Add generateTestReport method
Added possibility to generate test report
Change-Id: I5b887be464b3c9ec0f6d404bb11aa538e955f479
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
index c41da0a..1147970 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/Validate.groovy
@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@
def runTempestTests(master, target, output_dir, pattern = "false") {
def salt = new
def output_file = 'docker-tempest.log'
+ def path = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/test_results'
+ def jsonfile = 'tempest_results.json'
+ def htmlfile = 'tempest_results.html'
if (pattern == "false") {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally verify start --pattern set=full " +
"--detailed > ${output_file}")
@@ -152,7 +155,18 @@
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally verify start --pattern ${pattern} " +
"--detailed > ${output_file}")
- def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally verify report --type json " +
+ "--to ${path}/report-tempest.json")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally verify report --type html " +
+ "--to ${path}/report-tempest.html")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:${path}/report-tempest.json ${jsonfile}")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:${path}/report-tempest.html ${htmlfile}")
+ def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, jsonfile)
+ writeFile file: "${output_dir}/report-tempest.json", text: file_content
+ file_content = getFileContent(master, target, htmlfile)
+ writeFile file: "${output_dir}/report-tempest.html", text: file_content
+ file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
@@ -166,13 +180,79 @@
def runRallyTests(master, target, output_dir, pattern = "false") {
def salt = new
def output_file = 'docker-rally.log'
+ def path = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/test_results'
+ def xmlfile = 'rally_results.xml'
+ def htmlfile = 'rally_results.html'
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally task start combined_scenario.yaml --task-args-file " +
"/opt/devops-qa-tools/rally-scenarios/task_arguments.yaml | tee ${output_file}")
- def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally task export --type junit-xml " +
+ "--to ${path}/report-rally.xml")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools rally task report --out ${path}/report-rally.html")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:${path}/report-rally.xml ${xmlfile}")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:${path}/report-rally.html ${htmlfile}")
+ def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, xmlfile)
+ writeFile file: "${output_dir}/report-rally.xml", text: file_content
+ file_content = getFileContent(master, target, htmlfile)
+ writeFile file: "${output_dir}/report-rally.html", text: file_content
+ file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
+ * Generate test report
+ *
+ * @param target Host to run script from
+ * @param output_dir Directory for results
+ */
+def generateTestReport(master, target, output_dir) {
+ def report_file = 'jenkins_test_report.html'
+ def path = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/'
+ def res_path = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/test_results/'
+ def salt = new
+ def common = new
+ // Create 'test_results' directory in case it doesn't exist in container
+ def test_results = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c \"if [ ! -d ${res_path} ]; " +
+ "then echo Creating directory ${res_path}; mkdir ${res_path}; fi\"")
+ def reports = ['report-tempest.json', 'report-rally.xml', 'report-k8s-e2e-tests.txt', 'report-ha.json', 'report-spt.txt']
+ for (report in reports) {
+ def _result = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c \"if [ -f ${res_path}${report} ]; then echo 1; fi\"", checkResponse=false)
+ res = _result['return'][0].values()[0]
+ if ( res ) {
+ common.infoMsg("File ${report} already exists in docker container")
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( fileExists("${output_dir}${report}") ) {
+ common.infoMsg("Copying ${report} to docker container")
+ if ("${report}" == "report-tempest.json") {
+ def temp_file = readJSON file: "${output_dir}/${report}"
+ def tempest_cont = temp_file['verifications']
+ def json = common.prettify(["verifications":tempest_cont])
+ json = sh(script: "echo '${json}' | base64 -w 0", returnStdout: true)
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c \"echo \"${json}\" | base64 -d | tee ${res_path}${report}\"", false, null, true)
+ }
+ else if ( "${report}" == "report-k8s-e2e-tests.txt" ) {
+ def k8s_content = sh(script: "cat ${output_dir}${report}| tail -20 | base64 -w 0", returnStdout: true)
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c \"echo ${k8s_content} | base64 -d | tee ${res_path}${report}\"", false, null, true)
+ }
+ else {
+ def rep_content = sh(script: "cat ${output_dir}${report} | base64 -w 0", returnStdout: true)
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools bash -c \"echo \"${rep_content}\" | base64 -d | tee ${res_path}${report}\"", false, null, true)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools --path ${path}")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:/home/rally/${report_file} ${report_file}")
+ def report_content = salt.getFileContent(master, target, report_file)
+ writeFile file: "${output_dir}${report_file}", text: report_content
* Execute SPT tests
* @param target Host to run tests
@@ -184,12 +264,17 @@
def report_file = 'report-spt.txt'
def report_file_hw = 'report-spt-hw.txt'
def archive_file = 'results-spt.tar.gz'
+ def path = '/opt/devops-qa-tools/generate_test_report/test_results'
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools sudo timmy -c simplified-performance-testing/config.yaml " +
"--nodes-json nodes.json --log-file ${output_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools ./simplified-performance-testing/ > ${report_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec qa_tools > ${report_file_hw}")
+ salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp ${report_file} qa_tools:${path}/report-spt.txt")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:/home/rally/${output_file} ${output_file}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker cp qa_tools:/tmp/timmy/archives/general.tar.gz ${archive_file}")
def file_content = getFileContent(master, target, output_file)
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
file_content = getFileContent(master, target, report_file)
@@ -198,7 +283,6 @@
writeFile file: "${output_dir}${report_file_hw}", text: file_content
* Cleanup
@@ -210,7 +294,6 @@
if ( salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker ps -f name=qa_tools -q", false, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0] ) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f qa_tools")
- sh "rm -r ${output_dir}"
/** Install docker if needed