Add methods for running SPT in validation pipeline

Change-Id: Ibe87cf44d6ec022067ba25ce3d61bef80bcd7462
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
index bd1661a..a7a870d 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
@@ -12,26 +12,131 @@
  * @param dockerImageLink   Docker image link with rally and tempest
  * @param target            Host to run tests
  * @param output_dir        Directory for results
+ * @param spt_variables     The set of variables for SPT
-def runContainerConfiguration(master, dockerImageLink, target, output_dir){
+def runContainerConfiguration(master, dockerImageLink, target, output_dir, spt_variables){
     def salt = new
     def common = new
     def output_file = 'docker.log'
+    def nodes = getNodeList(master)
+    def nodes_hw = getNodeList(master, 'G@virtual:physical')
     def controller = salt.minionPresent(master, 'I@salt:master', 'ctl01', true, null, true, 200, 1)['return'][0].values()[0]
     def _pillar = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -p ${controller} | " +
             "python -c 'import json,sys; print(json.dumps(json.loads([\"keystone\"][\"server\"]))'")
     def keystone = common.parseJSON(_pillar['return'][0].values()[0])
+    def ssh_key = getFileContent(master, 'I@salt:master', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa')
     salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -tid --net=host --name=qa_tools " +
+            " ${spt_variables} " +
             "-e tempest_version=15.0.0 -e OS_USERNAME=${keystone.admin_name} " +
             "-e OS_PASSWORD=${keystone.admin_password} -e OS_TENANT_NAME=${keystone.admin_tenant} " +
             "-e OS_AUTH_URL=http://${keystone.bind.private_address}:${keystone.bind.private_port}/v2.0 " +
             "-e OS_REGION_NAME=${keystone.region} -e OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE=admin ${dockerImageLink} /bin/bash")
+    salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c \"sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh; " +
+            "echo \'${ssh_key}\' | sudo tee /root/.ssh/id_rsa > /dev/null; " +
+            "sudo chmod 700 /root/.ssh; sudo chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa; " +
+            "echo -e '${nodes}' > nodes.json; echo -e '${nodes_hw}' > nodes_hw.json\"")
     salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c /opt/devops-qa-tools/deployment/ > ${output_file}")
-    def file_content = salt.getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
+    def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
     writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
+ * Get file content. Extended version
+ *
+ * @param target            Compound target (should target only one host)
+ * @param file              File path to read
+ * @return                  The content of the file
+ */
+def getFileContent(master, target, file) {
+    def salt = new
+    def _result = null
+    def file_content = null
+    def result = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "if [ \$(wc -c <${file}) -gt 1048575 ]; then echo 1; fi", false, null, false)
+    def large_file = result['return'][0].values()[0]
+    if ( large_file ) {
+        salt.cmdRun(master, target, "split -b 1MB -d ${file} ${file}__", false, null, false)
+        def list_files = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "ls ${file}__*", false, null, false)
+        for ( item in list_files['return'][0].values()[0].tokenize() ) {
+            _result = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${item}", false, null, false)
+            file_content = file_content + _result['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
+        }
+        salt.cmdRun(master, target, "rm ${file}__*", false, null, false)
+        return file_content
+    } else {
+        _result = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${file}", false, null, false)
+        return _result['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
+    }
+ * Get reclass value
+ *
+ * @param target            The host for which the values will be provided
+ * @param filter            Parameters divided by dots
+ * @return                  The pillar data
+ */
+def getReclassValue(master, target, filter) {
+    def common = new
+    def salt = new
+    def items = filter.tokenize('.')
+    def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -p ${target} | " +
+        "python -c 'import json,sys; print(json.dumps(json.loads(\"${items[0]}\")))'", false, null, false)
+    _result = common.parseJSON(_result['return'][0].values()[0])
+    for ( item in items.tail()) {
+        if ( _result ) {
+            _result = _result["${item}"]
+        }
+    }
+    return _result
+ * Create list of nodes in JSON format.
+ *
+ * @param filter            The Salt's matcher
+ * @return                  JSON list of nodes
+ */
+def getNodeList(master, filter = null) {
+    def salt = new
+    def common = new
+    def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
+    def nodes = []
+    def n_counter = 0
+    def filtered_list = null
+    def controllers = salt.getMinions(master, 'I@nova:controller')
+    def hw_nodes = salt.getMinions(master, 'G@virtual:physical')
+    def json = builder (ip: '', roles: '', id: '', network_data: [ builder (name: 'management', ip:  '')])
+    if ( filter ) {
+        filtered_list = salt.getMinions(master, filter)
+        filtered_list.addAll(controllers)
+    }
+    def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, 'I@salt:master', "reclass-salt -o json -t", false, null, false)
+    def reclass_top = common.parseJSON(_result['return'][0].values()[0])
+    for (item in reclass_top.base) {
+        if ( filtered_list ) {
+            if ( ! filtered_list.contains(item.getKey()) ) {
+                continue
+            }
+        }
+        n_counter += 1
+ = n_counter.toString()
+        json.ip = getReclassValue(master, item.getKey(), '_param.linux_single_interface.address')
+        json.network_data[0].ip = json.ip
+        json.roles = item.getKey().tokenize('.')[0]
+        if ( controllers.contains(item.getKey()) ) {
+            json.roles = "${json.roles}, controller"
+        }
+        if ( hw_nodes.contains(item.getKey()) ) {
+            json.roles = "${json.roles}, hw_node"
+        }
+        def node = builder.toPrettyString().replace('"', '\\"')
+        nodes.add(node)
+    }
+    return nodes
  * Execute tempest tests
  * @param target            Host to run tests
@@ -49,7 +154,7 @@
         salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally verify start --pattern ${pattern} " +
                 "--detailed > ${output_file}")
-    def file_content = salt.getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
+    def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
     writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
@@ -65,11 +170,38 @@
     def output_file = 'docker-rally.log'
     salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally task start combined_scenario.yaml --task-args-file " +
             "/opt/devops-qa-tools/rally-scenarios/task_arguments.yaml | tee ${output_file}")
-    def file_content = salt.getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
+    def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
     writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
+ * Execute SPT tests
+ *
+ * @param target            Host to run tests
+ * @param output_dir        Directory for results
+ */
+def runSptTests(master, target, output_dir) {
+    def salt = new
+    def output_file = 'docker-spt.log'
+    def report_file = 'report-spt.txt'
+    def report_file_hw = 'report-spt-hw.txt'
+    def archive_file = 'results-spt.tar.gz'
+    salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools sudo timmy -c simplified-performance-testing/config.yaml " +
+            "--nodes-json nodes.json --log-file ${output_file}")
+    salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools ./simplified-performance-testing/ > ${report_file}")
+    salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools > ${report_file_hw}")
+    salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:/home/rally/${output_file} ${output_file}")
+    salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:/tmp/timmy/archives/general.tar.gz ${archive_file}")
+    def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
+    writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
+    file_content = getFileContent(master, target, report_file)
+    writeFile file: "${output_dir}${report_file}", text: file_content
+    file_content = getFileContent(master, target, report_file_hw)
+    writeFile file: "${output_dir}${report_file_hw}", text: file_content
  * Cleanup
  * @param target            Host to run commands