Add possibility to save artifacts from cloud.
This patch adds archiveRallyArtifacts functions that allow to get
relly report from cloud and store it in job artifacts.
Change-Id: Ie6194bed846b6f9eb92eb50124ece032144f92f1
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Test.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Test.groovy
index f197feb..703372e 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Test.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Test.groovy
@@ -97,3 +97,27 @@
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", 'pkg.install', [""])
+/** Archive Rally results in Artifacts
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection.
+ * @param target Target node to install docker pkg
+ * @param reports_dir Source directory to archive
+ */
+def archiveRallyArtifacts(master, target, reports_dir='/root/rally_reports') {
+ def salt = new
+ def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
+ def output_file = 'rally_reports.tar'
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["tar -cf /root/${output_file} ${reports_dir}"])
+ sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
+ encoded = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat /root/${output_file}", true, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','').trim()
+ writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: encoded
+ // collect artifacts
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"