is such interface on this level
+ # get index
+ _nI = matrix[x].index(_a[idx])
+ _put(_c, _nI, matrix[x+1])
+ else:
+ # there is no such interface
+ # add it
+ for _nI in range(len(matrix[x])):
+ if not matrix[x][_nI]:
+ matrix[x][_nI] = _a[idx]
+ # also, put child
+ _put(_c, _nI, matrix[x+1])
+ break
+ # remove collected nets from processing
+ if _a[idx] in nets:
+ nets.remove(_a[idx])
+ y += len(_a)
+ if not nets:
+ x += 1
+ break
+ if not lvls:
+ break
+ lines = []
+ _columns = [len(max([i for i in li])) for li in matrix]
+ for idx_y in range(m):
+ line = ""
+ for idx_x in range(n):
+ _fmt = "{" + ":{}".format(_columns[idx_x]) + "} "
+ line += _fmt.format(matrix[idx_x][idx_y])
+ lines.append(line)
+ node_data['networks'][_ifname]['matrix'] = matrix
+ node_data['networks'][_ifname]['lines'] = lines
return _runtime
def map_network(self, source):
@@ -282,7 +399,11 @@
-" {:-^50}".format(" No runtime network "))
+ logger_cli.warn(
+ "WARN: {}: {}".format(
+ " No runtime network ", str(network)
+ )
+ )
# hostnames
names = sorted(_runtime[network].keys())
@@ -464,6 +585,8 @@
"interface": _if_name,
"interface_error": _if_rc,
"interface_note": _if_name_suffix,
+ "interface_map": "\n".join(_host['lines']),
+ "interface_matrix": _host['matrix'],
"ip_address": _ip_str,
"address_type": _proto,
"rt_mtu": _host['mtu'],
diff --git a/cfg_checker/modules/reclass/ b/cfg_checker/modules/reclass/
index 6591d16..8ef8894 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/modules/reclass/
+++ b/cfg_checker/modules/reclass/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
_size = f.tell()
# TODO: do smth with the data
if not _yaml:
- logger_cli.warning("WARN: empty file '{}'".format(fname))
+ # logger.warning("WARN: empty file '{}'".format(fname))
_yaml = {}
logger.debug("...loaded YAML '{}' ({}b)".format(fname, _size))
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@
# ignore _source key
if k == "_source":
+ # ignore secrets
+ if isinstance(k, str) and k == "secrets.yml":
+ continue
+ if isinstance(k, str) and k.find("_password") > 0:
+ continue
# check if this is an env name cluster entry
if dict2 is not None and \
k == self.model_name_1 and \
diff --git a/cfg_checker/ b/cfg_checker/
index ca4e261..0ca1e85 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/
+++ b/cfg_checker/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
return _info
- def get_cmd_for_nodes(self, cmd, target_key, target_dict=None):
+ def get_cmd_for_nodes(self, cmd, target_key, target_dict=None, nodes=None):
"""Function runs. and parses result into place
or into dict structure provided
@@ -160,8 +160,9 @@
_nodes = target_dict
_nodes = self.nodes
- _result = self.execute_cmd_on_active_nodes(cmd)
+ _result = self.execute_cmd_on_active_nodes(cmd, nodes=nodes)
for node, data in _nodes.iteritems():
if node in self.skip_list:
"... '{}' skipped while collecting '{}'".format(
@@ -176,6 +177,8 @@
# Save data
if data['status'] == const.NODE_DOWN:
data[target_key] = None
+ elif node not in _result:
+ continue
elif not _result[node]:
"... '{}' not responded after '{}'".format(
@@ -369,11 +372,11 @@
self.not_responded = [_n for _n in _r.keys() if not _r[_n]]
return _r
- def execute_cmd_on_active_nodes(self, cmd):
+ def execute_cmd_on_active_nodes(self, cmd, nodes=None):
# execute cmd
self.not_responded = []
_r = self.salt.cmd(
- self.active_nodes_compound,
+ nodes if nodes else self.active_nodes_compound,
diff --git a/cfg_checker/reports/ b/cfg_checker/reports/
index 8059fab..7aa376a 100644
--- a/cfg_checker/reports/
