Add Calico component tests execution stage
Also added a method for tests results reporting to
Change-Id: I3cfcf46b8bc375b7ea730a456fd76cd84c9be746
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mcp_qa/Common.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mcp_qa/Common.groovy
index 7d9fd89..22dcf81 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mcp_qa/Common.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mcp_qa/Common.groovy
@@ -97,3 +97,87 @@
return jobSetParameters
+ * Upload tests results to TestRail
+ *
+ * @param config LinkedHashMap
+ * config includes next parameters:
+ * - junitXml String, path to XML file with tests results
+ * - testPlanName String, name of test plan in TestRail
+ * - testSuiteName String, name of test suite in TestRail
+ * - testrailMilestone String, milestone name in TestRail
+ * - tesPlanDesc String, description of test plan in TestRail (optional)
+ * - jobURL String, URL of job build with tests (optional)
+ * - testrailURL String, TestRail URL (optional)
+ * - testrailProject String, project name in TestRail (optional)
+ *
+ *
+ * Usage example:
+ *
+ * uploadResultsTestRail([
+ * junitXml: './nosetests.xml',
+ * testPlanName: 'MCP test plan #1',
+ * testSuiteName: 'Calico component tests',
+ * jobURL: '',
+ * ])
+ *
+ */
+def uploadResultsTestRail(config) {
+ def venvPath = 'testrail-venv'
+ // TODO: install 'testrail_reporter' pypi when new version with eee508d commit is released
+ def testrailReporterPackage = 'git+git://'
+ def testrailReporterVersion = 'eee508d'
+ def requiredArgs = ['junitXml', 'testPlanName', 'testSuiteName', 'testrailMilestone']
+ def missingArgs = []
+ for (i in requiredArgs) { if (!config.containsKey(i)) { missingArgs << i }}
+ if (missingArgs) { println "Required arguments are missing for '${funcName}': ${missingArgs.join(', ')}" }
+ def junitXml = config.get('junitXml')
+ def testPlanName = config.get('testPlanName')
+ def testSuiteName = config.get('testSuiteName')
+ def testrailMilestone = config.get('testrailMilestone')
+ def testrailURL = config.get('testrailURL', '')
+ def testrailProject = config.get('testrailProject', 'Mirantis Cloud Platform')
+ def tesPlanDesc = config.get('tesPlanDesc')
+ def jobURL = config.get('jobURL')
+ def reporterOptions = [
+ "--verbose",
+ "--testrail-run-update",
+ "--testrail-url '${testrailURL}'",
+ "--testrail-user \"\${TESTRAIL_USER}\"",
+ "--testrail-password \"\${TESTRAIL_PASSWORD}\"",
+ "--testrail-project '${testrailProject}'",
+ "--testrail-plan-name '${testPlanName}'",
+ "--testrail-milestone '${testrailMilestone}'",
+ "--testrail-suite '${testSuiteName}'",
+ "--xunit-name-template '{methodname}'",
+ "--testrail-name-template '{custom_test_group}'",
+ ]
+ if (tesPlanDesc) { reporterOptions << "--env-description '${tesPlanDesc}'" }
+ if (jobURL) { reporterOptions << "--test-results-link '${jobURL}'" }
+ // Install testrail reporter
+ sh """
+ virtualenv ${venvPath}
+ . ${venvPath}/bin/activate
+ pip install --upgrade ${testrailReporterPackage}@${testrailReporterVersion}
+ """
+ def script = """
+ . ${venvPath}/bin/activate
+ report ${reporterOptions.join(' ')} ${junitXml}
+ """
+ withCredentials([
+ [$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
+ credentialsId : 'testrail',
+ passwordVariable: 'TESTRAIL_PASSWORD',
+ usernameVariable: 'TESTRAIL_USER']
+ ]) {
+ return sh(script: script, returnStdout: true).trim().split().last()
+ }