Add gerritx project infrastructure.
Add all of the support files needed for this to be a project.
Also, fix pep8 and pyflakes errors.
diff --git a/gerritx/cmd/ b/gerritx/cmd/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 9f5c518..fb1712b
--- a/gerritx/cmd/
+++ b/gerritx/cmd/
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
import github
import gerritlib.gerrit
log = logging.getLogger("manage_projects")
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@
status, _ = run_command("cp %s %s" %
(acl_config, acl_dest), status=True)
if status == 0:
- status = git_command(repo_path, "diff --quiet HEAD")
+ status = git_command(repo_path, "diff-index --quiet HEAD --")
if status != 0:
return True
return False
@@ -121,14 +120,14 @@
def push_acl_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, env={}):
cmd = "commit -a -m'Update project config.' --author='Openstack Project " \
- "Creator <>'"
+ "Creator <>'"
status = git_command(repo_path, cmd)
if status != 0:
print "Failed to commit config for project: %s" % project
return False
status, out = git_command_output(repo_path,
- "push %s HEAD:refs/meta/config" %
- remote_url, env)
+ "push %s HEAD:refs/meta/config" %
+ remote_url, env)
if status != 0:
print "Failed to push config for project: %s" % project
print out
@@ -194,134 +193,147 @@
return dict(GIT_SSH=name)
-PROJECTS_YAML = os.environ.get('PROJECTS_YAML',
- '/home/gerrit2/projects.yaml')
-configs = [config for config in yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
-defaults = configs[0][0]
-default_has_issues = defaults.get('has-issues', False)
-default_has_downloads = defaults.get('has-downloads', False)
-default_has_wiki = defaults.get('has-wiki', False)
+def main():
-LOCAL_GIT_DIR = defaults.get('local-git-dir', '/var/lib/git')
-GERRIT_HOST = defaults.get('gerrit-host')
-GERRIT_USER = defaults.get('gerrit-user')
-GERRIT_KEY = defaults.get('gerrit-key')
-GITHUB_SECURE_CONFIG = defaults.get('github-config',
- '/etc/github/')
+ PROJECTS_YAML = os.environ.get('PROJECTS_YAML',
+ '/home/gerrit2/projects.yaml')
+ configs = [config for config in yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
+ defaults = configs[0][0]
+ default_has_issues = defaults.get('has-issues', False)
+ default_has_downloads = defaults.get('has-downloads', False)
+ default_has_wiki = defaults.get('has-wiki', False)
-secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ LOCAL_GIT_DIR = defaults.get('local-git-dir', '/var/lib/git')
+ GERRIT_HOST = defaults.get('gerrit-host')
+ GERRIT_USER = defaults.get('gerrit-user')
+ GERRIT_KEY = defaults.get('gerrit-key')
-# Project creation doesn't work via oauth
-ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "username"),
- secure_config.get("github", "password"))
-orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs()
-orgs_dict = dict(zip([o.login.lower() for o in orgs], orgs))
+ GITHUB_SECURE_CONFIG = defaults.get(
+ 'github-config',
+ '/etc/github/')
-gerrit = gerritlib.gerrit.Gerrit('localhost',
- 29418,
-project_list = gerrit.listProjects()
-ssh_env = make_ssh_wrapper(GERRIT_USER, GERRIT_KEY)
+ secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- for section in configs[1]:
- project = section['project']
- options = section.get('options', dict())
- description = section.get('description', None)
- homepage = section.get('homepage', defaults.get('homepage', None))
- upstream = section.get('upstream', None)
+ # Project creation doesn't work via oauth
+ ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "username"),
+ secure_config.get("github", "password"))
+ orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs()
+ orgs_dict = dict(zip([o.login.lower() for o in orgs], orgs))
- project_git = "%s.git" % project
- project_dir = os.path.join(LOCAL_GIT_DIR, project_git)
+ gerrit = gerritlib.gerrit.Gerrit('localhost',
+ 29418,
+ project_list = gerrit.listProjects()
+ ssh_env = make_ssh_wrapper(GERRIT_USER, GERRIT_KEY)
+ try:
- # Find the project's repo
- project_split = project.split('/', 1)
- if len(project_split) > 1:
- repo_name = project_split[1]
- else:
- repo_name = project
- has_issues = 'has-issues' in options or default_has_issues
- has_downloads = 'has-downloads' in options or default_has_downloads
- has_wiki = 'has-wiki' in options or default_has_wiki
- try:
- org = orgs_dict[project_split[0].lower()]
- except KeyError:
- # We do not have control of this github org ignore the project.
