Merge "Convert enforceState methods to use Map as input parameter - allows using named parameters in pipelines - reduces complexity of Orchestration pipelines"
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
index ca209be..3d46bb3 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
@@ -159,9 +159,27 @@
* @param saltArgs additional salt args eq. ["runas=aptly"]
* @return output of salt command
+def enforceStateWithExclude(Map params) {
+ //Set defaults
+ defaults = ["excludedStates": "", "output": true, "failOnError": true, "batch": null, "optional": false,
+ "read_timeout": -1, "retries": -1, "queue": true, "saltArgs": []]
+ params = defaults + params
+ params.saltArgs << "exclude=${params.excludedStates}"
+ params.remove('excludedStates')
+ return enforceState(params)
def enforceStateWithExclude(saltId, target, state, excludedStates = "", output = true, failOnError = true, batch = null, optional = false, read_timeout=-1, retries=-1, queue=true, saltArgs=[]) {
- saltArgs << "exclude=${excludedStates}"
- return enforceState(saltId, target, state, output, failOnError, batch, optional, read_timeout, retries, queue, saltArgs)
+// Deprecated, convert state to use Map as input parameter
+ def common = new
+ common.infoMsg("This method is deprecated. Convert you method call to use Map as input parameter")
+ // Convert to Map
+ params = ['saltId': saltId, 'target': target, 'state': state, 'excludedStates': excludedStates, 'output': output,
+ 'failOnError': failOnError, 'batch': batch, 'optional': optional, 'read_timeout': read_timeout,
+ 'retries': retries, 'queue': queue, 'saltArgs': saltArgs]
+ // Call new method with Map as parameter
+ return enforceStateWithExclude(params)
@@ -180,23 +198,40 @@
* @param saltArgs additional salt args eq. ["runas=aptly"]
* @return output of salt command
-def enforceStateWithTest(saltId, target, state, testTargetMatcher = "", output = true, failOnError = true, batch = null, optional = false, read_timeout=-1, retries=-1, queue=true, saltArgs=[]) {
+def enforceStateWithTest(Map params) {
def common = new
- if (!testTargetMatcher) {
- testTargetMatcher = target
+ //Set defaults
+ defaults = ["testTargetMatcher": "", "output": true, "failOnError": true, "batch": null, "optional": false,
+ "read_timeout": -1, "retries": -1, "queue": true, "saltArgs":[]]
+ params = defaults + params
+ if (!params.testTargetMatcher) {
+ params.testTargetMatcher =
- if (testTarget(saltId, testTargetMatcher)) {
- return enforceState(saltId, target, state, output, failOnError, batch, false, read_timeout, retries, queue, saltArgs)
+ if (testTarget(params.saltId, params.testTargetMatcher)) {
+ return enforceState(params)
} else {
- if (!optional) {
- common.infoMsg("No Minions matched the target matcher: ${testTargetMatcher}, and 'optional' param was set to false. - This may signify missing pillar definition!!")
+ if (!params.optional) {
+ common.infoMsg("No Minions matched the target matcher: ${params.testTargetMatcher}, and 'optional' param was set to false. - This may signify missing pillar definition!!")
// throw new Exception("No Minions matched the target matcher: ${testTargetMatcher}.") TODO: Change the infoMsg to Error once the methods are changed to Use named params and optional param will be set globally
} else {
- common.infoMsg("No Minions matched the target matcher: ${testTargetMatcher}, but 'optional' param was set to true - Pipeline continues. ")
+ common.infoMsg("No Minions matched the target matcher: ${params.testTargetMatcher}, but 'optional' param was set to true - Pipeline continues. ")
+def enforceStateWithTest(saltId, target, state, testTargetMatcher = "", output = true, failOnError = true, batch = null, optional = false, read_timeout=-1, retries=-1, queue=true, saltArgs=[]) {
+// Deprecated, convert state to use Map as input parameter
+ def common = new
+ common.infoMsg("This method is deprecated. Convert you method call to use Map as input parameter")
+ // Convert to Map
+ params = ['saltId': saltId, 'target': target, 'state': state, 'testTargetMatcher': testTargetMatcher, 'output': output,
+ 'failOnError': failOnError, 'batch': batch, 'optional': optional, 'read_timeout': read_timeout,
+ 'retries': retries, 'queue': queue, 'saltArgs': saltArgs]
+ // Call new method with Map as parameter
+ return enforceStateWithTest(params)
/* Enforces state on given saltId and target
* @param saltId Salt Connection object or pepperEnv (the command will be sent using the selected method)
* @param target State enforcing target
@@ -212,45 +247,61 @@
* @param minionRestartWaitTimeout specifies timeout that we should wait after minion restart.
