Merge "Add Workflow.groovy to run jobs sequence"
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
index 7a45dbe..9fa683f 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
@@ -18,79 +18,62 @@
* Install OpenStack service clients in isolated environment
- * @param path Path where virtualenv is created
- * @param version Version of the OpenStack clients
+ * @param path Path where virtualenv is created
+ * @param version Version of the OpenStack clients
def setupOpenstackVirtualenv(path, version = 'latest') {
- setupOpenstackVirtualenv(['path': path, 'version': version])
- * Install OpenStack service clients in isolated environment
- *
- * @param config : Config map with opts:
- * path Path where virtualenv is created
- * version Version of the OpenStack clients
- * pyversion Version of the Python exec.
- * requirements list of additional pip packages to be installed
- *
- */
-def setupOpenstackVirtualenv(LinkedHashMap config) {
def python = new
+ python.setupDocutilsVirtualenv(path)
- def path = config.path
- def version = config.get('version', 'latest')
- def pyversion = config.get('pyversion', 'python2')
- def requirements = config.get('requirements', [])
- def os_requirements = []
+ def openstack_kilo_packages = [
+ //XXX: hack to fix
+ 'cliff==2.8',
+ 'python-cinderclient>=1.3.1,<1.4.0',
+ 'python-glanceclient>=0.19.0,<0.20.0',
+ 'python-heatclient>=0.6.0,<0.7.0',
+ 'python-keystoneclient>=1.6.0,<1.7.0',
+ 'python-neutronclient>=2.2.6,<2.3.0',
+ 'python-novaclient>=2.19.0,<2.20.0',
+ 'python-swiftclient>=2.5.0,<2.6.0',
+ 'python-openstackclient>=1.7.0,<1.8.0',
+ 'oslo.config>=2.2.0,<2.3.0',
+ 'oslo.i18n>=2.3.0,<2.4.0',
+ 'oslo.serialization>=1.8.0,<1.9.0',
+ 'oslo.utils>=1.4.0,<1.5.0',
+ 'docutils'
+ ]
+ def openstack_latest_packages = [
+ //XXX: hack to fix
+ 'cliff==2.8',
+ // NOTE(vsaienko): cmd2 is dependency for cliff, since we don't using upper-contstraints
+ // we have to pin cmd2 < 0.9.0 as later versions are not compatible with python2.
+ // the same for warlock package due:
+ // TODO(vsaienko): use upper-constraints here, as in requirements we set only lowest library
+ // versions.
+ 'cmd2<0.9.0;python_version=="2.7"',
+ 'cmd2>=0.9.1;python_version=="3.4"',
+ 'cmd2>=0.9.1;python_version=="3.5"',
+ 'warlock<=1.3.1;python_version=="2.7"',
+ 'warlock>1.3.1;python_version=="3.4"',
+ 'warlock>1.3.1;python_version=="3.5"',
+ 'python-openstackclient',
+ 'python-octaviaclient',
+ 'python-heatclient',
+ 'docutils'
+ ]
- if (version in ['kilo', 'liberty', 'mitaka']) {
- os_requirements = [
- //XXX: hack to fix
- 'cliff==2.8',
- 'python-cinderclient>=1.3.1,<1.4.0',
- 'python-glanceclient>=0.19.0,<0.20.0',
- 'python-heatclient>=0.6.0,<0.7.0',
- 'python-keystoneclient>=1.6.0,<1.7.0',
- 'python-neutronclient>=2.2.6,<2.3.0',
- 'python-novaclient>=2.19.0,<2.20.0',
- 'python-swiftclient>=2.5.0,<2.6.0',
- 'python-openstackclient>=1.7.0,<1.8.0',
- 'oslo.config>=2.2.0,<2.3.0',
- 'oslo.i18n>=2.3.0,<2.4.0',
- 'oslo.serialization>=1.8.0,<1.9.0',
- 'oslo.utils>=1.4.0,<1.5.0',
- 'docutils'
- ]
+ if (version == 'kilo') {
+ requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
+ } else if (version == 'liberty') {
+ requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
+ } else if (version == 'mitaka') {
+ requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
} else {
- pyversion = 'python3'
- os_requirements = [
- //XXX: hack to fix
- 'cliff==2.8',
- // NOTE(vsaienko): cmd2 is dependency for cliff, since we don't using upper-contstraints
- // we have to pin cmd2 < 0.9.0 as later versions are not compatible with python2.
- // the same for warlock package due:
- // TODO(vsaienko): use upper-constraints here, as in requirements we set only lowest library
- // versions.
- 'cmd2<0.9.0;python_version=="2.7"',
- 'cmd2>=0.9.1;python_version=="3.4"',
- 'cmd2>=0.9.1;python_version=="3.5"',
- 'warlock<=1.3.1;python_version=="2.7"',
- 'warlock>1.3.1;python_version=="3.4"',
- 'warlock>1.3.1;python_version=="3.5"',
- 'python-openstackclient',
- 'python-octaviaclient',
- 'python-heatclient',
- 'docutils'
- ]
+ requirements = openstack_latest_packages
- requirements = requirements + os_requirements
- // (alexz): could we install docutils at single stage?
- python.setupVirtualenv(path, pyversion, ['docutils'], null, true)
- python.setupVirtualenv(path, pyversion, requirements.unique(), null, true)
+ python.setupVirtualenv(path, 'python2', requirements, null, true)