Merge "Extend description for workflow jobs"
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
index 9c7a5b6..308ff14 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
default_mounts = ["/etc/ssl/certs/": "/etc/ssl/certs/",
"/srv/salt/pki/${cluster_name}/": "/etc/certs",
"/root/test/": "/root/tempest/",
- "/tmp/": "/tmp/",
"/etc/hosts": "/etc/hosts"]
params.mounts = default_mounts + params.mounts
if ( salt.cmdRun(params.master,, "docker ps -f name=^${}\$ -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy
index cc58774..e558131 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy
@@ -16,24 +16,25 @@
* New CR pushed in kubernetes/lcm-ansible -> parsing it's commit body and combine test-suite -> trigger deployment jobs from kaas/core
* manage test-suite through Jenkins Job Parameters
- * @return (map)[* deployChildEnabled: (bool) True if need to deploy child cluster during demo-run
- * runUie2eEnabled: (bool) True if need to run ui-e2e cluster during demo-run
+ * @return (map)[
+ * deployChildEnabled: (bool) True if need to deploy child cluster during demo-run
+ * runUie2eEnabled: (bool) True if need to run ui-e2e cluster during demo-run
* ]
def checkDeploymentTestSuite() {
def common = new
// Available triggers and its sane defaults
- def deployChild = (env.DEPLOY_CHILD_CLUSTER != null) ? env.DEPLOY_CHILD_CLUSTER.toBoolean() : false
- def upgradeChild = (env.UPGRADE_CHILD_CLUSTER != null) ? env.UPGRADE_CHILD_CLUSTER.toBoolean() : false
- def upgradeMgmt = (env.UPGRADE_MGMT_CLUSTER != null) ? env.UPGRADE_MGMT_CLUSTER.toBoolean() : false
- def runUie2e = (env.RUN_UI_E2E != null) ? env.RUN_UI_E2E.toBoolean() : false
- def runMgmtConformance = (env.RUN_MGMT_CFM != null) ? env.RUN_MGMT_CFM.toBoolean() : false
- def runChildConformance = (env.RUN_CHILD_CFM != null) ? env.RUN_CHILD_CFM.toBoolean() : false
- def fetchServiceBinaries = (env.FETCH_BINARIES_FROM_UPSTREAM != null) ? env.FETCH_BINARIES_FROM_UPSTREAM.toBoolean() : false
- def awsOnDemandDemo = (env.RUN_AWS_ON_DEMAND_DEMO != null) ? env.RUN_AWS_ON_DEMAND_DEMO.toBoolean() : false
+ def deployChild = env.DEPLOY_CHILD_CLUSTER ? env.DEPLOY_CHILD_CLUSTER.toBoolean() : false
+ def upgradeChild = env.UPGRADE_CHILD_CLUSTER ? env.UPGRADE_CHILD_CLUSTER.toBoolean() : false
+ def upgradeMgmt = env.UPGRADE_MGMT_CLUSTER ? env.UPGRADE_MGMT_CLUSTER.toBoolean() : false
+ def runUie2e = env.RUN_UI_E2E ? env.RUN_UI_E2E.toBoolean() : false
+ def runMgmtConformance = env.RUN_MGMT_CFM ? env.RUN_MGMT_CFM.toBoolean() : false
+ def runChildConformance = env.RUN_CHILD_CFM ? env.RUN_CHILD_CFM.toBoolean() : false
+ def fetchServiceBinaries = env.FETCH_BINARIES_FROM_UPSTREAM ? env.FETCH_BINARIES_FROM_UPSTREAM.toBoolean() : false
+ def awsOnDemandDemo = env.ALLOW_AWS_ON_DEMAND ? env.ALLOW_AWS_ON_DEMAND.toBoolean() : false
- def commitMsg = (env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE != null) ? new String(env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE.decodeBase64()) : ''
+ def commitMsg = env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE ? new String(env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE.decodeBase64()) : ''
if (commitMsg ==~ /(?s).*\[child-deploy\].*/ || env.GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT ==~ /(?s).*child-deploy.*/ || upgradeChild || runChildConformance) {
deployChild = true
@@ -111,10 +112,10 @@
def common = new
// Available triggers and its sane defaults
- def siTestsRefspec = (env.SI_TESTS_REFSPEC != null) ? env.SI_TESTS_REFSPEC : 'master'
- def siPipelinesRefspec = (env.SI_PIPELINES_REFSPEC != null) ? env.SI_PIPELINES_REFSPEC : 'master'
- def siTestsDockerImage = (env.SI_TESTS_DOCKER_IMAGE != null) ? env.SI_TESTS_DOCKER_IMAGE : ''
- def commitMsg = (env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE != null) ? new String(env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE.decodeBase64()) : ''
+ def siTestsRefspec = env.SI_TESTS_REFSPEC ?: 'master'
+ def siPipelinesRefspec = env.SI_PIPELINES_REFSPEC ?: 'master'
+ def siTestsDockerImage = env.SI_TESTS_DOCKER_IMAGE ?: ''
+ def commitMsg = env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE ? new String(env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE.decodeBase64()) : ''
def siTestMatches = (commitMsg =~ /(\[si-tests-ref\s*refs\/changes\/.*?\])/)
def siPipelinesMatches = (commitMsg =~ /(\[si-pipelines-ref\s*refs\/changes\/.*?\])/)
@@ -135,3 +136,120 @@
return [siTests: siTestsRefspec, siPipelines: siPipelinesRefspec, siTestsDockerImage: siTestsDockerImage]
+ * Determine if custom kaas core/pipelines refspec forwarded from gerrit change request
+ * Keyword list:
+ * Used for components team to test component changes w/ custom Core refspecs using kaas/core deployment jobs
+ * Example scheme:
+ * New CR pushed in kubernetes/lcm-ansible -> parsing it's commit body and get custom test refspecs -> trigger deployment jobs from kaas/core
