Merge "Add restoreGluster function"
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mcp/SlackNotification.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/SlackNotification.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78d63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mcp/SlackNotification.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package com.mirantis.mcp
+ * Send POST request to url with some params
+ * @param urlString url
+ * @param paramString JSON string
+ */
+def sendPostRequest(String urlString, String paramString){
+    def url = new URL(urlString)
+    def conn = url.openConnection()
+    conn.setDoOutput(true)
+    def writer = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream())
+    writer.write(paramString)
+    writer.flush()
+    String line
+    def reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()))
+    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
+        println line
+    }
+    writer.close()
+    reader.close()
+ * Send slack notification
+ * @param buildStatusParam message type (success, warning, error)
+ * @param jobName job name param, if empty env.JOB_NAME will be used
+ * @param buildNumber build number param, if empty env.BUILD_NUM will be used
+ * @param buildUrl build url param, if empty env.BUILD_URL will be used
+ * @param channel param, default is '#mk-ci'
+ * @param credentialsId slack hook url credential, default is 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'
+ */
+def jobResultNotification(String buildStatusParam, String channel = "#mk-ci",
+                          String jobName=null,
+                          Number buildNumber=null, String buildUrl=null,
+                          String credentialsId="SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL") {
+    def jobNameParam = jobName != null && jobName != "" ? jobName : env.JOB_NAME
+    def buildUrlParam = buildUrl != null && buildUrl != "" ? buildUrl : env.BUILD_URL
+    def buildNumberParam = buildNumber != null && buildNumber != "" ? buildNumber : env.BUILD_NUMBER
+    def common = new
+    cred = common.getCredentialsById(credentialsId)
+    hook_url_parsed = cred.getSecret().toString()
+    if (buildStatusParam.toLowerCase().equals("success")) {
+        colorCode = "#00FF00"
+        colorName = "green"
+    } else if (buildStatusParam.toLowerCase().equals("unstable")) {
+        colorCode = "#FFFF00"
+        colorName = "yellow"
+    } else if (buildStatusParam.toLowerCase().equals("failure")) {
+        colorCode = "#FF0000"
+        colorName = "red"
+    }
+    queryString = 'payload={' +
+            "'text':'${buildStatusParam.toUpperCase()}: Job <${buildUrlParam}|${jobNameParam} [${buildNumberParam}]>', " +
+            "'color':'${colorCode}'," +
+            "'pretext': '', " +
+            '"icon_url": "",' +
+            "'channel': '${channel}', " +
+            '}'
+    sendPostRequest(hook_url_parsed, queryString)
+node {
+    jobResultNotification(
+            "success",
+            "#test_reclass_notify",
+            "test-reclass-system",
+            44,
+            "",)
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aptly.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aptly.groovy
index 4771084..94f085f 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aptly.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aptly.groovy
@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@
     if (findFiles(glob: "${prefix}*")) {
        archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${prefix}*"
     } else {
-       throw new Exception("Aptly dump publishes for a prefix ${prefix}* failed. No dump files found!")
+       def common = new
+       common.warningMsg("Aptly dump publishes for a prefix ${prefix}* failed. No dump files found! This can be OK in case of your creating new publish")
@@ -205,6 +206,32 @@
+ * Returns list of the packages from specified Aptly repo  by REST API
+ *
+ * @param server            URI of the server insluding port and protocol
+ * @param repo              Local repo name
+ **/
+def listPackagesFromRepoByAPI(server, repo){
+    http = new
+    def packageList = http.restGet(server, "/api/repos/${repo}/packages")
+    return packageList
+ * Deletes packages from specified Aptly repo by REST API
+ *
+ * @param server            URI of the server insluding port and protocol
+ * @param repo              Local repo name
+ * @param packageRefs       Package list specified by packageRefs
+ **/
+def deletePackagesFromRepoByAPI(server, repo, packageRefs){
+    http = new
+    def data  = [:]
+    data['PackageRefs'] = packageRefs
+    http.restDelete(server, "/api/repos/${repo}/packages", data)
  * Returns list of the packages matched to pattern and
  * belonged to particular snapshot by REST API
@@ -247,7 +274,7 @@
         data['PackageRefs'] = packageRefs
         http.restPost(server, '/api/snapshots', data)
     } else {
-        http.restPost(server + "/api/repos/${repo}/snapshots", data)
+        http.restPost(server, "/api/repos/${repo}/snapshots", data)
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aws.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aws.groovy
index 6a9c8ae..5c07193 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aws.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Aws.groovy
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@
                 // check for desired state
                 if (stack_info['StackStatus'] == state) {
-                    common.successMsg("Stack ${stack_name} in in state ${state}")
+                    common.successMsg("Stack ${stack_name} is in state ${state}")
                 // check for failed state
                 if (state_failed.contains(stack_info['StackStatus'])) {
-                    throw new Exception("Stack ${stack_name} in in failed state")
+                    throw new Exception("Stack ${stack_name} is in failed state")
                 // print stack resources
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Common.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Common.groovy
index 4097b3c..9a82fbe 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Common.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Common.groovy
@@ -513,3 +513,29 @@
     currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
     throw new Exception("Failed after $times retries")
+ * Wait for user input with timeout
+ *
+ * @param timeoutInSeconds Timeout
+ * @param options Options for input widget
+ */
+def waitForInputThenPass(timeoutInSeconds, options=[message: 'Ready to go?']) {
+  def userInput = true
+  try {
+    timeout(time: timeoutInSeconds, unit: 'SECONDS') {
+      userInput = input options
+    }
+  } catch(err) { // timeout reached or input false
+    def user = err.getCauses()[0].getUser()
+    if('SYSTEM' == user.toString()) { // SYSTEM means timeout.
