Merge "move function to ceph class"
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Ceph.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Ceph.groovy
index 8660233..fe71d7d 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Ceph.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Ceph.groovy
@@ -1,103 +1,543 @@
+ * Install and configure ceph clients
- * Ceph functions
- *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
+def installClient(master, extra_tgt='') {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ // install Ceph Radosgw
+ installRgw(master, "I@ceph:radosgw", extra_tgt)
+ // setup keyring for Openstack services
+ salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server $extra_tgt", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
+ salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller $extra_tgt", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
+ salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute $extra_tgt", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
+ salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server $extra_tgt", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
- * Ceph health check
+ * Install and configure ceph monitor on target
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
-def waitForHealthy(master, target, flags=[], count=0, attempts=300) {
- def common = new
- def salt = new
- // wait for healthy cluster
- while (count < attempts) {
- def health = salt.cmdRun(master, target, 'ceph health')['return'][0].values()[0]
- if (health.contains('HEALTH_OK')) {
- common.infoMsg('Cluster is healthy')
- break
- } else {
- for (flag in flags) {
- if (health.contains(flag + ' flag(s) set') && !(health.contains('down'))) {
- common.infoMsg('Cluster is healthy')
- return
+def installMon(master, target="I@ceph:mon", extra_tgt='') {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "$target $extra_tgt", state: 'salt.minion.grains'])
+ // TODO: can we re-add cmn01 with proper keyrings?
+ // generate keyrings
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) $extra_tgt")) {
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) $extra_tgt", state: 'ceph.mon'])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:mon $extra_tgt", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) $extra_tgt", 'mine.update')
+ // on target nodes mine is used to get pillar from 'ceph:common:keyring:admin' via grain.items
+ // we need to refresh all pillar/grains to make data sharing work correctly
+ salt.fullRefresh(master, "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) $extra_tgt")
+ sleep(5)
+ }
+ // install Ceph Mons
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:mon $extra_tgt", state: 'ceph.mon'])
+ salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:mgr $extra_tgt", state: 'ceph.mgr'])
+ // update config
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common $extra_tgt", state: 'ceph.common'])
+ * Install and configure osd daemons on target
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
+ */
+def installOsd(master, target="I@ceph:osd", setup=true, extra_tgt='') {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ def orchestrate = new Orchestrate()
+ // install Ceph OSDs
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: target, state: ['','ceph.osd']])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:osd $extra_tgt", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: target, state: 'ceph.osd.custom'])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:osd $extra_tgt", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:osd $extra_tgt", 'mine.update')
+ // setup pools, keyrings and maybe crush
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:setup $extra_tgt") && setup) {
+ orchestrate.installBackup(master, 'ceph')
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:setup $extra_tgt", state: 'ceph.setup'])
+ }
+ * Install and configure rgw service on target
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
+ */
+def installRgw(master, target="I@ceph:radosgw", extra_tgt='') {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:radosgw $extra_tgt")) {
+ salt.fullRefresh(master, "I@ceph:radosgw $extra_tgt")
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:radosgw $extra_tgt", state: ['keepalived', 'haproxy', 'ceph.radosgw']])
+ }
+ * Remove rgw daemons from target
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
+ */
+def removeRgw(master, target, extra_tgt='') {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ // TODO needs to be reviewed
+ salt.fullRefresh(master, "I@ceph:radosgw $extra_tgt")
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:radosgw $extra_tgt", state: ['keepalived', 'haproxy', 'ceph.radosgw']])
+ * Remove osd daemons from target
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param osds List of osd to remove
+ * @param safeRemove Wait for data rebalance before remove drive
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ */
+def removeOsd(master, target, osds, flags, safeRemove=true, wipeDisks=false) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ // systemctl stop ceph-osd@0 && ceph osd purge 0 --yes-i-really-mean-it && umount /dev/vdc1; test -b /dev/vdc1 && dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdc1 bs=1M; test -b /dev/vdc2 && dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdc2 bs=1M count=100; sgdisk -d1 -d2 /dev/vdc; partprobe
+ if(osds.isEmpty()) {
+ common.warningMsg('List of OSDs was empty. No OSD is removed from cluster')
+ return
+ }
+ // `ceph osd out <id> <id>`
+ cmdRun(master, 'ceph osd out ' + osds.join(' '), true, true)
+ if(safeRemove) {
+ waitForHealthy(master, flags)
+ }
+ for(osd in osds) {
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'service.stop', "ceph-osd@$osd", null, true)
+ cmdRun(master, "ceph osd purge $osd --yes-i-really-mean-it", true, true)
+ }
+ for(osd in osds) {
+ def lvm_enabled = getPillar(master, target, "ceph:osd:lvm_enabled")
+ if(lvm_enabled) {
+ // ceph-volume lvm zap --osd-id 1 --osd-fsid 55BD4219-16A7-4037-BC20-0F158EFCC83D --destroy
+ def output = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "ceph-volume lvm zap --osd-id $osd --destroy >/dev/null && echo 'zaped'", false)
+ if(output == 'zaped') { continue }
+ }
+ common.infoMsg("Removing legacy osd.")