+ * manage refspecs through Jenkins Job Parameters
+ *
+ * @return (map)[ core: (string) final refspec for kaas/core
+ * corePipelines: (string) final refspec for pipelines in kaas/core
+ * ]
+ */
+def checkCustomCoreRefspec() {
+ def common = new
+ // Available triggers and its sane defaults
+ def coreRefspec = env.KAAS_CORE_REFSPEC ?: 'master'
+ // by default using value of GERRIT_REFSPEC parameter in *kaas/core jobs*
+ def corePipelinesRefspec = env.KAAS_PIPELINE_REFSPEC ?: '\$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
+ def commitMsg = env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE ? new String(env.GERRIT_CHANGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE.decodeBase64()) : ''
+ def coreMatches = (commitMsg =~ /(\[core-ref\s*refs\/changes\/.*?\])/)
+ def corePipelinesMatches = (commitMsg =~ /(\[core-pipelines-ref\s*refs\/changes\/.*?\])/)
+ if (coreMatches.size() > 0) {
+ coreRefspec = coreMatches[0][0].split('core-ref')[1].replaceAll('[\\[\\]]', '').trim()
+ }
+ if (corePipelinesMatches.size() > 0) {
+ corePipelinesRefspec = corePipelinesMatches[0][0].split('core-pipelines-ref')[1].replaceAll('[\\[\\]]', '').trim()
+ }
+ common.infoMsg("""
+ kaas/core will be fetched from: ${coreRefspec}
+ kaas/core pipelines will be fetched from: ${corePipelinesRefspec}
+ Keywords:""")
+ return [core: coreRefspec, corePipelines: corePipelinesRefspec]
+ * Trigger KaaS demo jobs based on AWS/OS providers with customized test suite, parsed from external sources (gerrit commit/jj vars)
+ * Keyword list:
+ * Used for components team to test component changes w/ customized SI tests/refspecs using kaas/core deployment jobs
+ *
+ * @param: (string) component name [iam, lcm, stacklight]
+ * @param: (string) Patch for kaas/cluster releases in json format
+ */
+def triggerPatchedComponentDemo(component, patchSpec) {
+ def common = new
+ // Determine if custom trigger keywords forwarded from gerrit
+ def triggers = checkDeploymentTestSuite()
+ // Determine SI refspecs
+ def siRefspec = checkCustomSIRefspec()
+ // Determine Core refspecs
+ def coreRefspec = checkCustomCoreRefspec()
+ def jobs = [:]
+ // TODO manage SI_TESTS_FEATURE_FLAGS through checkCustomSIRefspec()
+ //string(name: "SI_TESTS_FEATURE_FLAGS", value: env.SI_TESTS_FEATURE_FLAGS),
+ def parameters = [
+ string(name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC', value: coreRefspec.core),
+ string(name: 'KAAS_PIPELINE_REFSPEC', value: coreRefspec.corePipelines),
+ string(name: 'SI_TESTS_REFSPEC', value: siRefspec.siTests),
+ string(name: 'SI_PIPELINES_REFSPEC', value: siRefspec.siPipelines),
+ string(name: 'CUSTOM_RELEASE_PATCH_SPEC', value: patchSpec),
+ booleanParam(name: 'UPGRADE_MGMT', value: triggers.upgradeMgmtEnabled),
+ booleanParam(name: 'RUN_UI_E2E', value: triggers.runUie2eEnabled),
+ booleanParam(name: 'RUN_MGMT_CONFORMANCE', value: triggers.runMgmtConformanceEnabled),
+ booleanParam(name: 'DEPLOY_CHILD', value: triggers.deployChildEnabled),
+ booleanParam(name: 'UPGRADE_CHILD', value: triggers.upgradeChildEnabled),
+ booleanParam(name: 'RUN_CHILD_CONFORMANCE', value: triggers.runChildConformanceEnabled),
+ booleanParam(name: 'ALLOW_AWS_ON_DEMAND', value: triggers.awsOnDemandDemoEnabled),
+ ]
+ def jobResults = []
+ jobs["kaas-core-openstack-patched-${component}"] = {
+ try {
+ common.infoMsg('Deploy: patched KaaS demo with Openstack provider')
+ def job_info = build job: "kaas-testing-core-openstack-workflow-${component}", parameters: parameters, wait: true
+ def build_description = job_info.getDescription()
+ if (build_description) {
+ currentBuild.description += build_description
+ }
+ } finally {
+ def build_result = job_info.getResult()
+ common.infoMsg("Patched KaaS demo with Openstack provider finished with status: ${build_result}")
+ jobResults.add(build_result)
+ }
+ }
+ if (triggers.awsOnDemandDemoEnabled) {
+ jobs["kaas-core-aws-patched-${component}"] = {
+ try {
+ common.infoMsg('Deploy: patched KaaS demo with AWS provider')
+ def job_info = build job: "kaas-testing-core-aws-workflow-${component}", parameters: parameters, wait: true
+ def build_description = job_info.getDescription()
+ if (build_description) {
+ currentBuild.description += build_description
+ }
+ } finally {
+ def build_result = job_info.getResult()
+ common.infoMsg("Patched KaaS demo with AWS provider finished with status: ${build_result}")
+ jobResults.add(build_result)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ common.infoMsg('Trigger KaaS demo deployments according to defined provider set')
+ // Limit build concurency workaround examples:
+ parallel jobs
+ if (jobResults.contains('FAILURE')) {
+ common.infoMsg('One of parallel downstream jobs is failed, mark executor job as failed')
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ }