Codesearch: Ignore dead repos

Ignore all dead repos that are in openstack-attic and stackforge
namespaces - including stackforge-attic.

Codesearch does not need to index and show these as they are dead.

Change-Id: Ie752399791ac1b650045516acb038f7313a182db
diff --git a/jeepyb/cmd/ b/jeepyb/cmd/
index 4bad05d..0911646 100644
--- a/jeepyb/cmd/
+++ b/jeepyb/cmd/
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
     projects = [entry['project'] for entry in registry.configs_list]
     repos = {}
     for project in projects:
+        # Ignore attic and stackforge, those are repos that are not
+        # active anymore.
+        if project.startswith(['openstack-attic', 'stackforge']):
+            continue
         basename = os.path.basename(project)
         # ignore deb- projects that are forks of other projects intended for
         # internal debian packaging needs only and are generally not of