+++ b/cfg_checker/reports/
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import abc
import os
+import re
import time
from cfg_checker.common import const
from cfg_checker.common import logger_cli
+from cfg_checker.common.file_utils import read_file_as_lines
from cfg_checker.nodes import salt_master
import jinja2
@@ -19,6 +21,10 @@
_disk_critical = 90
_ram_warn = 5
_ram_critical = 3
+_softnet_interval = 5
+UP = const.NODE_UP
def line_breaks(text):
@@ -217,16 +223,61 @@
return int(value)
- def _lscpu(field, key, _dict):
+ def _lscpu(_dict):
+ _key = "lscpu"
+ _key_r = "lscpu_raw"
+ # get all of the values
_f_cmd = salt_master.get_cmd_for_nodes
- _cmd = "lscpu | grep -e \"^{}:\" | cut -d\":\" -f2 " \
- "| sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'"
- _f_cmd(_cmd.format(field), key, target_dict=_dict)
+ _cmd = "lscpu | sed -n '/\\:/s/ \\+/ /gp'"
+ _f_cmd(_cmd, _key_r, target_dict=_dict)
+ # parse them and put into dict
+ for node, dt in _dict.iteritems():
+ dt[_key] = {}
+ if dt['status'] == DOWN:
+ continue
+ lines = dt[_key_r].splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ li = line.split(':')
+ _var_name = li[0].lower()
+ _var_name = re.sub(' ', '_', _var_name)
+ _var_name = re.sub('|'.join(['\\(', '\\)']), '', _var_name)
+ _var_value = li[1].strip()
+ dt[_key][_var_name] = _var_value
+ dt.pop(_key_r)
+ # detect virtual nodes
+ if "hypervisor_vendor" in dt[_key]:
+ dt['node_type'] = "virtual"
+ else:
+ dt['node_type'] = "physical"
- def _free(field, key, _dict):
+ def _free(_dict):
+ _key = "ram"
+ _key_r = "ram_raw"
_f_cmd = salt_master.get_cmd_for_nodes
- _cmd = "free -h | sed -n '/Mem/s/ \\+/ /gp' | cut -d\" \" -f {}"
- _f_cmd(_cmd.format(field), key, target_dict=_dict)
+ _cmd = "free -h | sed -n '/Mem/s/ \\+/ /gp'"
+ _f_cmd(_cmd, _key_r, target_dict=_dict)
+ # parse them and put into dict
+ for node, dt in _dict.iteritems():
+ dt[_key] = {}
+ if dt['status'] == DOWN:
+ continue
+ li = dt[_key_r].split()
+ dt[_key]['total'] = li[1]
+ dt[_key]['used'] = li[2]
+ dt[_key]['free'] = li[3]
+ dt[_key]['shared'] = li[4]
+ dt[_key]['cache'] = li[5]
+ dt[_key]['available'] = li[6]
+ _total = get_bytes(li[1])
+ _avail = get_bytes(li[6])
+ _m = _avail * 100.0 / _total
+ if _m < _ram_critical:
+ dt[_key]["status"] = "fail"
+ elif _m < _ram_warn:
+ dt[_key]["status"] = "warn"
+ else:
+ dt[_key]["status"] = ""
def _services(_dict):
_key = "services"
@@ -236,6 +287,8 @@
_f_cmd(_cmd, _key_r, target_dict=_dict)
for node, dt in _dict.iteritems():
dt[_key] = {}
+ if dt['status'] == DOWN:
+ continue
lines = dt[_key_r].splitlines()
for line in lines:
li = line.split()
@@ -249,11 +302,107 @@
dt[_key][_name] = None
+ def _vcp_status(_dict):
+ _key = "virsh"
+ _key_r = "virsh_raw"
+ salt_master.get_cmd_for_nodes(
+ "virsh list --all | sed -n -e '/[0-9]/s/ \\+/ /gp'",
+ _key_r,
+ target_dict=_dict,
+ nodes="kvm*"
+ )
+ _kvm = filter(lambda x: x.find("kvm") >= 0, _dict.keys())
+ for node in _kvm:
+ dt = _dict[node]
+ dt[_key] = {}
+ if dt['status'] == DOWN:
+ continue
+ lines = dt[_key_r].splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ li = line.split()
+ _id = li[0]
+ _name = li[1]
+ _status = li[2]
+ dt[_key][_name] = {
+ 'id': _id,
+ 'status': _status
+ }
+ dt.pop(_key_r)
+ # query per-cpu and count totals
+ # total (0), dropped(1), squeezed (2), collision (7)
+ def _soft_net_stats(_dict):
+ _key = "net_stats"
+ _key_r = "net_stats_raw"
+ _f_cmd = salt_master.get_cmd_for_nodes
+ _cmd = "cat /proc/net/softnet_stat; echo \\#; " \
+ "sleep {}; cat /proc/net/softnet_stat".format(
