[kaas] Extend parseKaaSComponentCIParameters to return FFlags for stable release too
Related-To: PRODX-21357
Change-Id: I6bb4eef908fd48f033ef42b5bfebdf7ad874ac84
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy
index 0bff92d..29d9289 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/KaasUtils.groovy
@@ -574,6 +574,7 @@
* @param configurationFile (str) path to configuration file in yaml format
* @return (map)[ siTestsFeatureFlags (string) dedicated feature flags that will be used in SI tests,
+ * siTestsFeatureFlagsStable (string) dedicated feature flags that will be used in SI tests for deploying stable release
* ]
def parseKaaSComponentCIParameters(configurationFile){
@@ -581,9 +582,11 @@
def ciConfig = readYaml file: configurationFile
def ciSpec = [
siTestsFeatureFlags: env.SI_TESTS_FEATURE_FLAGS ?: '',
+ siTestsFeatureFlagsStable: env.SI_TESTS_FEATURE_FLAGS_STABLE ?: '',
- if (ciConfig.containsKey('si-tests-feature-flags')) {
+ // If exists and not empty
+ if (ciConfig.getOrDefault('si-tests-feature-flags', [])) {
common.infoMsg("""SI tests feature flags customization detected,
results will be merged with existing flags: [${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlags']}] identification...""")
@@ -593,9 +596,20 @@
ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlags'] = ffMeta.unique().join(',')
common.infoMsg("SI tests custom feature flags: ${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlags']}")
+ if (ciConfig.getOrDefault('si-tests-feature-flags-stable', [])) {
+ common.infoMsg("""SI tests feature flags for stable release customization detected,
+ results will be merged with existing flags: [${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlagsStable']}] identification...""")
+ def ffMeta = ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlagsStable'].tokenize(',').collect { it.trim() }
+ ffMeta.addAll(ciConfig['si-tests-feature-flags-stable'])
+ ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlagsStable'] = ffMeta.unique().join(',')
+ common.infoMsg("SI tests custom feature flags for stable release: ${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlagsStable']}")
+ }
common.infoMsg("""Additional ci configuration parsed successfully:
- siTestsFeatureFlags: ${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlags']}""")
+ siTestsFeatureFlags: ${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlags']}
+ siTestsFeatureFlagsStable: ${ciSpec['siTestsFeatureFlagsStable']}""")
return ciSpec