Merge "Add verifyGaleraCluster function"
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
index 37fc73e..8144986 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
@@ -527,6 +527,144 @@
+ * Verifies Galera database
+ *
+ * This function checks for Galera master, tests connection and if reachable, it obtains the result
+ * of Salt mysql.status function. The result is then parsed, validated and outputed to the user.
+ *
+ * @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
+ * @return resultCode int values used to determine exit status in the calling function
+ */
+def verifyGaleraStatus(env) {
+ def salt = new
+ def common = new
+ def out = ""
+ def status = "unknown"
+ try {
+ galeraMaster = salt.getMinions(env, "I@galera:master")
+ common.infoMsg("Current Galera master is: ${galeraMaster}")
+ salt.minionsReachable(env, "I@salt:master", "I@galera:master")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.errorMsg('Galera master is not reachable.')
+ return 128
+ }
+ try {
+ out = salt.cmdRun(env, "I@salt:master", "salt -C 'I@galera:master' mysql.status")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.errorMsg('Could not determine mysql status.')
+ return 256
+ }
+ if (out) {
+ try {
+ status = validateAndPrintGaleraStatusReport(env, out)
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.errorMsg('Could not parse the mysql status output. Check it manually.')
+ return 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ common.errorMsg("Mysql status response unrecognized or is empty. Response: ${out}")
+ return 1024
+ }
+ if (status == "OK") {
+ common.infoMsg("No errors found - MySQL status is ${status}.")
+ return 0
+ } else if (status == "unknown") {
+ common.warningMsg('MySQL status cannot be detemined')
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ common.errorMsg("Errors found.")
+ return 2
+ }
+/** Validates and prints result of verifyGaleraStatus function
+@param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
+@param out Output of the mysql.status Salt function
+@return status "OK", "ERROR" or "uknown" depending on result of validation
+def validateAndPrintGaleraStatusReport(env, out) {
+ def salt = new
+ def common = new
+ sizeOut = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, "I@galera:master", "galera:master:members"))
+ expected_cluster_size = sizeOut.size()
+ outlist = out['return'][0]
+ resultString = outlist.get(outlist.keySet()[0]).replace("\n ", " ").replace(" ", "").replace("Salt command execution success", "").replace("----------", "").replace(": \n", ": no value\n")
+ resultYaml = readYaml text: resultString
+ parameters = [
+ wsrep_cluster_status: [title: 'Cluster status', expectedValues: ['Primary'], description: ''],
+ wsrep_cluster_size: [title: 'Current cluster size', expectedValues: [expected_cluster_size], description: ''],
+ wsrep_ready: [title: 'Master node status', expectedValues: ['ON', true], description: ''],
+ wsrep_local_state_comment: [title: 'Master node status comment', expectedValues: ['Joining', 'Waiting on SST', 'Joined', 'Synced', 'Donor'], description: ''],
+ wsrep_connected: [title: 'Master node connectivity', expectedValues: ['ON', true], description: ''],
+ wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg: [title: 'Average size of local reveived queue', expectedThreshold: [warn: 0.5, error: 1.0], description: '(Value above 0 means that the node cannot apply write-sets as fast as it receives them, which can lead to replication throttling)'],
+ wsrep_local_send_queue_avg: [title: 'Average size of local send queue', expectedThreshold: [warn: 0.5, error: 1.0], description: '(Value above 0 indicate replication throttling or network throughput issues, such as a bottleneck on the network link.)']
+ ]
+ results = [:].withDefault {"unknown"}
+ for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
+ value = resultYaml[key]
+ parameters.get(key) << [actualValue: value]
+ }
+ for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
+ param = parameters.get(key)
+ if (key == 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg' || key == 'wsrep_local_send_queue_avg') {
+ if (param.get('actualValue') > param.get('expectedThreshold').get('error')) {
+ param << [match: 'error']
+ } else if (param.get('actualValue') > param.get('expectedThreshold').get('warn')) {
+ param << [match: 'warn']
+ } else {
+ param << [match: 'ok']
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (expValue in param.get('expectedValues')) {
+ if (expValue == param.get('actualValue')) {
+ param << [match: 'ok']
+ break
+ } else {
+ param << [match: 'error']
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cluster_info_report = []
+ cluster_warning_report = []
+ cluster_error_report = []
+ for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
+ param = parameters.get(key)
+ if (param.containsKey('expectedThreshold')) {
+ expValues = "below ${param.get('expectedThreshold').get('warn')}"
+ } else {
+ if (param.get('expectedValues').size() > 1) {
+ expValues = param.get('expectedValues').join(' or ')
+ } else {
+ expValues = param.get('expectedValues')[0]
+ }
+ }
+ reportString = "${param.title}: ${param.actualValue} (Expected: ${expValues}) ${param.description}"
+ if (param.get('match').equals('ok')) {
+ cluster_info_report.add("[OK ] ${reportString}")
+ } else if (param.get('match').equals('warn')) {
+ cluster_warning_report.add("[WARNING] ${reportString}")
+ } else {
+ cluster_error_report.add("[ ERROR] ${reportString})")
+ }
+ }
+ common.infoMsg("CLUSTER STATUS REPORT: ${cluster_info_report.size()} expected values, ${cluster_warning_report.size()} warnings and ${cluster_error_report.size()} error found:")
+ if (cluster_info_report.size() > 0) {
+ common.infoMsg(cluster_info_report.join('\n'))
+ }
+ if (cluster_warning_report.size() > 0) {
+ common.warningMsg(cluster_warning_report.join('\n'))
+ }
+ if (cluster_error_report.size() > 0) {
+ common.errorMsg(cluster_error_report.join('\n'))
+ return "ERROR"
+ } else {
+ return "OK"
+ }
* Restores Galera database
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @return output of salt commands
@@ -584,4 +722,4 @@
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, 'I@galera:slave', 'service.start', ['mysql'])
\ No newline at end of file