RsyncRemote refactored with functional tests

PEP8 fixes

Related-Bug: #1570260
Partial-Bug: #1575759
Change-Id: I4a44ca3e2134dd67b25a3b3f57edbd46d7e237ca
diff --git a/trsync/objects/ b/trsync/objects/
index 0ba4b0c..fd2a642 100644
--- a/trsync/objects/
+++ b/trsync/objects/
@@ -1,209 +1,65 @@
-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Mirantis, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
 import os
-import re
 from trsync.utils import utils as utils
+from trsync.objects.rsync_ops import RsyncOps
 from trsync.utils.tempfiles import TempFiles
-from import Shell
-from trsync.objects.rsync_url import RsyncUrl
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class RsyncRemote(object):
     def __init__(self,
+                 init_directory_structure=True,
-        # TODO: retry parameters for rsync
-        self.logger = utils.logger.getChild('RsyncRemote.' + rsync_url)
-        self.tmp = TempFiles()
- = Shell(self.logger)
-        self.url = RsyncUrl(rsync_url)
-        self.rsync_extra_params = ' '.join(['-v --no-owner --no-group',
-                                            rsync_extra_params])
+        self._log = utils.logger.getChild('RsyncRemote.' + rsync_url)
+        self._tmp = TempFiles()
+        self.rsync = RsyncOps(
+            rsync_url,
+            rsync_extra_params=' '.join(['-v --no-owner --no-group',
+                                         rsync_extra_params])
+        )
+        self.url = self.rsync.url
+        if init_directory_structure is True:
+            self._init_directory_structure()
-    def _rsync_push(self, source='', dest=None, opts='', extra=None):
-        # TODO: retry for rsync
-        # TODO: locking:
-        #
-        # create lock-files on remotes during operations
-        # symlink dir-timestamp.lock -> dir-timestamp
-        # for reading and writing
-        # special option for ignore lock-files (for manual fixing)
-        # all high-level functions (like ls) specify type of lock(read or
-        # write), and _rsync_push creates special lock file on remote.
-        # also _rsync_push uses retry for waiting wnen resource will be
-        # unlocked
-        # TODO: check for url compatibility (local->remote, remote->local,
-        # local->local)
-        dest = self.url.urljoin(dest)
-        allextra = self.rsync_extra_params
-        if extra is not None:
-            allextra = ' '.join((allextra, extra))
-        cmd = 'rsync {opts} {allextra} {source} {dest}'.format(**(locals()))
-        return[1]
-    def _rsync_pull(self, source='', dest=None, opts='', extra=None):
-        source = self.url.urljoin(self.symlink_target(source))
-        #opts = '--archive --force --ignore-errors --delete --copy-dirlinks'
-        opts = '--archive --force --ignore-errors --delete'
-        # TODO: if dest is dir - detect dest on this alhorithm
-        # or don't touch it if it file
-        if dest is None:
-            raise RuntimeError('There are no "dest" specified for pull {}'
-                               ''.format(source))
-            dest = self.url.a_file(dest, os.path.split(self.url.path)[-1])
-        allextra = self.rsync_extra_params
-        if extra is not None:
-            allextra = ' '.join((allextra, extra))
-        cmd = 'rsync {opts} {allextra} {source} {dest}'.format(**(locals()))
-        return[1]
-    def _rsync_ls(self, dirname=None, pattern=r'.*', opts=''):
-        extra = '--no-v'
-        out = self._rsync_push(dest=dirname, opts=opts, extra=extra)
-        pattern = re.compile(pattern)
-        out = [_ for _ in out.splitlines()
-               if (_.split()[-1] != '.') and
-               (pattern.match(_.split()[-1]) is not None)]
-        return out
-    def ls(self, dirname=None, pattern=r'.*'):
-        self.logger.debug('ls on "{}", pattern="{}"'.format(dirname, pattern))
-        out = self._rsync_ls(dirname, pattern=pattern)
-        out = [_.split()[-1] for _ in out]
-        return out
-    def ls_dirs(self, dirname=None, pattern=r'.*'):
-        self.logger.debug('ls dirs on "{}", pattern="{}"'
-                          ''.format(dirname, pattern))
-        out = self._rsync_ls(dirname, pattern=pattern)
-        out = [_.split()[-1] for _ in out if _.startswith('d')]
-        return out
-    def ls_symlinks(self, dirname=None, pattern=r'.*'):
-        self.logger.debug('ls symlinks on "{}", pattern="{}"'
-                          ''.format(dirname, pattern))
-        out = self._rsync_ls(dirname, pattern=pattern, opts='-l')
-        out = [_.split()[-3:] for _ in out if _.startswith('l')]
-        out = [[_[0], _[-1]] for _ in out]
-        return out
-    def symlink_target(self, symlink):
-        target = symlink
-        while True:
-            try:
-                target_path = os.path.split(target)[0]
-                target = self.ls_symlinks(target)[0][1]
-                target = os.path.join(target_path, target)
-            except:
-                return target
-    def rmfile(self, filename):
-        '''Removes file on rsync_url.'''