+ _softnet_interval
+ )
+ _f_cmd(_cmd, _key_r, target_dict=_dict)
+ for node, dt in _dict.iteritems():
+ _cpuindex = 1
+ _add_mode = True
+ # final totals
+ dt[_key] = {
+ "total": [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ }
+ # totals for start mark
+ _ts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ # skip if node is down
+ if dt['status'] == DOWN:
+ continue
+ lines = dt[_key_r].splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ _add_mode = False
+ _cpuindex = 1
+ continue
+ li = line.split()
+ _c = [
+ int(li[0], 16),
+ int(li[1], 16),
+ int(li[2], 16),
+ int(li[7], 16)
+ ]
+ _id = "cpu{:02}".format(_cpuindex)
+ if _id not in dt[_key]:
+ dt[_key][_id] = []
+ _dc = dt[_key][_id]
+ if _add_mode:
+ # saving values and adding totals
+ dt[_key][_id] = _c
+ # save start totals
+ _ts = [_ts[i]+_c[i] for i in range(0, len(_c))]
+ else:
+ # this is second measurement
+ # subtract all values
+ for i in range(len(_c)):
+ dt[_key][_id][i] = _c[i] - _dc[i]
+ dt[_key]["total"][i] += _c[i]
+ _cpuindex += 1
+ # finally, subtract initial totals
+ for k, v in dt[_key].iteritems():
+ if k != "total":
+ dt[_key][k] = [v[i] / 5. for i in range(len(v))]
+ else:
+ dt[_key][k] = [(v[i]-_ts[i])/5. for i in range(len(v))]
+ dt.pop(_key_r)
+ # prepare yellow and red marker values
data["const"] = {
+ "net_interval": _softnet_interval,
"ram_warn": _ram_warn,
"ram_critical": _ram_critical,
"disk_warn": _disk_warn,
- "disk_critical": _disk_critical
+ "disk_critical": _disk_critical,
+ "services": read_file_as_lines(
+ os.path.join(
+ pkg_dir,
+ 'etc',
+ 'services.list'
+ )
+ )
# get kernel version
@@ -262,30 +411,12 @@
- # cpu info
- # Sample: VT-x, KVM, full
- _lscpu("Virtualization", "virt_mode", data["nodes"])
- _lscpu("Hypervisor vendor", "virt_vendor", data["nodes"])
- _lscpu("Virtualization type", "virt_type", data["nodes"])
- # sample: 4
- _lscpu("CPU(s)", "cpus", data["nodes"])
+ # process lscpu data
+ _lscpu(data["nodes"])
# free ram
# sample: 16425392 14883144 220196
- _free("2", "ram_total", data["nodes"])
- _free("3", "ram_used", data["nodes"])
- _free("4", "ram_free", data["nodes"])
- _free("7", "ram_available", data["nodes"])
- for _data in data["nodes"].itervalues():
- _total = get_bytes(_data["ram_total"])
- _avail = get_bytes(_data["ram_available"])
- _m = _avail * 100.0 / _total
- if _m < _ram_critical:
- _data["ram_status"] = "fail"
- elif _m < _ram_warn:
- _data["ram_status"] = "warn"
- else:
- _data["ram_status"] = ""
+ _free(data["nodes"])
# disk space
# sample: /dev/vda1 78G 33G 45G 43%
@@ -329,6 +460,12 @@
_err if d['subnet_gateway_error'] else ""
+ # vcp status
+ # query virsh and prepare for report
+ _vcp_status(data["nodes"])
+ # soft net stats
+ _soft_net_stats(data["nodes"])
class ReportToFile(object):
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 119acdb..34263b3 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -72,40 +72,46 @@
if_ipv4 = re.compile(r"^\s{4}inet\ .*$")
# variable prototypes
_ifs = {}
- _if_name = None
+ _name = None
# get the "ip a" output
_ifs_raw = shell('ip a')
for line in _ifs_raw.splitlines():
_if_data = {}
if if_start.match(line):
_tmp = line.split(':')
- _if_name = _tmp[1].strip()
+ _name = _tmp[1].strip()
+ _name = _name.split('@') if '@' in _name else [_name, ""]
+ _at = _name[1]
+ _name = _name[0]
_if_options = _tmp[2].strip().split(' ')
- _lower, _upper, _type = get_linked_devices(_if_name)
- _if_data['order'] = _tmp[0]
+ _lower, _upper, _type = get_linked_devices(_name)
+ _if_data['if_index'] = _tmp[0]
+ _if_data['at'] = _at