+      println("Timeout, proceeding")
+    } else {
+      userInput = false
+      println("Aborted by: [${user}]")
+      throw err
+    }
+  }
+  return userInput
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Debian.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Debian.groovy
index ff05ce3..4d7b1ee 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Debian.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Debian.groovy
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     def imageArray = image.split(":")
     def os = imageArray[0]
     def dist = imageArray[1]
-    def img = dockerLib.getImage("tcpcloud/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
+    def img = dockerLib.getImage("mirantis/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
     def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
     def debug = env.getEnvironment().containsKey("DEBUG") && env["DEBUG"].toBoolean() ? "true" : ""
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
             export DEBUG="${debug}" &&
             export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+"\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"}/usr/lib/libeatmydata &&
             export LD_PRELOAD=\${LD_PRELOAD:+"\$LD_PRELOAD "} &&
+            export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck &&
             [[ -z "${extraRepoUrl}" && "${extraRepoUrl}" != "null" ]] || echo "${extraRepoUrl}" | tr ";" "\\\\n" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra.list &&
             [[ -z "${extraRepoKeyUrl}" && "${extraRepoKeyUrl}" != "null" ]] || (
                 which curl || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl) &&
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
     def imageArray = image.split(":")
     def os = imageArray[0]
     def dist = imageArray[1]
-    def img = dockerLib.getImage("tcpcloud/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
+    def img = dockerLib.getImage("mirantis/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
     def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
     img.inside("-u root:root" ) {
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
     def imageArray = image.split(":")
     def os = imageArray[0]
     def dist = imageArray[1]
-    def img = dockerLib.getImage("tcpcloud/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
+    def img = dockerLib.getImage("mirantis/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
     img.inside("-u root:root") {
@@ -154,7 +155,15 @@
                     NEW_VERSION=\$VERSION+\$TIMESTAMP.`git rev-parse --short HEAD`$revisionPostfix
                 fi &&
-                sudo -H -E -u jenkins gbp dch --auto --multimaint-merge --ignore-branch --new-version=\$NEW_VERSION --distribution `lsb_release -c -s` --force-distribution &&
+                sudo -H -E -u jenkins gbp dch \
+                    --auto \
+                    --git-author \
+                    --id-length=7 \
+                    --git-log='--reverse' \
+                    --ignore-branch \
+                    --new-version=\$NEW_VERSION \
+                    --distribution `lsb_release -c -s` \
+                    --force-distribution &&
                 sudo -H -E -u jenkins git add -u debian/changelog &&
                 sudo -H -E -u jenkins git commit -m "New snapshot version \$NEW_VERSION"
             ) &&
@@ -177,7 +186,7 @@
     def imageArray = image.split(":")
     def os = imageArray[0]
     def dist = imageArray[1]
-    def img = dockerLib.getImage("tcpcloud/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
+    def img = dockerLib.getImage("mirantis/debian-build-${os}-${dist}:latest", image)
     img.inside("-u root:root") {
         sh("""cd ${workspace} && apt-get update && apt-get install -y lintian &&
             lintian -Ii -E --pedantic --profile=${profile} ${changes}""")
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Docker.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Docker.groovy
index 7b57e5b..796cc3c 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Docker.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Docker.groovy
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
  * Build step to build docker image.