+ def journal_partition = ""
+ def block_db_partition = ""
+ def block_wal_partition = ""
+ def block_partition = ""
+ def data_partition = ""
+ def dataDir = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$osd"
+ journal_partition = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target,
+ "test -f $dataDir/journal_uuid && readlink -f /dev/disk/by-partuuid/`cat $dataDir/journal_uuid`", false)
+ block_db_partition = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target,
+ "test -f $dataDir/block.db_uuid && readlink -f /dev/disk/by-partuuid/`cat $dataDir/block.db_uuid`", false)
+ block_wal_partition = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target,
+ "test -f $dataDir/block.wal_uuid && readlink -f /dev/disk/by-partuuid/`cat $dataDir/block.wal_uuid`", false)
+ block_partition = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target,
+ "test -f $dataDir/block_uuid && readlink -f /dev/disk/by-partuuid/`cat $dataDir/block_uuid`", false)
+ data_partition = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target,
+ "test -f $dataDir/fsid && readlink -f /dev/disk/by-partuuid/`cat $dataDir/fsid`", false)
+ try {
+ if(journal_partition.trim()) { removePartition(master, target, journal_partition) }
+ if(block_db_partition.trim()) { removePartition(master, target, block_db_partition) }
+ if(block_wal_partition.trim()) { removePartition(master, target, block_wal_partition) }
+ if(block_partition.trim()) { removePartition(master, target, block_partition, 'block', wipeDisks) }
+ if(data_partition.trim()) { removePartition(master, target, data_partition, 'data', wipeDisks) }
+ else { common.warningMsg("Can't find data partition for osd.$osd") }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ // report but continue as problem on one osd could be sorted out after
+ common.errorMsg("Found some issue during cleaning partition for osd.$osd on $target")
+ common.errorMsg(e)
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ }
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "partprobe", false)
+ }
+ * Update montoring for target hosts
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
+ */
+def updateMonitoring(master, target="I@ceph:common", extra_tgt='') {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ def prometheusNodes = salt.getMinions(master, "I@prometheus:server $extra_tgt")
+ if(!prometheusNodes.isEmpty()) {
+ //Collect Grains
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "$target $extra_tgt", state: 'salt.minion.grains'])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "$target $extra_tgt", 'saltutil.refresh_modules')
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "$target $extra_tgt", 'mine.update')
+ sleep(5)
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "$target $extra_tgt", state: ['fluentd', 'telegraf', 'prometheus']])
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@prometheus:server $extra_tgt", state: 'prometheus'])
+ }
+ else {
+ common.infoMsg('No Prometheus nodes in cluster. Nothing to do.')
+ }
+def connectCeph(master, extra_tgt='') {
+ new Common().infoMsg("This method was renamed. Use method connectOS insead.")
