Run salt minion restart and do not wait for response
Change-Id: I2c9c98986abd51d6dfaf03f9a9c32040b2f7f401
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
index 7347205..d972252 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
@@ -534,15 +534,16 @@
* Restart and wait for salt-minions on target nodes.
* @param saltId Salt Connection object or pepperEnv (the command will be sent using the selected method)
* @param target unique identification of a minion or group of salt minions
- * @param wait timeout for the salt command if minions do not return (default 5)
- * @param maxRetries finite number of iterations to check status of a command (default 10)
+ * @param wait timeout for the salt command if minions do not return (default 10)
+ * @param maxRetries finite number of iterations to check status of a command (default 15)
+ * @param async Run salt minion restart and do not wait for response
* @return output of salt command
-def restartSaltMinion(saltId, target, wait = 5, maxRetries = 10) {
+def restartSaltMinion(saltId, target, wait = 10, maxRetries = 15, async = true) {
def common = new
common.infoMsg("Restarting salt-minion on ${target} and waiting for they are reachable.")
- runSaltProcessStep(saltId, target, '', ['salt-call service.restart salt-minion'], null, true, 60)
- checkTargetMinionsReady(['saltId': saltId, 'target_reachable': target, timeout: wait, retries: maxRetries])
+ runSaltProcessStep(saltId, target, '', ['salt-call service.restart salt-minion'], null, true, 60, null, async)
+ checkTargetMinionsReady(['saltId': saltId, 'target': target, timeout: wait, retries: maxRetries])
common.infoMsg("All ${target} minions are alive...")
@@ -919,12 +920,13 @@
* @param tgt Salt process step target
* @param fun Salt process step function
* @param arg process step arguments (optional, default [])
- * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch)
+ * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch). Can't be used with async
* @param output print output (optional, default true)
* @param timeout Additional argument salt api timeout
+ * @param async Run the salt command but don't wait for a reply. Can't be used with batch
* @return output of salt command
-def runSaltProcessStep(saltId, tgt, fun, arg = [], batch = null, output = true, timeout = -1, kwargs = null) {
+def runSaltProcessStep(saltId, tgt, fun, arg = [], batch = null, output = true, timeout = -1, kwargs = null, async = false) {
def common = new
def salt = new
def out
@@ -933,6 +935,8 @@
if (batch == true) {
out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local_batch', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, String.valueOf(batch), arg, kwargs, timeout)
+ } else if (async == true) {
+ out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local_async', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, batch, arg, kwargs, timeout)
} else {
out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, batch, arg, kwargs, timeout)