-        report_name = filename
-        dirname, filename = os.path.split(filename)
-        dirname = self.url.a_dir(dirname)
-        source = self.url.a_dir(self.tmp.empty_dir)
-        opts = "-r --delete --include={} '--exclude=*'".format(filename)
-'Removing file "{}"'.format(report_name))
-        return self._rsync_push(source=source, dest=dirname, opts=opts)
-    def rm_all(self, names=[]):
-        '''Remove all files and dirs (recursively) on list as single
-        rsync operation'''
-        if type(names) not in (list, tuple):
-            if type(names) is str:
-                names = [names]
+    def _init_directory_structure(self):
+        dir_full_name = self.url.a_dir(self.url.path)
+        if dir_full_name not in ['', '/']:
+            if self.url.url_type != 'path':
+                rsync_root = RsyncOps(self.url.root)
+                rsync_root.mk_dir(dir_full_name)
-                raise RuntimeError('rsync_remote.rm_all has wrong parameter '
-                                   '"names" == "{}"'.format(names))
+                if not os.path.isdir(dir_full_name):
+                    os.makedirs(dir_full_name)
+        return True
-        source = self.url.a_dir(self.tmp.empty_dir)
-        # group files by directories
-        dest_dirs = dict()
-        for name in names:
-            dirname, filename = os.path.split(name)
-            if dirname not in dest_dirs.keys():
-                dest_dirs[dirname] = list()
-            dest_dirs[dirname].append(filename)
-        for dest_dir, filenames in dest_dirs.items():
-            # prepare filter file for every dest_dir
-            content = ''
-            for filename in filenames:
-                content += '+ {}\n'.format(filename)
-            content += '- *'
-            filter_file = self.tmp.get_file(content=content)
-            # removing specified files on dest_dir
-            self.logger.debug('Removing objects on "{}" directory: {}'
-                              ''.format(dest_dir, str(filenames)))
-            opts = "--recursive --delete --filter='merge,p {}'"\
-                   "".format(filter_file)
-            self._rsync_push(source=source, dest=dest_dir, opts=opts)
-    def cleandir(self, dirname):
-        '''Removes directories (recursive) on rsync_url'''
-        dirname = self.url.a_dir(dirname)
-        source = self.url.a_dir(self.tmp.empty_dir)
-        opts = "-a --delete"
-'Cleaning directory "{}"'.format(dirname))
-        return self._rsync_push(source=source, dest=dirname, opts=opts)
-    def rmdir(self, dirname):
-        '''Removes directories (recursive) on rsync_url'''
-'Removing directory "{}"'.format(dirname))
-        return self.rm_all(self.url.a_file(dirname))
-    def mkdir(self, dirname):
-        '''Creates directories (recirsive, like mkdir -p) on rsync_url'''
-        source = self.url.a_dir(self.tmp.get_temp_dir(dirname))
-        opts = "-a"
-'Creating directory "{}"'.format(dirname))
-        return self._rsync_push(source=source, opts=opts)
-    def symlink(self, symlink, target,
-                create_target_file=True, store_history=True):
-        '''Creates symlink targeted to target'''
-        symlink = self.url.a_file(symlink)
-        if create_target_file is True:
-            infofile = '{}.target.txt'.format(symlink)
-            if store_history is True:
-                temp_dir = self.tmp.get_temp_dir()
-                source = '{}/{}'.format(temp_dir, os.path.split(infofile)[-1])
-                try:
-                    self._rsync_pull(source=infofile, dest=source)
-                    with open(source, 'r') as inf:
-                        content = '{}\n{}'.format(target,
-                except RuntimeError:
-                    content = target
-                with open(source, 'w') as outf:
-                    outf.write(content)
-            else:
-                source = self.tmp.get_file(content='{}'.format(target))
-                temp_dir = self.tmp.last_temp_dir
-            self.rmfile(infofile)
-  'Creating informaion file "{}"'.format(infofile))
-            self._rsync_push(source=source, dest=infofile)
-        else:
-            temp_dir = self.tmp.get_temp_dir()
-        opts = "-l"
-        source = self.tmp.get_symlink_to(target, temp_dir=temp_dir)
-        self.rmfile(symlink)
-'Creating symlink "{}" -> "{}"'
-                         ''.format(symlink, target))
-        return self._rsync_push(source=source, dest=symlink, opts=opts)
-    def push(self, source, repo_name=None, extra=None):
+    def push(self, source, repo_name='', extra=None):
         '''Push source to destination'''
         opts = '--archive --force --ignore-errors --delete'
-'Push "{}" to "{}"'.format(source, repo_name))
-        return self._rsync_push(source=source,
-                                dest=repo_name,
-                                opts=opts,
-                                extra=extra)
+'Push "{}" to "{}"'.format(source, repo_name))
+        return self.rsync.push(source=source,
+                               dest=repo_name,
+                               opts=opts,
+                               extra=extra)
diff --git a/trsync/tests/ b/trsync/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682e9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trsync/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Mirantis, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+from trsync.objects.rsync_remote import RsyncRemote
+from trsync.tests import rsync_base
+from trsync.utils.tempfiles import TempFiles
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestRsyncRemote(rsync_base.TestRsyncBase):
+    """Test case class for rsync_remote module"""
+    def test__init_directory_structure(self):
+        for remote in self.rsyncd[self.testname]:
+            url = remote.url + '/initial_test_path/test-subdir'
+            rsync = RsyncRemote(url, init_directory_structure=True)
+            self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(remote.path))
+            del rsync
+    def test_push(self):
+        for remote in self.rsyncd[self.testname]:
+            # create test data file
+            temp_dir = TempFiles()
+            self.getDataFile(os.path.join(temp_dir.last_temp_dir,
+                             'dir1/dir2/dir3/test_data.txt'))
+            rsync = RsyncRemote(remote.url)
+            rsync.push(os.path.join(temp_dir.last_temp_dir, 'dir1'))
+            self.assertDirsEqual(remote.path, temp_dir.last_temp_dir)