+ connectOS(master, extra_tgt)
+ * Enforce configuration and connect OpenStack clients
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param extra_tgt Extra targets for compound
+ */
+def connectOS(master, extra_tgt='') {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ // setup Keystone service and endpoints for swift or / and S3
+ salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@keystone:client $extra_tgt", state: 'keystone.client'])
+ // connect Ceph to the env
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server $extra_tgt")) {
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server $extra_tgt", state: ['glance']])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server $extra_tgt", 'service.restart', ['glance-api'])
+ }
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller $extra_tgt")) {
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller $extra_tgt", state: ['cinder']])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller $extra_tgt", 'service.restart', ['cinder-volume'])
+ }
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute $extra_tgt")) {
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute $extra_tgt", state: ['nova']])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute $extra_tgt", 'service.restart', ['nova-compute'])
+ }
+ if(salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server $extra_tgt")) {
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server:role:primary $extra_tgt", state: 'gnocchi.server'])
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server $extra_tgt", state: 'gnocchi.server'])
+ }
+ * Remove vm from VCP
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ */
+def removeVm(master, target) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ def fqdn = getGrain(master, target, 'id')
+ def hostname = salt.stripDomainName(fqdn)
+ def hypervisor = getPillar(master, "I@salt:control", "salt:control:cluster:internal:node:$hostname:provider")
+ removeSalt(master, target)
+ if(hypervisor?.trim()) {
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, hypervisor, "virsh destroy $fqdn")
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, hypervisor, "virsh undefine $fqdn")
+ }
+ else {
+ common.ErrorMsg("There is no provider in pillar for $hostname")
+ }
+ * Stop target salt minion, remove its key on master and definition in reclass
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ */
+def removeSalt(master, target) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def fqdn = getGrain(master, target, 'id')
+ try {
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, 'I@salt:master', "salt-key --include-accepted -r $fqdn -y")
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg(e)
+ }
+def deleteKeyrings(master, target, extra_tgt='') {
+ def host = getGrain(master, target, 'host')
+ def keys = cmdRun(master, "ceph auth list | grep $host", false).tokenize('\n')
+ if(keys.empty()) {
+ new Common().warningMsg("Nothing to do. There is no keyring for $host")
+ }
+ for(key in keys) {
+ cmdRun(master, "ceph auth del $key")
+ }
+def generateMapping(pgmap,map) {
+ def pg_new
+ def pg_old
+ for(pg in pgmap) {
+ pg_new = pg["up"].minus(pg["acting"])
+ pg_old = pg["acting"].minus(pg["up"])
+ for(int i = 0; i < pg_new.size(); i++) {
+ // def string = "ceph osd pg-upmap-items " + pg["pgid"].toString() + " " + pg_new[i] + " " + pg_old[i] + ";"
+ def string = "ceph osd pg-upmap-items ${pg["pgid"]} ${pg_new[i]} ${pg_old[i]}"
+ map.add(string)
+ }
+ }
+ * Run command on the first of avaliable ceph monitors
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param cmd Command to run
+ * @param checkResponse Check response of command. (optional, default true)
+ * @param output Print output (optional, default false)
+ */
+def cmdRun(master, cmd, checkResponse=true, output=false) {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ def cmn01 = salt.getFirstMinion(master, "I@ceph:mon")
+ return salt.cmdRun(master, cmn01, cmd, checkResponse, null, output)['return'][0][cmn01]
+ * Run command on target host
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param cmd Command to run
+ * @param checkResponse Check response of command. (optional, default true)
+ * @param output Print output (optional, default false)
+ */
+def cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, cmd, checkResponse=true, output=false) {
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ return salt.cmdRun(master, target, cmd, checkResponse, null, output)['return'][0].values()[0]
+ * Ceph refresh pillars and get one for first host
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param pillar Pillar to obtain
+ */
+def getPillar(master, target, pillar) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ try {
+ return salt.getPillar(master, target, pillar)['return'][0].values()[0]
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg('There was no pillar for the target.')
+ }
+ * Ceph refresh grains and get one for first host
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param grain Grain to obtain
+ */
+def getGrain(master, target, grain) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ try {
+ return salt.getGrain(master, target, grain)['return'][0].values()[0].values()[0]
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg('There was no grain for the target.')
+ }
+ * Set flags
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param flags Collection of flags to set
+ */
+def setFlags(master, flags) {
+ if(flags instanceof String) { flags = [flags] }
+ for(flag in flags) {
+ cmdRun(master, 'ceph osd set ' + flag)
+ }
+ * Unset flags
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param flags Collection of flags to unset (optional)
+ */
+def unsetFlags(master, flags=[]) {
+ if(flags instanceof String) { flags = [flags] }
+ for(flag in flags) {
+ cmdRun(master, 'ceph osd unset ' + flag)
+ }
+ * Wait for healthy cluster while ignoring flags which have been set
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param attempts Attempts before it pause execution (optional, default 300)
+ */
+def waitForHealthy(master, flags, attempts=300) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def count = 0
+ def isHealthy = false
+ def health = ''
+ // wait for current ops will be reflected in status
+ sleep(5)
+ while(count++ < attempts) {
+ health = cmdRun(master, 'ceph health', false)
+ if(health == 'HEALTH_OK') { return }
+ else {
+ // HEALTH_WARN noout,norebalance flag(s) set
+ def unexpectedFlags = health.tokenize(' ').getAt(1)?.tokenize(',')
+ unexpectedFlags.removeAll(flags)
+ if(health.contains('HEALTH_WARN') && unexpectedFlags.isEmpty()) { return }
+ }
+ common.warningMsg("Ceph cluster is still unhealthy: $health")
+ sleep(10)
+ }
+ // TODO: MissingMethodException
+ input message: "After ${count} attempts cluster is still unhealthy."