- continue
- try:
- repo = org.get_repo(repo_name)
- except github.GithubException:
- repo = org.create_repo(repo_name,
- homepage=homepage,
- has_issues=has_issues,
- has_downloads=has_downloads,
- has_wiki=has_wiki)
- if description:
- repo.edit(repo_name, description=description)
- if homepage:
- repo.edit(repo_name, homepage=homepage)
+ for section in configs[1]:
+ project = section['project']
+ options = section.get('options', dict())
+ description = section.get('description', None)
+ homepage = section.get('homepage', defaults.get('homepage', None))
+ upstream = section.get('upstream', None)
- repo.edit(repo_name, has_issues=has_issues,
- has_downloads=has_downloads,
- has_wiki=has_wiki)
+ project_git = "%s.git" % project
+ project_dir = os.path.join(LOCAL_GIT_DIR, project_git)
- if 'gerrit' not in [ for team in repo.get_teams()]:
- teams = org.get_teams()
- teams_dict = dict(zip([ for t in teams], teams))
- teams_dict['gerrit'].add_to_repos(repo)
- remote_url = "ssh://localhost:29418/%s" % project
- if project not in project_list:
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ # Find the project's repo
+ project_split = project.split('/', 1)
+ if len(project_split) > 1:
+ repo_name = project_split[1]
+ else:
+ repo_name = project
+ has_issues = 'has-issues' in options or default_has_issues
+ has_downloads = 'has-downloads' in options or default_has_downloads
+ has_wiki = 'has-wiki' in options or default_has_wiki
- repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
- if upstream:
- run_command("git clone %(upstream)s %(repo_path)s" %
- dict(upstream=upstream, repo_path=repo_path))
- else:
- run_command("git init %s" % repo_path)
- with open(os.path.join(repo_path,
- ".gitreview"), 'w') as gitreview:
- gitreview.write("""
-""" % (GERRIT_HOST, project_git))
- git_command(repo_path, "add .gitreview")
- cmd = "commit -a -m'Added .gitreview' --author=" \
- "'Openstack Project Creator " \
- "<>'"
- git_command(repo_path, cmd)
- gerrit.createProject(project)
- if not os.path.exists(project_dir):
- run_command("git --bare init %s" % project_dir)
- run_command("chown -R gerrit2:gerrit2 %s" % project_dir)
- git_command(repo_path,
- "push --all %s" % remote_url,
- env=ssh_env)
- git_command(repo_path,
- "push --tags %s" % remote_url, env=ssh_env)
- finally:
- run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
- if 'acl_config' in section:
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ org = orgs_dict[project_split[0].lower()]
+ except KeyError:
+ # We do not have control of this github org ignore the project.
+ continue
- repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
- ret, _ = run_command_status("git init %s" % repo_path)
- if ret != 0:
- continue
- if (fetch_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, ssh_env) and
- copy_acl_config(project, repo_path,
- section['acl_config']) and
- create_groups_file(project, gerrit, repo_path)):
- push_acl_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, ssh_env)
- finally:
- run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
- os.unlink(ssh_env['GIT_SSH'])
+ repo = org.get_repo(repo_name)
+ except github.GithubException:
+ repo = org.create_repo(repo_name,
+ homepage=homepage,
+ has_issues=has_issues,
+ has_downloads=has_downloads,
+ has_wiki=has_wiki)
+ if description:
+ repo.edit(repo_name, description=description)
+ if homepage:
+ repo.edit(repo_name, homepage=homepage)
+ repo.edit(repo_name, has_issues=has_issues,
+ has_downloads=has_downloads,
+ has_wiki=has_wiki)
+ if 'gerrit' not in [ for team in repo.get_teams()]:
+ teams = org.get_teams()
+ teams_dict = dict(zip([ for t in teams], teams))
+ teams_dict['gerrit'].add_to_repos(repo)
+ remote_url = "ssh://localhost:29418/%s" % project
+ if project not in project_list:
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
+ if upstream:
+ run_command("git clone %(upstream)s %(repo_path)s" %
+ dict(upstream=upstream,
+ repo_path=repo_path))
+ else:
+ run_command("git init %s" % repo_path)
+ with open(os.path.join(repo_path,
+ ".gitreview"),
+ 'w') as gitreview:
+ gitreview.write("""
+ [gerrit]
+ host=%s
+ port=29418
+ project=%s
+ """ % (GERRIT_HOST, project_git))
+ git_command(repo_path, "add .gitreview")
+ cmd = "commit -a -m'Added .gitreview' --author=" \
+ "'Openstack Project Creator " \
+ "<>'"
+ git_command(repo_path, cmd)
+ gerrit.createProject(project)
+ if not os.path.exists(project_dir):
+ run_command("git --bare init %s" % project_dir)
+ run_command("chown -R gerrit2:gerrit2 %s"
+ % project_dir)
+ git_command(repo_path,
+ "push --all %s" % remote_url,
+ env=ssh_env)
+ git_command(repo_path,
+ "push --tags %s" % remote_url, env=ssh_env)
+ finally:
+ run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
+ if 'acl_config' in section:
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
+ ret, _ = run_command_status("git init %s" % repo_path)
+ if ret != 0:
+ continue
+ if (fetch_config(project,
+ remote_url,
+ repo_path,
+ ssh_env) and
+ copy_acl_config(project, repo_path,
+ section['acl_config']) and
+ create_groups_file(project, gerrit, repo_path)):
+ push_acl_config(project,
+ remote_url,
+ repo_path,
+ ssh_env)
+ finally:
+ run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
+ finally:
+ os.unlink(ssh_env['GIT_SSH'])