- * @param dockerHubImg     Name of image on dockerhub (ie: tcpcloud/salt-models-testing)
+ * @param dockerHubImg     Name of image on dockerhub (ie: mirantis/salt-models-testing)
  * @param defaultImg       Image to use if dockerHubImg is not found
  * @return img             Docker image
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Http.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Http.groovy
index e14a523..987a998 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Http.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Http.groovy
@@ -220,3 +220,138 @@
+ * Make HTTP request to the specified URL
+ *
+ * @param url       URL to do HTTP request to
+ * @param method    HTTP method to execute (`GET` by default)
+ * @param credsId   Jenkins credentials ID to use for authorization
+ * @param pushData  Data to send
+ * @param pushType  MIME-type of pushData
+ * @param params    Custom HTTP-headers
+ *
+ * @return          Array containing return code and text
+ *
+ * @exception       org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException
+ */
+def methodCall(String url, String method = 'GET', String credsId = '',
+         String pushData = '', String pushType = '', Map params = [:]) {
+    // Connection object
+    def httpReq = new URI(url).normalize().toURL().openConnection()
+    httpReq.setRequestMethod(method)
+    // Timeouts
+    httpReq.setConnectTimeout(10*1000) // milliseconds
+    httpReq.setReadTimeout(600*1000)   // milliseconds
+    // Add authentication data
+    if (credsId) {
+        String authHeader = ''
+        def cred = com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
+            com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.BaseStandardCredentials.class,
+            jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance).findAll { == credsId}[0]
+        if (cred.class == com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl.class) {
+            authHeader = 'Basic ' + "${cred.getUsername()}:${cred.getPassword()}".getBytes('UTF-8').encodeBase64().toString()
+        } else if (cred.class == org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.impl.StringCredentialsImpl.class) {
+            authHeader = 'Bearer ' + cred.getSecret()
+            //params << ['X-JFrog-Art-Api': cred.getSecret()]
+        }
+        params << ['Authorization': authHeader]
+    }
+    // Add custom headers if any
+    for (param in params) {
+        httpReq.setRequestProperty(param.key, param.value.toString())
+    }
+    // Do request
+    try {
+        if (pushData) {
+            httpReq.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', pushType ?: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
+            if (method == 'GET') { // override incorrect method if pushData is passed
+                httpReq.setRequestMethod('POST')
+            }
+            httpReq.setDoOutput(true)
+            httpReq.getOutputStream().write(pushData.getBytes('UTF-8'))
+        } else {
+            httpReq.connect()
+        }
+    } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException e) {
+        throw e // show sandbox errors
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        echo "Cauhgt '${}' error: ${e.getMessage()}"
+        return [ -1, e.getMessage() ]
+    }
+    // Handle return data
+    int respCode = httpReq.getResponseCode()
+    String respText = ''
+    if (respCode >= 400) {
+        respText = httpReq.getErrorStream().getText() ?: httpReq.getResponseMessage()
+    } else {
+        respText = httpReq.getInputStream().getText()
+    }
+    // Return result as a tuple of response code and text
+    return [respCode, respText]
+ * Make HTTP GET request to the specified URL
+ *
+ * @param url       URL to do HTTP request to
+ * @param credsId   Jenkins credentials ID to use for authorization
+ * @param params    Custom HTTP-headers
+ *
+ * @return          Array containing return code and text
+ */
+def doGet(String url, String credsId = '', Map params = [:]) {
+    return methodCall(url, 'GET', credsId, null, null, params)
+ * Make HTTP POST request to the specified URL
+ *
+ * @param url       URL to do HTTP request to
+ * @param credsId   Jenkins credentials ID to use for authorization
+ * @param pushData  Data to send
+ * @param pushType  MIME-type of pushData
+ * @param params    Custom HTTP-headers
+ *
+ * @return          Array containing return code and text
+ */
+def doPost(String url, String credsId = '',
+         String pushData = '', String pushType = '', Map params = [:]) {
+    return methodCall(url, 'POST', credsId, pushData, pushType, params)
+ * Make HTTP PUT request to the specified URL
+ *
+ * @param url       URL to do HTTP request to
+ * @param credsId   Jenkins credentials ID to use for authorization
+ * @param pushData  Data to send
+ * @param pushType  MIME-type of pushData
+ * @param params    Custom HTTP-headers
+ *
+ * @return          Array containing return code and text
+ */
+def doPut(String url, String credsId = '',
+        String pushData = '', String pushType = '', Map params = [:]) {
+    return methodCall(url, 'PUT', credsId, pushData, pushType, params)
+ * Make HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL
+ *
+ * @param url       URL to do HTTP request to
+ * @param credsId   Jenkins credentials ID to use for authorization
+ * @param params    Custom HTTP-headers
+ *
+ * @return          Array containing return code and text
+ */
+def doDelete(String url, String credsId = '', Map params = [:]) {
+    return methodCall(url, 'DELETE', credsId, null, null, params)
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
index d5352da..04ce85e 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Openstack.groovy
@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@
     def openstack_latest_packages = [
         //XXX: hack to fix
+        // NOTE(vsaienko): cmd2 is dependency for cliff, since we don't using upper-contstraints
+        // we have to pin cmd2 < 0.9.0 as later versions are not compatible with python2.
