Extend description for workflow jobs
* Add handler for 'description' parameter in workflows eg:
- job: si-test-k8s-conformance
ignore_failed: true
description: "Run mgmt conformance ${ENV_NAME}"
type: StringParameterValue
use_variable: ENV_NAME
Change-Id: I7c69415ef6327e1cb0ec7ee6e8b99ac500ed235f
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
index 7706859..694a33a 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
@@ -152,6 +152,71 @@
+ * Update workflow job build description
+ *
+ * @param jobs_data Map with all job names and result statuses, to showing it in description
+ */
+def updateDescription(jobs_data) {
+ table = ''
+ child_jobs_description = '<strong>Descriptions from jobs:</strong><br>'
+ table_template_start = "<div><table style='border: solid 1px;'><tr><th>Job:</th><th>Status:</th></tr>"
+ table_template_end = "</table></div>"
+ for (jobdata in jobs_data) {
+ // Grey background for 'finally' jobs in list
+ if (jobdata['type'] == 'finally') {
+ trstyle = "<tr style='background: #DDDDDD;'>"
+ } else {
+ trstyle = "<tr>"
+ }
+ // 'description' instead of job name if it exists
+ if(jobdata['desc'].toString() != "") {
+ display_name = jobdata['desc']
+ } else {
+ display_name = jobdata['name']
+ }
+ // Attach url for already builded jobs
+ if(jobdata['build_url'] != "0") {
+ build_url = "<a href=${jobdata['build_url']}>$display_name</a>"
+ } else {
+ build_url = display_name
+ }
+ // Styling the status of job result
+ switch(jobdata['status'].toString()) {
+ case "SUCCESS":
+ status_style = "<td style='color: green;'><img src='/images/16x16/blue.png' alt='SUCCESS'>"
+ break
+ case "UNSTABLE":
+ status_style = "<td style='color: #FF5733;'><img src='/images/16x16/yellow.png' alt='UNSTABLE'>"
+ break
+ case "ABORTED":
+ status_style = "<td style='color: red;'><img src='/images/16x16/aborted.png' alt='ABORTED'>"
+ break
+ case "NOT_BUILT":
+ status_style = "<td style='color: red;'><img src='/images/16x16/aborted.png' alt='NOT_BUILT'>"
+ break
+ case "FAILURE":
+ status_style = "<td style='color: red;'><img src='/images/16x16/red.png' alt='FAILURE'>"
+ break
+ default:
+ status_style = "<td>-"
+ }
+ // Collect table
+ table += "$trstyle<td>$build_url</td>$status_style</td></tr>"
+ // Collecting descriptions of builded child jobs
+ if (jobdata['child_desc'] != "") {
+ child_jobs_description += "<b><small><a href=${jobdata['build_url']}>- ${jobdata['name']} (${jobdata['status']}):</a></small></b><br>"
+ child_jobs_description += "<small>${jobdata['child_desc']}</small><br>"
+ }
+ }
+ currentBuild.description = table_template_start + table + table_template_end + child_jobs_description
* Run the workflow or final steps one by one
@@ -159,13 +224,19 @@
* @param steps List of steps (Jenkins jobs) to execute
* @param global_variables Map where the collected artifact URLs and 'env' objects are stored
* @param failed_jobs Map with failed job names and result statuses, to report it later
+ * @param jobs_data Map with all job names and result statuses, to showing it in description
+ * @param step_id Counter for matching step ID with cell ID in description table
* @param propagate Boolean. If false: allows to collect artifacts after job is finished, even with FAILURE status
* If true: immediatelly fails the pipeline. DO NOT USE 'true' with runScenario().
-def runSteps(steps, global_variables, failed_jobs, Boolean propagate = false) {
+def runSteps(steps, global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, step_id, Boolean propagate = false) {
+ // Show expected jobs list in description
+ updateDescription(jobs_data)
for (step in steps) {
stage("Running job ${step['job']}") {
+ def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
+ def desc = step['description'] ?: ''
def job_name = step['job']
def job_parameters = [:]
def step_parameters = step['parameters'] ?: [:]
@@ -183,12 +254,16 @@
def build_description = job_info.getDescription()
def build_id = job_info.getId()
- currentBuild.description += "<a href=${build_url}>${job_name}</a>: ${job_result}<br>"
- // Import the remote build description into the current build
- if (build_description) { // TODO - add also the job status
- currentBuild.description += build_description
+ // Update jobs_data for updating description
+ jobs_data[step_id]['build_url'] = build_url
+ jobs_data[step_id]['status'] = job_result
+ jobs_data[step_id]['desc'] = engine.createTemplate(desc).make(global_variables)
+ if (build_description) {
+ jobs_data[step_id]['child_desc'] = build_description
+ updateDescription(jobs_data)
// Store links to the resulting artifacts into 'global_variables'
storeArtifacts(build_url, step['artifacts'], global_variables, job_name, build_id)
@@ -214,6 +289,8 @@
} // if (job_result != 'SUCCESS')
println "Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}"
} // stage ("Running job ${step['job']}")
+ // Jump to next ID for updating next job data in description table
+ step_id++
} // for (step in scenario['workflow'])
@@ -232,6 +309,7 @@
* workflow:
* - job: deploy-kaas
* ignore_failed: false
+ * description: "Management cluster ${KAAS_VERSION}"
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
@@ -295,10 +373,36 @@
global_variables = [:]
// List of failed jobs to show at the end
failed_jobs = [:]
+ // Jobs data to use for wf job build description
+ def jobs_data = []
+ // Counter for matching step ID with cell ID in description table
+ step_id = 0
+ // Generate expected list jobs for description
+ list_id = 0
+ for (step in scenario['workflow']) {
+ if(step['description'] != null && step['description'].toString() != "") {
+ display_name = step['description']
+ } else {
+ display_name = step['job']
+ }
+ jobs_data.add([list_id: "$list_id", type: "workflow", name: "$display_name", build_url: "0", status: "-", desc: "", child_desc: ""])
+ list_id += 1
+ }
+ finally_step_id = list_id
+ for (step in scenario['finally']) {
+ if(step['description'] != null && step['description'].toString() != "") {
+ display_name = step['description']
+ } else {
+ display_name = step['job']
+ }
+ jobs_data.add([list_id: "$list_id", type: "finally", name: "$display_name", build_url: "0", status: "-", desc: "", child_desc: ""])
+ list_id += 1
+ }
try {
// Run the 'workflow' jobs
- runSteps(scenario['workflow'], global_variables, failed_jobs)
+ runSteps(scenario['workflow'], global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, step_id)
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
error "The job was aborted"
@@ -307,8 +411,10 @@
error("Build failed: " + e.toString())
} finally {
+ // Switching to 'finally' step index
+ step_id = finally_step_id
// Run the 'finally' jobs
- runSteps(scenario['finally'], global_variables, failed_jobs)
+ runSteps(scenario['finally'], global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, step_id)
if (failed_jobs) {
statuses = []