_if_data['mtu'], _if_options = cut_option("mtu", _if_options)
_if_data['qlen'], _if_options = cut_option("qlen", _if_options)
_if_data['state'], _if_options = cut_option("state", _if_options)
_if_data['other'] = _if_options
_if_data['ipv4'] = {}
- _if_data['mac'] = {}
+ _if_data['link'] = {}
_if_data['type'] = _type
_if_data['upper'] = _upper
_if_data['lower'] = _lower
- _ifs[_if_name] = _if_data
+ _ifs[_name] = _if_data
elif if_link.match(line):
- if _if_name is None:
+ if _name is None:
_tmp = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
_mac_addr = _tmp[1]
_options = _tmp[2].split(' ')
_brd, _options = cut_option("brd", _options)
- _ifs[_if_name]['mac'][_mac_addr] = {}
- _ifs[_if_name]['mac'][_mac_addr]['brd'] = _brd
- _ifs[_if_name]['mac'][_mac_addr]['other'] = _options
+ _netnsid, _options = cut_option("link-netnsid", _options)
+ _ifs[_name]['link'][_mac_addr] = {}
+ _ifs[_name]['link'][_mac_addr]['brd'] = _brd
+ _ifs[_name]['link'][_mac_addr]['link-netnsid'] = _netnsid
+ _ifs[_name]['link'][_mac_addr]['other'] = _options
elif if_ipv4.match(line):
- if _if_name is None:
+ if _name is None:
_tmp = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
@@ -113,9 +119,9 @@
_options = _tmp[2].split(' ')
_brd, _options = cut_option("brd", _options)
# TODO: Parse other options, mask, brd, etc...
- _ifs[_if_name]['ipv4'][_ip] = {}
- _ifs[_if_name]['ipv4'][_ip]['brd'] = _brd
- _ifs[_if_name]['ipv4'][_ip]['other'] = _options
+ _ifs[_name]['ipv4'][_ip] = {}
+ _ifs[_name]['ipv4'][_ip]['brd'] = _brd
+ _ifs[_name]['ipv4'][_ip]['other'] = _options
# Collect routes data and try to match it with network
# Compile regexp for detecting default route
@@ -172,7 +178,7 @@
print("{0:8} {1:30} {2:18} {3:19} {4:5} {5:4} {6}".format(
- ",".join(ifs_data[_ifs[_idx]]['mac'].keys()),
+ ",".join(ifs_data[_ifs[_idx]]['link'].keys()),
diff --git a/templates/common_styles.j2 b/templates/common_styles.j2
index 66385be..ab1719f 100644
--- a/templates/common_styles.j2
+++ b/templates/common_styles.j2
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@
z-index: 1;
+ pre {
+ font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
+ margin-top: 0em;
+ }
.tooltip .repoinfotext {
right: 0%;
diff --git a/templates/network_check_tmpl.j2 b/templates/network_check_tmpl.j2
index c26a115..a2b17a9 100644
--- a/templates/network_check_tmpl.j2
+++ b/templates/network_check_tmpl.j2
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
padding: 1px;
margin: 2px;
+ td > .kvm_group {
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
+ padding-left: 0px;
+ padding-right: 0px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ }
td > .disk_group {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto auto;
@@ -48,13 +55,20 @@
padding-right: 0px;
margin: 1px;
- td > .ram_group {
+ td > .ram_group, td > .net_group {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
margin: 1px;
+ td > .net_group {
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto auto;
+ padding-left: 0px;
+ padding-right: 0px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ }
td > .vcpu_group {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto;
@@ -82,10 +96,13 @@
.col_release { width: 100px; }
.col_kernel { min-width: 100px; }
.col_vcpu { min-width: 40px; }
+ .col_net { min-width: 150px; }
.col_ram { min-width: 150px; }
.col_disk { min-width: 200px; }
- .col_notes { width: 618px; }
+ .col_node_notes { width: 400px; }
+ .col_cpu_notes { width: 218px; }
.meters {
display: inline-block;
margin: 1px;
@@ -99,6 +116,13 @@