+        // TODO(vsaienko): use upper-constraints here, as in requirements we set only lowest library
+        //                 versions.
+        'cmd2<0.9.0;python_version=="2.7"',
+        'cmd2>=0.9.1;python_version=="3.4"',
+        'cmd2>=0.9.1;python_version=="3.5"',
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy
index 664871f..b0ecd96 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Orchestrate.groovy
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 def installFoundationInfra(master, staticMgmtNet=false) {
     def salt = new
+    def common = new
     // NOTE(vsaienko) Apply reclass first, it may update cluster model
     // apply linux and salt.master salt.minion states afterwards to make sure
@@ -29,48 +30,121 @@
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:master', ['salt.minion'], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:master', ['salt.minion'])
     salt.fullRefresh(master, "*")
+    salt.enforceState(master, '*', [''], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
+    try {
+        salt.enforceState(master, '*', ['salt.minion.base'], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
+        sleep(5)
+    } catch (Throwable e) {
+        common.warningMsg('Salt state salt.minion.base is not present in the Salt-formula yet.')
+    }
     salt.enforceState(master, '*', ['linux.system'])
     if (staticMgmtNet) {
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, '*', '', ["salt-call state.sls; salt-call service.restart salt-minion"], null, true, 60)
+    salt.enforceState(master, 'I@linux:network:interface', [''])
+    sleep(5)
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@linux:system', ['linux', 'openssh', 'ntp', 'rsyslog'])
     salt.enforceState(master, '*', ['salt.minion'], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
+    salt.fullRefresh(master, "*")
     salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, '*', 'mine.update', [], null, true)
     salt.enforceState(master, '*', [''])
+    // Install and configure iptables
+    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@iptables:service')) {
+        salt.enforceState(master, 'I@iptables:service', 'iptables')
+    }
+    // Install and configure logrotate
+    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@logrotate:server')) {
+        salt.enforceState(master, 'I@logrotate:server', 'logrotate')
+    }
 def installFoundationInfraOnTarget(master, target, staticMgmtNet=false) {
     def salt = new
+    def common = new
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:master', ['reclass'], true, false, null, false, 120, 2)
     salt.fullRefresh(master, target)
+    salt.enforceState(master, target, [''], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
+    try {
+        salt.enforceState(master, target, ['salt.minion.base'], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
+        sleep(5)
+    } catch (Throwable e) {
+        common.warningMsg('Salt state salt.minion.base is not present in the Salt-formula yet.')
+    }
     salt.enforceState(master, target, ['linux.system'])
     if (staticMgmtNet) {
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, '', ["salt-call state.sls; salt-call service.restart salt-minion"], null, true, 60)
     salt.enforceState(master, target, ['salt.minion'], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
     salt.enforceState(master, target, ['salt.minion'])
+    salt.enforceState(master, target, [''])
+    sleep(5)
     salt.enforceState(master, target, ['linux', 'openssh', 'ntp', 'rsyslog'])
+    salt.fullRefresh(master, target)
     salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'mine.update', [], null, true)
     salt.enforceState(master, target, [''])
 def installInfraKvm(master) {
+    def common = new
     def salt = new
     salt.fullRefresh(master, 'I@linux:system')
+    def infra_conpund = 'I@salt:control'
+    def minions = []
+    def wait_timeout = 10
+    def retries = wait_timeout * 30
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:control', ['salt.minion'], true, false, null, false, 60, 2)
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:control', ['linux.system', '', 'ntp', 'rsyslog'])
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:control', 'libvirt')
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@salt:control', 'salt.control')
-    sleep(600)
+    timeout(wait_timeout) {
+        common.infoMsg("Waiting for minions to come up...")
+        if (salt.testTarget(master, infra_conpund)) {
+            // Gathering minions
+            for ( infra_node in salt.getMinionsSorted(master, infra_conpund) ) {
+                def pillar = salt.getPillar(master, infra_node, 'salt:control:cluster')
+                if ( !pillar['return'].isEmpty() ) {
+                    for ( cluster in pillar['return'][0].values() ) {
+                        def engine = cluster.values()[0]['engine']
+                        def domain = cluster.values()[0]['domain']
+                        def node = cluster.values()[0]['node']
+                        if ( engine == "virt" ) {
+                            def nodes = node.values()
+                            if ( !nodes.isEmpty() ) {
+                                for ( vm in nodes ) {
+                                    if ( vm['name'] != null ) {
+                                        def vm_fqdn = vm['name'] + '.' + domain
+                                        if ( !minions.contains(vm_fqdn) ) {
+                                            minions.add(vm_fqdn)
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        def minions_compound = minions.join(' or ')
+        common.infoMsg('Waiting for next minions to register: ' + minions_compound,)
+        salt.minionsPresentFromList(master, 'I@salt:master', minions, true, null, true, retries, 1)
+        common.infoMsg('Waiting for minions to respond')
+        salt.minionsReachable(master, 'I@salt:master', minions_compound )
+    }
+    common.infoMsg("All minions are up.")