+ //throw new RuntimeException("After ${count} attempts cluster is still unhealthy. Can't proceed")
+def waitForHealthy(master, String host, flags, attempts=300) {
+ new Common().warningMsg('This method will be deprecated.')
+ waitForHealthy(master, flags, attempts)
+ * Remove unused orphan partition after some osds
+ *
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param wipePartitions Wipe each found partitions completely (optional, defaul false)
+ */
+def removeOrphans(master, target, wipePartitions=false) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
+ def orphans = []
+ // TODO: ceph-disk is avaliable only in luminous
+ def disks = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "ceph-disk list --format json 2>/dev/null",false)
+ disks = "{\"disks\":$disks}" // common.parseJSON() can't parse a list of maps
+ disks = common.parseJSON(disks)['disks']
+ for(disk in disks) {
+ for(partition in disk.get('partitions')) {
+ def orphan = false
+ if(partition.get('type') == 'block.db' && !partition.containsKey('block.db_for')) { orphan = true }
+ else if(partition.get('type') == 'block' && !partition.containsKey('block_for')) { orphan = true }
+ else if(partition.get('type') == 'data' && !partition.get('state') == 'active') { orphan = true }
+ // TODO: test for the rest of types
+ if(orphan) {
+ if(partition.get('path')) {
+ removePartition(master, target, partition['path'], partition['type'], wipePartitions)
+ }
+ else {
+ common.warningMsg("Found orphan partition on $target but failed to remove it.")
- common.infoMsg("Ceph health status: ${health}")
- count++
- sleep(10)
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "partprobe", false)
* Ceph remove partition
+ * @param master Salt connection object
+ * @param target Target specification, compliance to compound matcher in salt
+ * @param partition Partition to remove on target host
+ * @param type Type of partition. Some partition need additional steps (optional, default empty string)
+ * @param fullWipe Fill the entire partition with zeros (optional, default false)
-def removePartition(master, target, partition_uuid, type='', id=-1) {
- def salt = new
- def common = new
- def partition = ''
+def removePartition(master, target, partition, type='', fullWipe=false) {
+ def common = new Common()
+ def salt = new Salt()
def dev = ''
def part_id = ''
- def lvm_enabled = salt.getPillar(master, "I@ceph:osd", "ceph:osd:lvm_enabled")['return'].first().containsValue(true)
- if ( !lvm_enabled ){
- if (type == 'lockbox') {
- try {
- // umount - partition = /dev/sdi2
- partition = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "lsblk -rp | grep -v mapper | grep ${partition_uuid} ")['return'][0].values()[0].split()[0]
- salt.cmdRun(master, target, "umount ${partition}")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- common.warningMsg(e)
- }
- } else if (type == 'data') {
- try {
- // umount - partition = /dev/sdi2
- partition = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "lsblk -rp | grep /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-${id}")['return'][0].values()[0].split()[0]
- salt.cmdRun(master, target, "umount ${partition}")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- common.warningMsg(e)
- }
- try {
- // partition = /dev/sdi2
- partition = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "blkid | grep ${partition_uuid} ")['return'][0].values()[0].split(":")[0]
- } catch (Exception e) {
- common.warningMsg(e)
- }
- } else {
- try {
- // partition = /dev/sdi2
- partition = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "blkid | grep ${partition_uuid} ")['return'][0].values()[0].split(":")[0]
- } catch (Exception e) {
- common.warningMsg(e)
- }
- }
- if (partition?.trim()) {
- if (partition.contains("nvme")) {
- // partition = /dev/nvme1n1p2
- // dev = /dev/nvme1n1
- dev = partition.replaceAll('p\\d+$', "")
- // part_id = 2
- part_id = partition.substring(partition.lastIndexOf("p") + 1).replaceAll("[^0-9]+", "")
+ def partitionID = ''
+ def disk = ''
+ def wipeCmd = ''
+ def lvm_enabled = getPillar(master, target, "ceph:osd:lvm_enabled")
- } else {
- // partition = /dev/sdi2
- // dev = /dev/sdi
- dev = partition.replaceAll('\\d+$', "")
- // part_id = 2
- part_id = partition.substring(partition.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replaceAll("[^0-9]+", "")
- }
+ if(!partition?.trim()) {
+ throw new Exception("Can't proceed without defined partition.")
+ }
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "test -b $partition")
+ if(fullWipe) { wipeCmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=$partition bs=1M 2>/dev/null" }
+ else { wipeCmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=$partition bs=1M count=100 2>/dev/null" }
+ common.infoMsg("Removing from the cluster $type partition $partition on $target.")
