[feat][jenkins] manage not_built job status in dependency checker
to allow skipping deps if its in not_built status
us: PRODX-6545
Change-Id: I7b3e960ad5ff7bd581aac532ef77e0abfaad8e1a
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/JenkinsUtils.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/JenkinsUtils.groovy
index 780ccab..b760812 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/JenkinsUtils.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/JenkinsUtils.groovy
@@ -235,27 +235,33 @@
* Check dependency jobs passed successfully
- * @param block (bool) Block child jobs in case of parent dependencies failed
- * @return (map)[
- * status: (bool) True if there are no failed dependencies
- * log: (string) Verbose description
- * ]
+ * @param block (bool) Block child jobs in case of parent dependencies failed
+ * @param allowNotBuilt (bool) Approve not_built status of the dependency job
+ * @return (map)[
+ * status: (bool) True if there are no failed dependencies
+ * log: (string) Verbose description
+ * ]
-def checkDependencyJobs(block = true) {
+def checkDependencyJobs(block = true, allowNotBuilt = false) {
def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common()
+ def acceptedStatuses = ['SUCCESS']
+ if (allowNotBuilt) {
+ acceptedStatuses.add('NOT_BUILT')
+ }
depList = []
common.infoMsg('Job may depends on parent jobs, check if dependency jobs exist...')
depKeys = env.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY_KEYS.toString()
depList = depKeys.split()
if (depList){
- common.infoMsg('Here is dependency jobs-list: ' + depList)
+ common.infoMsg("Here is dependency jobs-list: ${depList} , accepted job statuses are: ${acceptedStatuses}")
for (String item : depList) {
prjName = item.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '_')
triggerResult = 'TRIGGER_' + prjName.toUpperCase() + '_BUILD_RESULT'
triggerJobName = 'TRIGGER_' + prjName.toUpperCase() + '_BUILD_NAME'
triggerJobBuild = 'TRIGGER_' + prjName.toUpperCase() + '_BUILD_NUMBER'
- if (env.getProperty(triggerResult) != 'SUCCESS'){
+ if (!acceptedStatuses.contains(env.getProperty(triggerResult))) {
msg = "Dependency job ${env.getProperty(triggerJobName)} #${env.getProperty(triggerJobBuild)} is ${env.getProperty(triggerResult)}"
if (block){