     salt.fullRefresh(master, '* and not kvm*')
 def installInfra(master) {
@@ -265,11 +339,6 @@
-    // Create neutron resources
-    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@neutron:client')) {
-        salt.enforceState(master, 'I@neutron:client', 'neutron.client')
-    }
     // Install heat service
     if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@heat:server')) {
         // run on first node first
@@ -409,6 +478,20 @@
 def installOpenstackNetwork(master, physical = "false") {
     def salt = new
+    //run full neutron state on neutron.gateway - this will install
+    //neutron agents in addition to neutron server. Once neutron agents
+    //are up neutron resources can be created without hitting the situation when neutron resources are created
+    //prior to neutron agents which results in creating ports in non-usable state
+    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@neutron:gateway')) {
+            salt.enforceState(master, 'I@neutron:gateway', 'neutron')
+    }
+    // Create neutron resources - this step was moved here to ensure that
+    //neutron resources are created after neutron agens are up. In this case neutron ports will be in
+    //usable state. More information:
+    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@neutron:client')) {
+        salt.enforceState(master, 'I@neutron:client', 'neutron.client')
+    }
     salt.enforceHighstate(master, 'I@neutron:gateway')
@@ -429,9 +512,25 @@
     if (salt.testTarget(master, compute_compound)) {
         // In case if infrastructure nodes are used as nova computes too
         def gluster_compound = 'I@glusterfs:server'
-        // Enforce highstate asynchronous only on compute nodes which are not glusterfs servers
-        retry(2) {
-            salt.enforceHighstateWithExclude(master, compute_compound + ' and not ' + gluster_compound, 'opencontrail.client')
+        def salt_ca_compound = 'I@salt:minion:ca:salt_master_ca'
+        // Enforce highstate asynchronous only on compute nodes which are not glusterfs and not salt ca servers
+        def hightstateTarget = "${compute_compound} and not ${gluster_compound} and not ${salt_ca_compound}"
+        if (salt.testTarget(master, hightstateTarget)) {
+            retry(2) {
+                salt.enforceHighstateWithExclude(master, hightstateTarget, 'opencontrail.client')
+            }
+        }
+        // Iterate through salt ca servers and check if they have compute role
+        // TODO: switch to batch once salt 2017.7+ would be used
+        for ( target in salt.getMinionsSorted(master, salt_ca_compound) ) {
+            for ( cmp_target in salt.getMinionsSorted(master, compute_compound) ) {
+                if ( target == cmp_target ) {
+                    // Enforce highstate one by one on salt ca servers which are compute nodes
+                    retry(2) {
+                        salt.enforceHighstateWithExclude(master, target, 'opencontrail.client')
+                    }
+                }
+            }
         // Iterate through glusterfs servers and check if they have compute role
         // TODO: switch to batch once salt 2017.7+ would be used
@@ -514,6 +613,9 @@
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', 'etcd.server.setup')
+    // Run k8s master at *01* to simplify namespaces creation
+    salt.enforceStateWithExclude(master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', "kubernetes.master", "kubernetes.master.setup")
     // Run k8s without master.setup
     salt.enforceStateWithExclude(master, 'I@kubernetes:master', "kubernetes", "kubernetes.master.setup")
@@ -569,14 +671,69 @@
 def installCicd(master) {
     def salt = new
-    salt.fullRefresh(master, 'I@jenkins:client or I@gerrit:client')
+    def common = new
+    def gerrit_compound = 'I@gerrit:client and ci*'
+    def jenkins_compound = 'I@jenkins:client and ci*'
+    salt.fullRefresh(master, gerrit_compound)
+    salt.fullRefresh(master, jenkins_compound)
     if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@aptly:publisher')) {
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@aptly:publisher', 'aptly.publisher',true, null, false, -1, 2)
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master and I@jenkins:client', 'docker.client', true, true, null, false, -1, 2)
-    sleep(500)
+    // API timeout in minutes
+    def wait_timeout = 10
+    // Gerrit
+    def gerrit_master_url = salt.getPillar(master, gerrit_compound, '_param:gerrit_master_url')
+    if(!gerrit_master_url['return'].isEmpty()) {
+      gerrit_master_url = gerrit_master_url['return'][0].values()[0]
+    } else {
+      gerrit_master_url = ''
+    }
+    if (gerrit_master_url != '') {
+      common.infoMsg('Gerrit master url "' + gerrit_master_url + '" retrieved at _param:gerrit_master_url')
+    } else {
+      common.infoMsg('Gerrit master url could not be retrieved at _param:gerrit_master_url. Falling back to gerrit pillar')
+      def gerrit_host
+      def gerrit_http_port
+      def gerrit_http_scheme
+      def host_pillar = salt.getPillar(master, gerrit_compound, 'gerrit:client:server:host')
+      gerrit_host = salt.getReturnValues(host_pillar)
+      def port_pillar = salt.getPillar(master, gerrit_compound, 'gerrit:client:server:http_port')
+      gerrit_http_port = salt.getReturnValues(port_pillar)
+      def scheme_pillar = salt.getPillar(master, gerrit_compound, 'gerrit:client:server:protocol')
+      gerrit_http_scheme = salt.getReturnValues(scheme_pillar)
+      gerrit_master_url = gerrit_http_scheme + '://' + gerrit_host + ':' + gerrit_http_port
+    }
+    timeout(wait_timeout) {
+      common.infoMsg('Waiting for Gerrit to come up..')
