Update Github request closer script to v3 of API.

Fixes bug #1012310

Github disabled v1 and v2 of their API permanently, forcing us to
update the script that closes Github pull requests to v3 of the API.
Update the script using the PyGithub lib.

Change-Id: I90c9faacdb7a72a470b8ad6aaea674edd9b8329e
diff --git a/close_pull_requests.py b/close_pull_requests.py
index 64160ed..984bc55 100755
--- a/close_pull_requests.py
+++ b/close_pull_requests.py
@@ -25,9 +25,14 @@
 # [github]
 # username = GITHUB_USERNAME
-# api_token = GITHUB_API_TOKEN
+# password = GITHUB_PASSWORD
+# or
+# [github]
+# oauth_token = GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN
-import github2.client
+import github
 import os
 import ConfigParser
 import logging
@@ -54,9 +59,11 @@
 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-github = github2.client.Github(requests_per_second=1.0,
-                               username=secure_config.get("github", "username"),
-                               api_token=secure_config.get("github", "api_token"))
+if secure_config.has_option("github", "oauth_token"):
+    ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "oauth_token"))
+    ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "username"),
+                         secure_config.get("github", "password"))
 for section in config.sections():
     # Each section looks like [project "openstack/project"]
@@ -70,8 +77,10 @@
     # Close each pull request
-    pull_requests = github.pull_requests.list(project)
+    repo = ghub.get_user().get_repo(project)
+    pull_requests = repo.get_pulls("open")
     for req in pull_requests:
         vars = dict(project=project)
-        github.issues.comment(project, req.number, MESSAGE%vars)
-        github.issues.close(project, req.number)
+        issue = repo.get_issue(req.number)
+        issue.create_comment(MESSAGE % vars)
+        req.edit(state = "closed")