padding: 0px 1px 0px 1px;
+ .kvm_id, .kvm_node, .kvm_status {
+ border-width: 0px;
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
+ }
+ .kvm_id, .kvm_status {
+ text-align: center;
+ }
.meters > .ok, .disk_group > .ok, .ram_group > .ok{
border-color: #80a080;
background-color: #efe;
@@ -112,7 +136,8 @@
background-color: rgb(250, 135, 135);
.cpu { border-color: #a0c0a0; background-color: rgb(252, 248, 248); }
- .ram { border-color: #c0c0a0; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 251); }
+ .net { border-color: #c0c0a0; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 251); text-align: right; }
+ .ram { border-color: #a0c0c0; background-color: rgb(255, 250, 250); }
.disk { border-color: #cedfdf; background-color: rgb(237, 241, 243); }
.map_grid {
@@ -149,8 +174,20 @@
background-color: white;
.service_node {
- background-color: #ddd;
margin-bottom: 2px;
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .service_name, .node_name {
+ text-align: center;
+ border-width: 0px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ padding: 0px 1px 0px 1px;
+ min-width: 250px;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ }
+ .node_name {
+ background-color: #ddd;
.service_grid {
display: grid;
@@ -174,13 +211,13 @@
border-radius: 10px;
- .service_grid > .on {
+ .service_grid > .on, .service_node > .ok {
background-color: #8c8;
- .service_grid > .off {
+ .service_grid > .off, .service_node > .off{
background-color: #9aa;
- .service_grid > .fail {
+ .service_grid > .fail, .service_node > .fail {
background-color: rgb(250, 135, 135);
@@ -203,7 +240,7 @@
<div class="bar">
<button class="bar-item" onclick="openBar(event, 'nodes')">Nodes</button>
<button class="bar-item" onclick="openBar(event, 'networks')">Networks</button>
- <button class="bar-item" onclick="openBar(event, 'services')">Other</button>
+ <button class="bar-item" onclick="openBar(event, 'services')">Services</button>
{% macro nodes_page(nodes, id_label) %}
@@ -224,6 +261,14 @@
<div class="meter cpu">vCPU</div>
+ <td class="head col_net">
+ <div class="meters net">
+ <div class="meter net">Total</div>
+ <div class="meter net">Dropped</div>
+ <div class="meter net">Squeeze</div>
+ <div class="meter net">Collide</div>
+ </div>
+ </td>
<td class="head col_ram">
<div class="meters">
<div class="meter ram">Total</div>
@@ -248,20 +293,28 @@
<td class="status_{{ _ndat['status'] | node_status_class }}">.</td>
<td class="head col_name">{{ node }}</td>
<td class="head col_role">{{ _ndat['role'] }}</td>
- <td class="head col_vendor">{{ _ndat['virt_vendor'] }}/{{ _ndat['virt_mode'] }}/{{ _ndat['virt_type'] }}</td>
+ <td class="head col_vendor">{{ _ndat['node_type'] }}</td>
<td class="head col_release">{{ _ndat['linux_arch'] }}/{{ _ndat['linux_codename'] }}</td>
<td class="head col_kernel">{{ _ndat['kernel'] }}</td>
<td class="head col_vcpu">
<div class="meters vcpu">
- <div class="meter cpu">{{ _ndat['cpus'] }}</div>
+ <div class="meter cpu">{{ _ndat['lscpu']['cpus'] }}</div>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td class="head col_net">
+ <div class="net_group">
+ <div class="item net">{{ _ndat['net_stats']['total'][0] }}</div>
+ <div class="item net">{{ _ndat['net_stats']['total'][1] }}</div>
+ <div class="item net">{{ _ndat['net_stats']['total'][2] }}</div>
+ <div class="item net">{{ _ndat['net_stats']['total'][3] }}</div>
<td class="head col_ram">
<div class="ram_group">
- <div class="item ram">{{ _ndat['ram_total'] }}</div>
- <div class="item ram">{{ _ndat['ram_used'] }}</div>
- <div class="item ram">{{ _ndat['ram_free'] }}</div>