+      def check_gerrit_cmd = 'while true; do curl -sI -m 3 -o /dev/null -w' + " '" + '%{http_code}' + "' " + gerrit_master_url + '/ | grep 200 && break || sleep 1; done'
+      salt.cmdRun(master, gerrit_compound, 'timeout ' + (wait_timeout*60+3) + ' /bin/sh -c -- ' + '"' + check_gerrit_cmd + '"')
+    }
+    // Jenkins
+    def jenkins_master_url_pillar = salt.getPillar(master, jenkins_compound, '_param:jenkins_master_url')
+    jenkins_master_url = salt.getReturnValues(jenkins_master_url_pillar)
+    timeout(wait_timeout) {
+      common.infoMsg('Waiting for Jenkins to come up..')
+      def check_jenkins_cmd = 'while true; do curl -sI -m 3 -o /dev/null -w' + " '" + '%{http_code}' + "' " + jenkins_master_url + '/whoAmI/ | grep 200 && break || sleep 1; done'
+      salt.cmdRun(master, jenkins_compound, 'timeout ' + (wait_timeout*60+3) + ' /bin/sh -c -- ' + '"' + check_jenkins_cmd + '"')
+    }
     if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@aptly:server')) {
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@aptly:server', 'aptly', true, true, null, false, -1, 2)
@@ -631,6 +788,16 @@
+    // Install MongoDB for Alerta
+    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@mongodb:server')) {
+        salt.enforceState(master, 'I@mongodb:server', 'mongodb')
+    }
+    // Configure Alerta
+    if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@prometheus:alerta')) {
+        salt.enforceState(master, 'I@docker:swarm and I@prometheus:alerta', 'prometheus.alerta')
+    }
     // Launch containers
     salt.enforceState(master, 'I@docker:swarm:role:master and I@prometheus:server', 'docker.client')
     salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@docker:swarm and I@prometheus:server', '')
@@ -965,15 +1132,17 @@
     // connect Ceph to the env
     if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@glance:server')) {
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@glance:server', ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring', 'glance'])
-        salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@glance:server', 'service.restart', ['glance-api', 'glance-glare', 'glance-registry'])
+        salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@glance:server', 'service.restart', ['glance-api'])
     if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller')) {
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller', ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring', 'cinder'])
+        salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@cinder:controller', 'service.restart', ['cinder-volume'])
     if (salt.testTarget(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute')) {
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute', ['ceph.common', 'ceph.setup.keyring'])
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute', 'saltutil.sync_grains')
         salt.enforceState(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute', ['nova'])
+        salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@ceph:common and I@nova:compute', 'service.restart', ['nova-compute'])
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
index 5973184..0f81287 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Salt.groovy
@@ -261,9 +261,10 @@
  * @param answers how many minions should return (optional, default 1)
  * @return output of salt command
-def minionPresent(saltId, target, minion_name, waitUntilPresent = true, batch=null, output = true, maxRetries = 200, answers = 1) {
+def minionPresent(saltId, target, minion_name, waitUntilPresent = true, batch=null, output = true, maxRetries = 180, answers = 1) {
     minion_name = minion_name.replace("*", "")
     def common = new
+    common.infoMsg("Looking for minion: " + minion_name)
     def cmd = 'salt-key | grep ' + minion_name
     if (waitUntilPresent){
         def count = 0
@@ -280,7 +281,7 @@
                 return out
-            sleep(time: 500, unit: 'MILLISECONDS')
+            sleep(time: 1000, unit: 'MILLISECONDS')
             common.infoMsg("Waiting for ${cmd} on ${target} to be in correct state")
     } else {
@@ -296,8 +297,8 @@
- * Checks if salt minion is in a list of salt master's accepted keys
- * @usage minionPresent(saltId, 'I@salt:master', 'I@salt:minion', true, null, true, 200, 3)
+ * Checks if salt minions are in a list of salt master's accepted keys by matching compound
+ * @usage minionsPresent(saltId, 'I@salt:master', 'I@salt:minion', true, null, true, 200, 3)
  * @param saltId Salt Connection object or pepperEnv (the command will be sent using the selected method)
  * @param target Performs tests on this target node
