First implementation of rsync_versioned
Change-Id: I2f5c5a24aaa384932a298a23fbe72e33fb1d5e3b
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b67280c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
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+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import datetime
+import os
+import utils
+from rsync_remote import RsyncRemote
+from utils import singleton
+class TimeStamp(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ self.staging_snapshot_stamp_format = r'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S'
+ self.staging_snapshot_stamp_regexp = \
+ r'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{6}'
+ self.staging_snapshot_stamp = \
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.staging_snapshot_stamp
+class RsyncVersioned(RsyncRemote):
+ # retry and other function with mirror
+ # add all the needed directory functions here, like mkdir, ls, rm etc
+ # possible check that rsync url is exists
+ def __init__(self,
+ rsync_url,
+ snapshot_dir='files',
+ latest_successful_postfix='staging',
+ save_latest_days=14,
+ init_directory_structure=True,
+ ):
+ super(RsyncVersioned, self).__init__(rsync_url)
+ self.logger = utils.logger.getChild('RsyncVersioned.' + rsync_url)
+ self.timestamp = TimeStamp()
+'Using timestamp {}'.format(self.timestamp))
+ self.snapshot_dir = self.root.dirname(snapshot_dir)
+ self.latest_successful_postfix = latest_successful_postfix
+ self.save_latest_days = save_latest_days
+ # TODO: mirror_name - name of synced directory
+ # it located inside rsync_url/
+ # UPD: not needed - take it in self.push.dest patameter
+ self.mirror_name = os.path.split(rsync_url)[1]
+ if init_directory_structure is True:
+ self.init_directory_structure()
+ def init_directory_structure(self):
+ # TODO: self.rsyncRemote.mkdir
+ #if self.root.url_type != 'path':
+ #server_root = rsyncRemote(self.root.urlroot)
+ #server_root.mkdir(self.root.path)
+ pass
+ def push(self, source, repo_name, extra=None):
+ latest_path = self.root.filename(
+ self.snapshot_dir,
+ '{}-{}'.format(self.root.filename(repo_name),
+ self.latest_successful_postfix)
+ )
+ snapshot_name = self.root.filename(
+ '{}-{}'.format(self.root.filename(repo_name), self.timestamp)
+ )
+ repo_path = self.root.filename(self.snapshot_dir, snapshot_name)
+ # TODO: check --link-dest !!!!
+ # FILESROOT=fwm/files
+ # OPTIONS="--archive --verbose --force --ignore-errors
+ # --delete-excluded --no-owner --no-group ${RSYNC_EXTRA_PARAMS}
+ # --delete --link-dest=/$FILESROOT/$PROJECTNAME-staging"
+ extra = '--link-dest={}'.format(latest_path)
+ result = super(RsyncVersioned, self).push(source, repo_path, extra)
+ super(RsyncVersioned, self).symlink(repo_name, repo_path)
+ super(RsyncVersioned, self).symlink(latest_path, snapshot_name)
+ return result