+ if(type == 'lockbox') {
+ try {
+ partition = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "lsblk -rp | grep -v mapper | grep $partition", false)
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "umount $partition")
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg(e)
- if (lvm_enabled && type != 'lockbox') {
- salt.cmdRun(master, target, "ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/disk/by-partuuid/${partition_uuid} --destroy")
- } else if (dev != '') {
- salt.cmdRun(master, target, "parted ${dev} rm ${part_id}")
- } else {
- common.infoMsg("Did not found any device to be wiped.")
+ else if(type == 'data') {
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "umount $partition 2>/dev/null", false)
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, wipeCmd, false)
- return
+ else if(type == 'block' || fullWipe) {
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, wipeCmd, false)
+ }
+ try {
+ partitionID = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "cat /sys/dev/block/`lsblk $partition -no MAJ:MIN | xargs`/partition", false)
+ disk = cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "lsblk $partition -no pkname", false)
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ common.errorMsg("Couldn't get disk name or partition number for $partition")
+ common.warningMsg(e)
+ }
+ try {
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "sgdisk -d$partitionID /dev/$disk", true, true)
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg("Did not found any device to be wiped.")
+ common.warningMsg(e)
+ }
+ // try to remove partition table if disk have no partitions left - required by ceph-volume
+ cmdRunOnTarget(master, target, "partprobe -d -s /dev/$disk | grep partitions\$ && sgdisk -Z /dev/$disk", false, true)
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy
index ec1c5d1..6a3e355 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy
@@ -1182,90 +1182,24 @@
def installCephMon(master, target="I@ceph:mon", extra_tgt = '') {
- def salt = new
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common ${extra_tgt}", state: 'salt.minion.grains'])
- // generate keyrings
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) ${extra_tgt}", state: 'ceph.mon'])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:mon ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) ${extra_tgt}", 'mine.update')
- // on target nodes mine is used to get pillar from 'ceph:common:keyring:admin' via grain.items
- // we need to refresh all pillar/grains to make data sharing work correctly
- salt.fullRefresh(master, "( I@ceph:mon:keyring:mon or I@ceph:common:keyring:admin ) ${extra_tgt}")
- sleep(5)
- }
- // install Ceph Mons
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: target, state: 'ceph.mon'])
- salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:mgr ${extra_tgt}", state: 'ceph.mgr'])
+ def ceph = new
+ ceph.installMon(master, target, extra_tgt)
def installCephOsd(master, target="I@ceph:osd", setup=true, extra_tgt = '') {
- def salt = new
- // install Ceph OSDs
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: target, state: 'ceph.osd'])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:osd ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: target, state: 'ceph.osd.custom'])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:osd ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:osd ${extra_tgt}", 'mine.update')
- installBackup(master, 'ceph')
- // setup pools, keyrings and maybe crush
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:setup ${extra_tgt}") && setup) {
- sleep(5)
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:setup ${extra_tgt}", state: 'ceph.setup'])
- }
+ def ceph = new
+ ceph.installOsd(master, target, setup, extra_tgt)
def installCephClient(master, extra_tgt = '') {
- def salt = new
- // install Ceph Radosgw
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:radosgw ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:radosgw ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:radosgw ${extra_tgt}", state: 'ceph.radosgw'])
- }
- // setup keyring for Openstack services
- salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server ${extra_tgt}", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
- salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller ${extra_tgt}", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute ${extra_tgt}", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.sync_grains')
- }
- salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server ${extra_tgt}", state: ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring']])
+ def ceph = new
+ ceph.installClients(master, extra_tgt)
+ ceph.connectOS(master, extra_tgt)
def connectCeph(master, extra_tgt = '') {
- def salt = new
- // setup Keystone service and endpoints for swift or / and S3
- salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: master, target: "I@keystone:client ${extra_tgt}", state: 'keystone.client'])
- // connect Ceph to the env
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server ${extra_tgt}", state: ['glance']])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@glance:server ${extra_tgt}", 'service.restart', ['glance-api'])
- }
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller ${extra_tgt}", state: ['cinder']])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller ${extra_tgt}", 'service.restart', ['cinder-volume'])
- }
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute ${extra_tgt}", state: ['nova']])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute ${extra_tgt}", 'service.restart', ['nova-compute'])
- }
- if (salt.testTarget(master, "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server ${extra_tgt}")) {
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server:role:primary ${extra_tgt}", state: 'gnocchi.server'])
- salt.enforceState([saltId: master, target: "I@ceph:common and I@gnocchi:server ${extra_tgt}", state: 'gnocchi.server'])
- }
+ def ceph = new
+ ceph.connectOS(master, extra_tgt)
def installOssInfra(master, extra_tgt = '') {