  * @param target_minions all targeted minions to test (for ex. I@salt:minion)
@@ -309,10 +310,31 @@
  * @return output of salt command
 def minionsPresent(saltId, target = 'I@salt:master', target_minions = '', waitUntilPresent = true, batch=null, output = true, maxRetries = 200, answers = 1) {
-    def target_hosts = getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, target_minions)
+    def target_hosts = getMinionsSorted(saltId, target_minions)
     for (t in target_hosts) {
-        def tgt = salt.stripDomainName(t)
-        salt.minionPresent(pepperEnv, target, tgt, waitUntilPresent, batch, output, maxRetries, answers)
+        def tgt = stripDomainName(t)
+        minionPresent(saltId, target, tgt, waitUntilPresent, batch, output, maxRetries, answers)
+    }
+ * Checks if salt minions are in a list of salt master's accepted keys by matching a list
+ * @usage minionsPresentFromList(saltId, 'I@salt:master', ["", ""], true, null, true, 200, 3)
+ * @param saltId Salt Connection object or pepperEnv (the command will be sent using the selected method)
+ * @param target Performs tests on this target node
+ * @param target_minions list to test (for ex. ["", ""])
+ * @param waitUntilPresent return after the minion becomes present (default true)
+ * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch)
+ * @param output print salt command (default true)
+ * @param maxRetries finite number of iterations to check status of a command (default 200)
+ * @param answers how many minions should return (optional, default 1)
+ * @return output of salt command
+ */
+def minionsPresentFromList(saltId, target = 'I@salt:master', target_minions = [], waitUntilPresent = true, batch=null, output = true, maxRetries = 200, answers = 1) {
+    def common = new
+    for (tgt in target_minions) {
+        common.infoMsg("Checking if minion " + tgt + " is present")
+        minionPresent(saltId, target, tgt, waitUntilPresent, batch, output, maxRetries, answers)
@@ -476,7 +498,7 @@
  * @return output of salt command
 def enforceHighstate(saltId, target, output = false, failOnError = true, batch = null, saltArgs = []) {
-    def out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.highstate', batch)
+    def out = runSaltCommand(saltId, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.highstate', batch, saltArgs)
     def common = new
     common.infoMsg("Running state highstate on ${target}")
@@ -575,12 +597,22 @@
  * @param name Name of the VM (for ex. ctl01)
  * @return Salt minion ID of KVM node hosting 'name' VM
-def getNodeProvider(saltId, name) {
-    def kvm = getKvmMinionId(saltId)
-    return getReturnValues(getPillar(saltId, "${kvm}", "salt:control:cluster:internal:node:${name}:provider"))
+def getNodeProvider(saltId, nodeName) {
+    def salt = new
+    def common = new
+    def kvms = salt.getMinions(saltId, 'I@salt:control')
+    for (kvm in kvms) {
+        try {
+            vms = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltId, kvm, 'virt.list_domains', [], null, true))
+            if (vms.toString().contains(nodeName)) {
+                return kvm
+            }
+        } catch (Exception er) {
+            common.infoMsg("${nodeName} not present on ${kvm}")
+        }
+    }
  * Test if there are any minions to target
  * @param saltId Salt Connection object or pepperEnv (the command will be sent using the selected method)
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/SaltModelTesting.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/SaltModelTesting.groovy
index 77959db..f0921c4 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/SaltModelTesting.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/SaltModelTesting.groovy
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   def saltOpts = "--retcode-passthrough --force-color"
   def common = new
   def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
-  def img = docker.image("tcpcloud/salt-models-testing:latest")
+  def img = docker.image("mirantis/salt:saltstack-ubuntu-xenial-salt-2017.7")
   if (!extraFormulas || extraFormulas == "") {
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
             "DEBUG=1", "MASTER_HOSTNAME=${masterName}", "CLUSTER_NAME=${clusterName}", "MINION_ID=${masterName}",
             "RECLASS_VERSION=${reclassVersion}", "RECLASS_IGNORE_CLASS_NOTFOUND=${ignoreClassNotfound}", "APT_REPOSITORY=${aptRepoUrl}",
-        sh("""cp -r ${testDir}/* /srv/salt/reclass && echo '  salt' >> /etc/hosts
+        sh("git clone /srv/salt/scripts")
+        sh("""rsync -ah ${testDir}/* /srv/salt/reclass && echo '  salt' >> /etc/hosts
               cd /srv/salt && find . -type f \\( -name '*.yml' -or -name '*.sh' \\) -exec sed -i 's/' {} \\;
