Add gerritx project infrastructure.

Add all of the support files needed for this to be a project.
Also, fix pep8 and pyflakes errors.
diff --git a/gerritx/cmd/ b/gerritx/cmd/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index cecbd32..e7742f1
--- a/gerritx/cmd/
+++ b/gerritx/cmd/
@@ -44,51 +44,59 @@
 import yaml
 import logging
-PROJECTS_YAML = os.environ.get('PROJECTS_YAML',
-                               '/home/gerrit2/projects.yaml')
-                                      '/etc/github/')
 MESSAGE = """Thank you for contributing to OpenStack!
 %(project)s uses Gerrit for code review.
-Please visit and follow the instructions there to upload your change to Gerrit.
+Please visit and follow the
+instructions there to upload your change to Gerrit.
-secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-(defaults, config) = [config for config in yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
-if secure_config.has_option("github", "oauth_token"):
-    ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "oauth_token"))
-    ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "username"),
-                         secure_config.get("github", "password"))
+def main():
-orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs()
-orgs_dict = dict(zip([o.login.lower() for o in orgs], orgs))
-for section in config:
-    project = section['project']
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
-    # Make sure we're supposed to close pull requests for this project:
-    if 'options' in section and 'has-pull-requests' in section['options']:
-        continue
+    PROJECTS_YAML = os.environ.get('PROJECTS_YAML',
+                                   '/home/gerrit2/projects.yaml')
+                                          '/etc/github/')
-    # Find the project's repo
-    project_split = project.split('/', 1)
-    if len(project_split) > 1:
-        repo = orgs_dict[project_split[0].lower()].get_repo(project_split[1])
+    secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    (defaults, config) = [config for config in
+                          yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
+    if secure_config.has_option("github", "oauth_token"):
+        ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "oauth_token"))
-        repo = ghub.get_user().get_repo(project)
+        ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "username"),
+                             secure_config.get("github", "password"))
-    # Close each pull request
-    pull_requests = repo.get_pulls("open")
-    for req in pull_requests:
-        vars = dict(project=project)
-        issue_data = {"url": repo.url + "/issues/" + str(req.number)}
-        issue = github.Issue.Issue(req._requester, issue_data, completed = True)
-        issue.create_comment(MESSAGE % vars)
-        req.edit(state = "closed")
+    orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs()
+    orgs_dict = dict(zip([o.login.lower() for o in orgs], orgs))
+    for section in config:
+        project = section['project']
+        # Make sure we're supposed to close pull requests for this project:
+        if 'options' in section and 'has-pull-requests' in section['options']:
+            continue
+        # Find the project's repo
+        project_split = project.split('/', 1)
+        if len(project_split) > 1:
+            org = orgs_dict[project_split[0].lower()]
+            repo = org.get_repo(project_split[1])
+        else:
+            repo = ghub.get_user().get_repo(project)
+        # Close each pull request
+        pull_requests = repo.get_pulls("open")
+        for req in pull_requests:
+            vars = dict(project=project)
+            issue_data = {"url": repo.url + "/issues/" + str(req.number)}
+            issue = github.Issue.Issue(req._requester,
+                                       issue_data,
+                                       completed=True)
+            issue.create_comment(MESSAGE % vars)
+            req.edit(state="closed")