- <div class="item ram {{ _ndat['ram_status'] }}">{{ _ndat['ram_available'] }}</div>
+ <div class="item ram">{{ _ndat['ram']['total'] }}</div>
+ <div class="item ram">{{ _ndat['ram']['used'] }}</div>
+ <div class="item ram">{{ _ndat['ram']['free'] }}</div>
+ <div class="item ram {{ _ndat['ram']['status'] }}">{{ _ndat['ram']['available'] }}</div>
<td class="head col_disk">
@@ -275,9 +328,33 @@
<tr class="collapsable" id="info_{{ node }}">
<td class="status_none"></td>
- <td class="col_notes" colspan="4">.</td>
+ <td class="col_node_notes" colspan="2">
+ {% if 'virsh' in _ndat %}
+ <div class="kvm_group">
+ {% for kvm_node in _ndat['virsh'].keys() | sort %}
+ <div class="item kvm_id">{{ _ndat['virsh'][kvm_node]['id'] }}</div>
+ <div class="item kvm_node">{{ kvm_node }}</div>
+ <div class="item kvm_status">{{ _ndat['virsh'][kvm_node]['status'] }}</div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ </td>
+ <td class="col_cpu_notes smallgreytext" colspan="2">
+ CPU Model: {{ _ndat['lscpu']['model_name'] }} at {{ _ndat['lscpu']['cpu_mhz'] }}Mhz<br>
+ Virtualization: {{ _ndat['lscpu']['virtualization'] }}
+ </td>
<td class="col_kernel"></td>
<td class="col_vcpu"></td>
+ <td class="col_net">
+ <div class="net_group">
+ {% for cpu in _ndat['net_stats'].keys() | sort %}
+ <div class="item net">{{ cpu }}</div>
+ {% for val in _ndat['net_stats'][cpu] %}
+ <div class="item net">{{ val }}</div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
<td class="col_ram"></td>
<td class="col_disk">
<div class="disk_group">
@@ -311,7 +388,7 @@
{% for d in map[net][node] %}
<div class="map_item name">{{ node }}</div>
<div class="map_item interface {{ d['interface_error'] }}">{{ d['interface'] }}</div>
- <div class="map_item note">{{ d['interface_note'] }}</div>
+ <div class="map_item note"><pre>{{ d['interface_map'] | linebreaks }}</pre></div>
<div class="map_item ipaddr">{{ d['ip_address'] }}</div>
<div class="map_item ipaddr_type">{{ d['address_type'] }}</div>
<div class="map_item mtu {{ d['mtu_error'] }}">{{ d['rt_mtu'] }}</div>
@@ -335,14 +412,35 @@
<div class="services">
{% for node in nodes.keys() | sort %}
- <div class="service_node" onclick="toggleClassByID('svc_{{ node }}')" id="svc_{{ node }}_button">{{ node }}</div>
+ <div class="service_node" onclick="toggleClassByID('svc_{{ node }}')" id="svc_{{ node }}_button">
+ <div class="node_name">{{ node }}</div>
+ {% for service in nodes[node]['services'].keys() | sort -%}
+ {% if service in const['services'] %}
+ {% if not nodes[node]['services'][service] %}
+ <div class="service_name fail">{{ service }}</div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif%}
+ {% endfor%}
+ </div>
<div class="collapsable" id="svc_{{ node }}">
<div class="service_grid">
{% for service in nodes[node]['services'].keys() | sort -%}
+ {% if service in const['services'] %}
{% if nodes[node]['services'][service] %}
- <div class="service name on">{{ service }}</div>
+ <div class="service on">{{ service }}</div>
{% else %}
- <div class="service name off">{{ service }}</div>
+ <div class="service fail">{{ service }}</div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif%}
+ {% endfor %}
+ <div class="service"># Other services</div>
+ {% for service in nodes[node]['services'].keys() | sort -%}
+ {% if service not in const['services'] %}
+ {% if nodes[node]['services'][service] %}
+ <div class="service on">{{ service }}</div>
+ {% else %}
+ <div class="service off">{{ service }}</div>
+ {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}