               cd /srv/salt && find . -type f \\( -name '*.yml' -or -name '*.sh' \\) -exec sed -i 's/' {} \\;""")
         sh("""for s in \$(python -c \"import site; print(' '.join(site.getsitepackages()))\"); do
@@ -51,15 +51,14 @@
         sh("""timeout ${testTimeout} bash -c 'source /srv/salt/scripts/; cd /srv/salt/scripts && source_local_envs && configure_salt_master && configure_salt_minion && install_salt_formula_pkg'
               bash -c 'source /srv/salt/scripts/; cd /srv/salt/scripts && saltservice_restart'""")
         sh("timeout ${testTimeout} bash -c 'source /srv/salt/scripts/; cd /srv/salt/scripts && source_local_envs && saltmaster_init'")
-        if (!legacyTestingMode) {
+        if (!legacyTestingMode.toBoolean()) {
            sh("bash -c 'source /srv/salt/scripts/; cd /srv/salt/scripts && verify_salt_minions'")
-    if (legacyTestingMode) {
+    if (legacyTestingMode.toBoolean()) {
       common.infoMsg("Running legacy mode test for master hostname ${masterName}")
       def nodes = sh script: "find /srv/salt/reclass/nodes -name '*.yml' | grep -v 'cfg*.yml'", returnStdout: true
       for (minion in nodes.tokenize()) {
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Virsh.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Virsh.groovy
index a866fa3..d972d91 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/mk/Virsh.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/mk/Virsh.groovy
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@
     try {
         salt.cmdRun(master, "${nodeProvider}*", "virsh snapshot-delete ${target}.${domain} --metadata ${snapshotName}")
     } catch (Exception e) {
-        common.warningMsg('Snapshot ${snapshotName} for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed')
+        common.warningMsg("Snapshot ${snapshotName} for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed")
     try {
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${nodeProvider}*", 'file.remove', ["${path}/${target}.${domain}.${snapshotName}.qcow2"], null, true)
     } catch (Exception e) {
-        common.warningMsg('Snapshot ${snapshotName} qcow2 file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed')
+        common.warningMsg("Snapshot ${snapshotName} qcow2 file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed")
     try {
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${nodeProvider}*", 'file.remove', ["${path}/${target}.${domain}.xml"], null, true)
     } catch (Exception e) {
-        common.warningMsg('Dumpxml file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed')
+        common.warningMsg("Dumpxml file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed")
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
         liveSnapshotAbsent(master, nodeProvider, target, snapshotName, path)
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${nodeProvider}*", 'virt.start', ["${target}.${domain}"], null, true)
     } catch (Exception er) {
-        common.infoMsg('No rollback for ${target}.${domain} was executed. Dumpxml file not present.')
+        common.infoMsg("No rollback for ${target}.${domain} was executed. Dumpxml file not present.")
@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@
         try {
             salt.cmdRun(master, "${nodeProvider}*", "virsh snapshot-delete ${target}.${domain} --metadata ${snapshotName}")
         } catch (Exception e) {
-            common.warningMsg('Snapshot ${snapshotName} for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed')
+            common.warningMsg("Snapshot ${snapshotName} for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed")
         try {
             salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${nodeProvider}*", 'file.remove', ["${path}/${target}.${domain}.${snapshotName}.qcow2"], null, true)
         } catch (Exception e) {
-            common.warningMsg('Snapshot ${snapshotName} qcow2 file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed')
+            common.warningMsg("Snapshot ${snapshotName} qcow2 file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed")
         try {
             salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${nodeProvider}*", 'file.remove', ["${path}/${target}.${domain}.xml"], null, true)
         } catch (Exception e) {
-            common.warningMsg('Dumpxml file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed')
+            common.warningMsg("Dumpxml file for ${target}.${domain} does not exist or failed to be removed")
     } catch (Exception e) {
         common.errorMsg("The live snapshoted VM ${target}.${domain} failed to be merged, trying to fix it")