* @return output of salt command
-def enforceState(saltId, target, state, output = true, failOnError = true, batch = null, optional = false, read_timeout=-1, retries=-1, queue=true, saltArgs = [], minionRestartWaitTimeout=10) {
+def enforceState(Map params) {
def common = new
+ //Set defaults
+ defaults = ["output": true, "failOnError": true, "batch": null, "optional": false,
+ "read_timeout": -1, "retries": -1, "queue": true, "saltArgs": [], "minionRestartWaitTimeout": 10]
+ params = defaults + params
// add state to salt args
- if (state instanceof String) {
- saltArgs << state
+ if (params.state instanceof String) {
+ params.saltArgs << params.state
} else {
- saltArgs << state.join(',')
+ params.saltArgs << params.state.join(',')
- common.infoMsg("Running state ${state} on ${target}")
+ common.infoMsg("Running state ${params.state} on ${}")
def out
def kwargs = [:]
- if (queue && batch == null) {
+ if (params.queue && params.batch == null) {
kwargs["queue"] = true
- if (optional == false || testTarget(saltId, target)){
- if (retries > 0){
+ if (params.optional == false || params.testTarget(params.saltId,{
+ if (params.retries > 0){
def retriesCounter = 0
- retry(retries){
+ retry(params.retries){
// we have to reverse order in saltArgs because salt state have to be first
- out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.sls', batch, saltArgs.reverse(), kwargs, -1, read_timeout)
+ out = runSaltCommand(params.saltId, 'local', ['expression':, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.sls', params.batch, params.saltArgs.reverse(), kwargs, -1, params.read_timeout)
// failOnError should be passed as true because we need to throw exception for retry block handler
- checkResult(out, true, output, true, retriesCounter < retries) //disable ask on error for every interation except last one
+ checkResult(out, true, params.output, true, retriesCounter < params.retries) //disable ask on error for every interation except last one
} else {
// we have to reverse order in saltArgs because salt state have to be first
- out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.sls', batch, saltArgs.reverse(), kwargs, -1, read_timeout)
- checkResult(out, failOnError, output)
+ out = runSaltCommand(params.saltId, 'local', ['expression':, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.sls', params.batch, params.saltArgs.reverse(), kwargs, -1, params.read_timeout)
+ checkResult(out, params.failOnError, params.output)
- waitForMinion(out, minionRestartWaitTimeout)
+ waitForMinion(out, params.minionRestartWaitTimeout)
return out
} else {
common.infoMsg("No Minions matched the target given, but 'optional' param was set to true - Pipeline continues. ")
+def enforceState(saltId, target, state, output = true, failOnError = true, batch = null, optional = false, read_timeout=-1, retries=-1, queue=true, saltArgs = [], minionRestartWaitTimeout=10) {
+// Deprecated, convert state to use Map as input parameter
+ def common = new
+ common.infoMsg("This method is deprecated. Convert you method call to use Map as input parameter")
+ // Convert to Map
+ params = ['saltId': saltId, 'target': target, 'state': state, 'output': output,
+ 'failOnError': failOnError, 'batch': batch, 'optional': optional, 'read_timeout': read_timeout,
+ 'retries': retries, 'queue': queue, 'saltArgs': saltArgs, 'minionRestartWaitTimeout': minionRestartWaitTimeout]
+ // Call new method with Map as parameter
+ return enforceState(params)
* Run command on salt minion (salt wrapper)
* @param saltId Salt Connection object or pepperEnv (the command will be sent using the selected method)