[workflow]Allow to interactively pause workflow
* also fix println => common msg
https: //mirantis.jira.com/browse/PRODX-20986
Change-Id: I9842661557f7430e678b30f9fb000b8e25fa142e
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
index e6c50a7..40277c4 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Workflow.groovy
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
def runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, Boolean propagate = false) {
def parameters = []
+ common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common()
def http = new com.mirantis.mk.Http()
def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
def template
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
global_variables[param.value.use_variable] = env[param.value.use_variable] ?: ''
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: global_variables[param.value.use_variable]])
- println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${global_variables[param.value.use_variable]}"
+ common.infoMsg("${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${global_variables[param.value.use_variable]}")
} else if (param.value.containsKey('get_variable_from_url')) {
if (!global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url]) {
global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url] = env[param.value.get_variable_from_url] ?: ''
@@ -86,9 +87,9 @@
if (global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url]) {
variable_content = http.restGet(base, global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url]).trim()
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: variable_content])
- println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${variable_content}"
+ common.infoMsg("${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> ${variable_content}")
} else {
- println "${param.key} is empty, skipping get_variable_from_url"
+ common.warningMsg("${param.key} is empty, skipping get_variable_from_url")
} else if (param.value.containsKey('get_variable_from_yaml')) {
if (param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.containsKey('yaml_url') && param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.containsKey('yaml_key')) {
@@ -98,17 +99,18 @@
global_variables[yaml_url_var] = env[yaml_url_var] ?: ''
yaml_url = global_variables[yaml_url_var] // Real YAML URL
- yaml_key = param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.yaml_key // Key to get the data from YAML, to interpolate in the groovy, for example:
- // <yaml_map_variable>.key.to.the[0].required.data , where yaml_key = '.key.to.the[0].required.data'
+ yaml_key = param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.yaml_key
+ // Key to get the data from YAML, to interpolate in the groovy, for example:
+ // <yaml_map_variable>.key.to.the[0].required.data , where yaml_key = '.key.to.the[0].required.data'
if (yaml_url) {
if (!yamls_from_urls[yaml_url]) {
- println "Reading YAML from ${yaml_url} for ${param.key}"
+ common.infoMsg("Reading YAML from ${yaml_url} for ${param.key}")
yaml_content = http.restGet(base, yaml_url)
yamls_from_urls[yaml_url] = readYaml text: yaml_content
- println "Getting key ${yaml_key} from YAML ${yaml_url} for ${param.key}"
+ common.infoMsg("Getting key ${yaml_key} from YAML ${yaml_url} for ${param.key}")
template_variables = [
- 'yaml_data': yamls_from_urls[yaml_url]
+ 'yaml_data': yamls_from_urls[yaml_url]
request = "\${yaml_data${yaml_key}}"
@@ -127,17 +129,17 @@
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: result])
- println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${result}"
+ common.infoMsg("${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${result}")
} else {
- println "'yaml_url' in ${param.key} is empty, skipping get_variable_from_yaml"
+ common.warningMsg("'yaml_url' in ${param.key} is empty, skipping get_variable_from_yaml")
} else {
- println "${param.key} missing 'yaml_url'/'yaml_key' parameters, skipping get_variable_from_yaml"
+ common.warningMsg("${param.key} missing 'yaml_url'/'yaml_key' parameters, skipping get_variable_from_yaml")
} else if (param.value.containsKey('use_template')) {
template = engine.createTemplate(param.value.use_template).make(global_variables)
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: template.toString()])
- println "${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${template.toString()}"
+ common.infoMsg("${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${template.toString()}")
@@ -161,12 +163,11 @@
def jobsOverrides = readYaml(text: env.CI_JOBS_OVERRIDES ?: '---') ?: [:]
// get id of overriding job
def jobOverrideID = jobsOverrides.getOrDefault(fullTaskName, '')
if (fullTaskName in jobsOverrides.keySet()) {
common.warningMsg("Overriding: ${fullTaskName}/${job_name} <<< ${jobOverrideID}")
common.infoMsg("For debug pin use:\n'${fullTaskName}' : ${jobOverrideID}")
return Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(job_name,
- hudson.model.Job.class).getBuildByNumber(jobOverrideID.toInteger())
+ hudson.model.Job.class).getBuildByNumber(jobOverrideID.toInteger())
} else {
return runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, propagate)
@@ -321,7 +322,31 @@
// add parameters from the workflow for the child job
job_parameters << step_parameters
+ def wfPauseStepBeforeRun = (step['wf_pause_step_before_run'] ?: false).toBoolean()
+ def wfPauseStepTimeout = (step['wf_pause_step_timeout'] ?: 10).toInteger()
+ def wfPauseStepSlackReportChannel = step['wf_pause_step_slack_report_channel'] ?: ''
+ if (wfPauseStepBeforeRun) {
+ // Try-catch construction will allow to continue Steps, if timeout reached
+ try {
+ if (wfPauseStepSlackReportChannel) {
+ def slack = new com.mirantis.mcp.SlackNotification()
+ slack.jobResultNotification('wf_pause_step_before_run', wfPauseStepSlackReportChannel, env.JOB_NAME, null, env.BUILD_URL, 'slack_webhook_url')
+ }
+ timeout(time: wfPauseStepTimeout, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+ input("Workflow pause requested before run: ${job_name}/${desc}\n" +
+ "Timeout set to ${wfPauseStepTimeout}.\n" +
+ "Do you want to proceed workflow?")
+ }
+ } catch (err) { // timeout reached or input false
+ def user = err.getCauses()[0].getUser()
+ if (user.toString() != 'SYSTEM') { // SYSTEM means timeout.
+ error("Aborted after workFlow pause by: [${user}]")
+ } else {
+ common.infoMsg("Timeout finished, continue..")
+ }
+ }
+ }
common.infoMsg("Attempt to run: ${job_name}/${desc}")
// Collect job parameters and run the job
// WARN(alexz): desc must not contain invalid chars for yaml
@@ -368,7 +393,7 @@
error "Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}"
} // if (!ignoreStepResult)
} // if (job_result != 'SUCCESS')
- println "Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}"
+ common.infoMsg("Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}")
} // stage ("Running job ${step['job']}")
// Jump to next ID for updating next job data in description table