Add 'get_variable_from_url' option for job parameters in Workflow.groovy
Use the actual artifact content as a job parameter
instead of the artifact's URL.
With 'get_variable_from_url', content will be downloaded from the
artifact's URL and placed into the job parameter value.
Change-Id: I6c9bfaec74688979202e904734f77160901f7adb
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
index 5e99c67..3a58bd3 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
* @param job_parameters Map that declares which values from global_variables should be used, in the following format:
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'use_variable': <a key from global_variables>}, ...}
* or
+ * {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'get_variable_from_url': <a key from global_variables which contains URL with required content>}, ...}
+ * or
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'use_template': <a GString multiline template with variables from global_variables>}, ...}
* @param global_variables Map that keeps the artifact URLs and used 'env' objects:
* {'PARAM1_NAME': <param1 value>, 'PARAM2_NAME': 'http://.../artifacts/param2_value', ...}
@@ -33,8 +35,12 @@
def runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, Boolean propagate = false) {
def parameters = []
+ def http = new
def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
def template
+ def base = [:]
+ base["url"] = ''
+ def variable_content
// Collect required parameters from 'global_variables' or 'env'
for (param in job_parameters) {
@@ -44,6 +50,13 @@
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: global_variables[param.value.use_variable]])
println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${global_variables[param.value.use_variable]}"
+ } else if (param.value.containsKey('get_variable_from_url')) {
+ if (!global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url]) {
+ global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url] = env[param.value.get_variable_from_url] ?: ''
+ }
+ variable_content = http.restGet(base, global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url])
+ parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: variable_content])
+ println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${variable_content}"
} else if (param.value.containsKey('use_template')) {
template = engine.createTemplate(param.value.use_template).make(global_variables)
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: template.toString()])
@@ -160,6 +173,7 @@
* use_variable: KAAS_VERSION
* artifacts:
* KUBECONFIG_ARTIFACT: artifacts/management_kubeconfig
+ * DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION: artifacts/management_version
* - job: test-kaas-ui
* ignore_failed: false
@@ -167,6 +181,9 @@
* type: StringParameterValue
+ * type: StringParameterValue
+ * get_variable_from_url: DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION
* artifacts:
* REPORT_SI_KAAS_UI: artifacts/test_kaas_ui_result.xml
@@ -176,7 +193,7 @@
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
- * use_variable: KAAS_VERSION
+ * get_variable_from_url: DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION
* type: TextParameterValue
* use_template: |